Stereotypes and Generalizations P2

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"Of course Zoey, I know your secrets are safe here at the ranch," says Chloe.

"Thank you, Stilton sisters," sighs Agent Brownwoods with relief.

"Shouldn't someone tell Sarah about this, Eva?" inquires Alma.

"Agent Brownwoods will tell her himself as well as Will," states Eva. "Look at Calypso Molly she's one alert Apaloosa mate she spotted the intruder. Will told me you're struggling to jump. You want to be a trail ranger someday you need to know how to jump. Trail riding is impossible to learn without jumping. Next weekend I will be picking the five top best jumpers for the first jumping competition Alma and Zoey have already been picked but I need three more to compete maybe that will give all you girls some real decent motivation- right?"

"Definitely though I'm not interested in any competitions right now, Mrs. Handler," says Molly. "I'm afraid it will make me too competitive with the other students right now."

Meanwhile in the background Angora had caught a mouse 🐁 at the door of the stables.

"Eugh mice covered in dirt and dust are not one of my favorite appetizers or desserts, Mosey." She snarled an irritated meowing sound.

"Good to see you earning your keep, Angora." yips Shep.

"As if I wouldn't keep up with my job, Shep. It's my task. Your scent alone drives scary harmful animals away, collie," Angora sighs dissolve into a calmed purring rumbling sound from her throat.

"Welcome to Horseland Ranch, Mosey. I hope you find it most inviting." Shep yips again. "I'm the sheepdog watchdog here. You ever need anything don't hesitate to ask me to get answers to questions. This is Teeny the Horseland Ranch Pig. And she's our best friend, right Angora?"

"Friends fine as fur stick together forever and always," Angora meowed away bored by Shep's bossy attitude and his doggone antics.

"I'm gonna practice first thing tomorrow morning, Mother." says Bailey. "Aztec and I are really ready for a good competition."

Eva pulled her black hair that was in a bob behind her ears and she took her left hand and ruffled her son's black hair.

"Mom, stop that, you know I don't care for my straight to be all messy curls," said Bailey. The four girls behind him started blushing and giggling.

"Oh, Bailey it's not that bad," said Eva. "Besides you're a rider your hair gets messed up anyways of course. You have the same attitude as my twin brother your Uncle Andy Handler when I used to do that to him. But hey what's faster heat or cold?"

"Heat, cause you can catch a cold." Bailey mumbles. Everyone laughs.

"You know that Chef appreciates you in participating in decreasing the amount of lion fish populations popping up in the Gulf of Mexico and farther out, Mrs. Green." Agent Brownwoods states.

"I'm aware," confirmed Eva. "I wouldn't want anyone stepping on those spines especially with them getting so close to the beaches and we do have a river that starts here runs along both the neighboring state of Texas and ta border from Mexico if it isn't controlled in the Gulf who says they can't come up stream  and it would be even more likely not just for people but their pets and horses too step on accidentally and it could put many families livelihoods in jeopardy so yay, I'm absolutely happy to have him bring us back a properly cooked lion fish again."

"You are one smart woman, Mom you get people to listen," said Bailey. "You would be great at the Career Parent Debate."

"Debates are a headache, son, you have to be very careful, and strong with everything you say; and you have to be firm, and strong, and sometimes catch yourself before you become too proud. Over confidence can ruin a lot of public presentation competitions."

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