The Silton Sisters' Mansion

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Agent Brownwood knocked on the door. Jeeanima Stilton walked to her huge mansion large front wooden door. She had dark blonde hair like Zoey.

"Good evening, sir."

"I brought home your daughters with a guest the one and only Sarah Whitney." spoke Agent Brownwood.

"The "Sarah Whitney"?" Sarah stepped out of the limo of hers.  "An honor to meet you young miss. How long you staying?"

"Tonight, my Mom and I are not on good terms. So I am hoping to get to know your daughters to appease her." said Sarah.

"We know how difficult relationships between parents and their kids can be, while you're here this home is yours." Anima responded.

"Ah, thank you, I'm honored." said Sarah humbly, "So what's first before bed Chloe and Zoey."

"Tsk, tsk, you, me and my sister were riding all day long. Showers and face spas." Chloe insisted. "Come on you'll stay on our floor."

"I'll join you guys in Chloe's room in a bit, I got an ecology assignment." said Zoey.

"You and your sudden love of nature, I don't know where she gets this from, she's never bern this green about the environment before!"
mumbled Chloe.

"Maybe Horseland might have changed her mind the nature is so well protected, lush and beautiful there she probably doesn't want to lose it, I know I wouldn't want too either, Chloe."

"I'd not want to lose it either, but I could do without a dusty arena."

"Chloe, Chloe, you do realize that we're one state away from Nevada and lots of the land in Utah is desert and dust and that carries over to us." said Sarah.

"Ah, huh, Nevada's always where the wild mustangs graze on the open range, Horseland Ranch participates in training at least once every couple years. Will volunteers."

"Wonderful, I wanted to be a horse trainer all my life." sighed Sarah.

"Then you should stick around Will for awhile he's been training all of us since we were littler than now. He has the proper experience his advice won't let you down." says Chloe. "And then there is Alma's Dad he's the next oldest to talk to taught Eva everything she knew to teach Will and Bailey. Alma's the most experienced rider on the ranch of the students. She'll probably join us for the Huntington Downs Invitational show jumping competition."

"She is that good at that kind of event?" gasped Sarah a little surprised.

"Yep even with me on Chili and Zoey on Pepper most of the time we're no match for Alma on Button. My strong suit is dressage, Zoey's is cross country riding," Chloe informed her. "Of course Alma sometimes every once in awhile refuses to practice for some competitions because she doesn't see a need too."

"We're all young still, and we are children, we'll make mistakes, don't you two ever make mistakes like the other three kids who are at least friendly yo you?" questions Sarah. "We all are works in progress, and that means as children we're still learning, Chloe. Whether it is personal or not we should never pick on some or gossip about them behind their backs when they display mistakes, it is inhumane."

"Your friend is right, Chloe, Remember how I told you Miss Reed picked on me when I was a rider just like you."

"Yes, Mother, I remember, Aunt Matilda's told me she's met Caroline Reed as well."

"Well, like you and Zoey we rode together as sisters at the same stables, Caroline Reed never left us alone." Jeeanima spoke to Sarah. "I'll show your driver to his own suite tonight."

"Uh, thanks, Mrs. Stilton."

"Please Miss Whitney call me Anima, dear. I'll treat you like my own daughters." Jeeanima said.

"Who's Caroline Reed, Chloe?" inquired Sarah.

"Someone our Mom, my sister and I have never gotten along with. What's worse is sometimes she's a competition judge for showjumping shows." Chloe sighed. "Come on, I'll get you set up for your shower before we even get in bed."

Zoey was in her room on a computer looking up the weather reports of rain lately in their county.

"Huh? Oh, that's a huge gap of rain right there in those months and that year. I better send a balloon every once in awhile and see what happens to them." Zoey sighs. "I really hope these are wrongly estimated guesses."

Meanwhile Chloe walked Sarah through the pool room and up the stairs and she opened the door.

"This is your room my's down on the left side of the hall and Zoey's is down the other way. You have your own walk in bathroom, see you in a bit." Chloe says as she ran off to her room opening the door. These girls were way more controlled in manners than some other rich girls Sarah had known most of her life. Sarah walked into her room, there was a wall tv in front of her bed not too fancy, but fancy enough for a mansion as pretty as this one. Her bed had red quilts and blankets a white sheet to hide the mattress cover. And a very soft pillow with a red pillowcase. There was a computer in the room to. The double door to the bathroom was made of cherry stained wood. It was a walk in bathroom with a closet right in front of the shower.

"This is amazing." Sarah said. "I guess they were hoping for this. They treat me like a really big sister." She closed the door to the bedroom she was staying in and went to the dresser and found her night clothes set up neatly on top of all her other clothes.

"Thanks, Agent Brownwood." Sarah spoke softly. She took out her red short sleeved nightgown and red socks and red fluffy slippers and went into the bathroom. She found red towels on the towel hangers and smiled. On a table near by the toilet but not one the double sinks. There was a newspaper.

"Stan Hope Academy top champion Jeeanima Marien Stilton fell off her horse in a show jumping competition, her best friends: Carleeza, Cinthyia and her sister Matilda have told the news station the saddle was sabtoaged as that has been a common problem at Stan Hope Academy since then all three girls have refused to return to the prestigious Academy with their horses. No word on whether the actual champion thinks this is true."

"Ugh, some schools are so rich they can afford to let their troublesome students get away with anything." sighed Sarah. "My Mom wanted me to check there first. She hadn't even heard of Horseland. Jeeanima is limping, I saw it in her left leg below the knee. And that can only be caused if you land on your leg really really hard after a fall from the horse."

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