Jimber's Beginnings Story

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"Man, he really doesn't get the t does he, Bailey?" asked Sarah.

"I told you he's dyslexic and the t is his worst letter of the alphabet most of them sound like js some people think it's because he's related to a Scottish American family like me. But that's never gonna be the always case." Bailey replies. "In fact the reason Jimber's name is spelled the way it is is because of my cousin's Dyslexia. It was when will was promised a horse of his own he stumbled on Jimber as a colt in our Fairgrounds whinny away very lonesome and sad. Will stutters trying to read the name plate on the stall doors which read Timber but it came out Jimber because of the Dyslexia. My family and I can always tell when he's struggling to pronounce single letters all the time. It's pretty obvious to new riders here like you, Sarah, who love to pay attention to stuff like that. During the Show Horse for Sale competition Timber wouldn't answer his owner not after Will accidentally called him Jimber. Eva bought the young colt and brought him and she found something wrong. The horse wasn't in perfect condition and been treated horribly right now. And she had taken the photo of the serial number on the cash she gave and the stuff that she was given back she was suspicious of counterfeiting as she sent it to the town government officials and they agreed to look into it. Jimber's sensitive about his ears doesn't let anyone but Will touch 'em. Also will the feet. Will and Jimber are bound together forever Sarah." said Bailey. "Jimber's abuse came in handy for us we got to become the most trusted stable in the city of Silversprings we advertise consistently what you should never do with horses. Stan Hope Academy never does that. They don't even keep their website up to date either."

"Abuse teaches a horse who not to trust just like any pet would figure out who not to trust animals can smell water and they can always smell aggression we can't do either of those things at least with Scarlet at his side the herd of ours even if they ventured into the wilderness during a fire they would know how to avoid Horse thieves and thugs and counterfeiters too." says Sarah. "Jimber's a smart horse he saw a better opportunity for himself and Will and he behaved like he wanted the change and he was gifted with it."

"Yay, I guess you could say that was the whole point of the interaction to rescue a handsome colt that's now a handsome stallion. They took the tack off their horses from their horses walked it back to the barn hanging the saddle blankets and half pads up so they could air out and the moisture they picked up from the horses could make after a hard day's work.

"Step back, Sarah you don't want to inhale this or get it on your hands," said Bailey. She did as he said and he sprayed the vinegar over her saddle and stirrups and the reins. All bridles here were bit-less bridles and no we didn't make that up. It's a very real thing (Both my sister and I have ridden two different horses that sometimes are allowed to use the bit-less bridles). Sarah giggled. Bailey smirks and then she smiled at him.

"Alma, wanna hear a joke here?" asked Bailey hopefully.

"Sure, Bai." Alma responds as she filled Button feed bag.

"What do you get when you throw a lot of books into the ocean?" asked Bailey. Alma did not answer.

"Isn't a jitle wave?"

"I get that you meant a title wave, Will." Molly said laughing. "Bailey chose that one for you Alma because you practically devour books and their knowledge."

"Oh, okay. You got me there Bailey." chuckles Alma.

"Nice tension and suspense you added Will." stated Sarah. "You shouldn't feel too bad about Dyslexia my cousin Chase has it. He's more scared than the littlest pea in their pod at harvest time."

Alma, Molly and Bailey laughed again at this remark.

"You're the first one who has ever said that to me, Sarah Whitney," states Will. "You made my Dad, Miss Whitney."

"Told you you're making change that's the first finalized sentence you have probably heard him speak really clearly and it's all because he you, Sarah." Bailey arm bumps her in the side.

"It's not, Bailey." Sarah mumbles. She bumped him back.

"Is to," insists Bailey.

"What has four wheels and flies?" I sneakily asked.

"No idea," sighs Bailey.

"A trash truck," said Alma giggling. "Did you two see your horses today? I think Aztec and Scarlet each other Bailey how do you feel about that of course Sarah's the only horse whisperer around."

"Alma how many times do I have to say I'm not a Horse Whisperer!" exclaims Sarah.

"I've got another joke," Molly stated. The others looked at her like "Well, what is it?"

"Why couldn't the bicycle stand up?"

"Why?" asked Alma.

"Because it was two tired!"

Everyone including Will laugh at that.

"Hey, Will what do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?" asked Zoey from the open door of the tack room.

"What do you call it Zoey?" He asked.

"A stick." Zoey answers everyone laughs with everyone else around them.

"Why did the man take his clock to the vet?" asked Sarah.

"Because it had ticks!" Bailey answered immediately everyone laughed again.

"I got a good one what did the mouse say to the other mouse when he tried to his cheese?" inquires Alma.

"Well what is it?" asked Chloe.

"That's nacho cheese!" Alma answered.

Sarah giggled. "I get it. I really do."

"I told you Sarah you're changing the normal norm around Horseland Will's dyslexia is almost unnoticeable." says Bailey.

"Again it's not me, I'm not doing anything Bailey" Sarah spoke as they both hooked up their tack and walked to bring both their horses into the pasture or paddock right next to the arena.

"You believe it's not you; but it is you. Even Chloe and Zoey haven't been this colorful since you showed up at Horseland."

"Bailey," Sarah sighs. She gave up trying to convince him it was otherwise. They approached the limousine and and opened the car door. The black little cat jumped up out of the car and looked up at Sarah in surprise. She circled around her legs and picked up Angora's scent as he rubbed on the riding pants Sarah wore today.

Angora waited till the black cat came up to her and started sniffing her and only Angora for now could hear the true words beyond the purring sounds. "Hello, I'm Mosey who are you and where am I?"

"Welcome to the Horseland Ranch Mosey, I'm Angora the Ranch Cat I live here." meowed Angora back.

"Oh, aren't those two adorable together?" asked Sarah.

"They certainly won't be a Catastrophe." Bailey answered. Sarah laughed again at that.

"Oh Bailey has anyone else ever told you you're hilariously puny and optimistic boy?" Sarah inquires.

"Most people believe I'm rather annoyingly repetitive, Sarah, so no that's the nicest compliment I've gotten all year." He responded rather quickly. The lunch bell rang for lunch at the blue farmhouse.

"Wonderful, wonder what was planned for today's lunch meal," comments Bailey. "Changes daily keeps riders from being bored though sometimes we have rare delicacies come in."

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