Finale ~|~ Chapter 19

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After hours of practice, you had learned enough about flight to fly to the spire. You couldn't do any fancy tricks yet, but you had the basics down.

Purple, whom you had learned to be named Sagem, led you up to the spire. She landed on a large balcony, and walked through a large, decorated pair of doors. You followed her, blinking as you entered the room and your eyes adjusted.

There were doves everywhere, flitting about and resting on perches, chirping curiously as the new arrival. You didn't know what you were expecting, but it certainly wasn't a giant bird room.

"Hello, Y/n." A familiar voice said. Your head snapped toward the sound, and you saw a boy that looked so much like Venti, but without the teal in his braids. "I know that you've been a great comfort to my dear friend, and I must thank you for that. You've helped him more than I thought possible."

"You..." Your voice faltered as you looked at the boy, until it suddenly clicked in your mind. "Y-you're Venti's friend, the one he lost in the battle against Decarabian."

"I am." The boy said, nodding. "My name is Himmel. I'm... I guess, technically I'm the 'King' of this place, but I don't make any laws. I just make sure everyone is safe and happy."

"No wonder Venti was friends with you." You said, a small smile slipping onto your face.

"He was always like that. Even though he was just a small spirit when he was in my life, I'm not at all suprised that he became the God of Freedom." Himmel said, standing from his elegant throne. "Please come with me. There's someone I'd like you to meet."

You nodded, and followed Himmel through hallways and corridors before he came to a stop in front of a lavender door. He knocked, and a few moments later, a woman with long, braided purple hair opened the door.

"Hello, Himmel." She said, smiling at him. "Who's this you've brought?"

"Hello, Makoto. This is Y/n." Himmel said, guiding you to stand in front of him. You waved at the woman awkwardly. "He is Barbatos' lover. I thought that you might like to meet him."

"Oh, hello Y/n!" The woman, Makoto, said sweetly. Her kind voice made you relax. "Please come inside, I've wanted to meet you for quite a while now!"

You smiled and stepped inside of Makoto's chambers, waving at Himmel. Makoto closed the door and led you to a seating area, guesturing for you to sit down.

"You probably figured this out, but I'm Makoto." She said. "Barbatos and I are old friends. I'm the former Elctro Archon, and I died 500 years ago in the Khanri'ahn cataclysm, but we'd known each other for almost 2000 years prior."

"You were an Archon?" You asked, your eyes wide.

"Yes, I was." Makoto said, giggling. "But my sister has that duty now. How has she been governing Inazuma?"

"Well, I've never really been to Inazuma." You said. "But I heard it's a beautiful place. I think your sister was misguided for a while, and, um... kind of mixed up 'eternity' with 'nothing is allowed to change ever', but she's doing better now! I've heard that she even takes walks around the city sometimes."

"My sister was always a bit confused about the meaning of eternity." Makoto said, smiling fondly. "I'm glad she's figured it out. But back on topic; I have so many things to tell you about Barbatos."

You smiled, forgeting for a moment that you were dead. "Is this going to be like hearing his baby stories?" You asked.

"A bit." Makoto said, grinning. "So, story number one, about when he discovered he's allergic to cats..."

You talked with Makoto for hours, listening to he stories and telling your own. You quickly became friends with her, and learned she was actually married to Himmel and that Sagem is their child. You told her about your books and she told you about the Archon's get-togethers, and she teased you endlessly when she managed to pry the imformation that Venti was no longer a virgin out of you.

Over the next 20 years, you talked with Makoto, Himmel, and Sagem every day. You missed Venti with all your heart, but you kept the emerald necklace on- and every night, you would have dreams of him.

One day, when you were writing a book in your chambers, there was a knock on your door. You opened it to find Sagem, who was smiling at you excitedly. 

"Y/n, he's here! Your love is here!" She said, jumping up and down excitedly.

You scrambled towards the nearest balcony, and dived towards the cloud that held every new resident. 

Sure enough, there was Venti, waiting for you. You literally flew into his arms, almost knocking him off the cloud, and hugged him tightly.

Once Venti realized that it was you, he threw his arms around you and kissed you, and you melted into it. It had been too long.

Makoto, Himmel, and Sagem watched from the balcony, smiling. They were glad that two lovers were finally back together again.

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