61. Darkness and Death

Start from the beginning

Shots ring out and he ducks to fire back in their direction.

A group of men wearing suits comes toward him, weapons out.

He glances up and notices Phil perched on the ceiling with a large sword in hand.

His blue eyes lock with Dream's and he gives a knowing wink.

The guards aim their guns at Dream just as Phil leaps down. He turns around in one quick circle, killing all of them in one go.

He smiles at Dream proudly and flicks his wrist, sending the blood droplets splattering on the wall.

Dream looks behind him and notices a man at the end of the hall pointing a gun to his head.

As he lunges forward, opening his mouth to warn him, the man has already fired the shot.

"PHIL!" Dream feels his vocal cords strain from the yell as he dives at the man to push him aside.

As if in slow motion, Phil turns toward the bullet and his eyes widen.

Dream crashes to the ground at his feet and winces, waiting for the blood to fall but it doesn't.

He looks up and notices the woman from before standing at Phil's side. Her black fingernails are clamped tightly around the single bullet.

The small metal object hits the floor near his head and she pulls Phil into a kiss.

The mafia leader slowly stands up to leave the couple. Just as he's turning away, he watches Kristin raise her gun toward the man at the end of the hallway and shoot without even looking.

The bullet hits him straight in the forehead and he falls as Kristin and Phil continue to kiss.

Will Y/N and I ever be like that?

Dream hurries down the opposite hallway and turns a few corners before he begins to hear gunfire once again.

A dark figure skids down the hall and streaks past him. A pair of silver wings are pinned on the front of her jacket.


Dream sprint after his girlfriend and grabs her wrist, letting her know it's him.

"Where's Schlatt?!" he yells over the noise. Y/N shrugs and ducks as a stream of bullets is fired over her head. She points up ahead to a man wearing a navy suit and red tie.


Dream comes to a screeching halt and fires at Schlatt but he slides to the side, a smirk gracing his lips.

"Oh Dream, you really are as stupid as they say."

Schlatt dives toward Y/N before he can even react. He pulls her into a headlock and holds a gun to her head.

"A pity you have to die sweetheart. Then again," he pauses and reaches for her face mask. "You have caused me a lot of trouble these past few months."

In one quick motion, Schlatt tears off the mask and drops it to the ground.


His eyes widen as Niki smiles at him. Her blue eyes are alight with fire and her lips curl into a sinister grin.

"Surprise bitch."

With those words, she drives a knife into his right hand which makes Schlatt release his grasp on her.

Niki quickly gets up and aims a punch at Schlatt's cheek but he catches her fist and snarls in her face.

"You're a really pretty girl. A shame I let dad put you on the market instead of keeping you. You would have made a beautiful wife."

Mafia King and Queen - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now