A weak spot ~<|>~ Chapter 11

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Venti awoke from his nap with only a few minutes to get himself cleaned up. 

'Oh no!' Venti thought. 'There's wine and cum all over me!'

Panicing, he used the wind to bring seawater up from the ocean his house floated over, dumping it over his head and making a puddle on the floor. The wind dried his skin and hair for him as he desperately threw on his clothes, and teleported outside your window.

Venti transformed into his wisp form, and floated inside your window.

"Barbatos!" Your face lit up at the sight of him, and Barbatos couldn't be happier. He transformed to his Archon form, letting you hug him. He hugged you back, blushing.

"You're a little late, I was getting worried." You said, nuzzling against him. Barbatos' breath hitched at your sudden affection.

"There's no need to be worried, Y/n." Barbatos murmured, tempted to thread his fingers through your hair. "I was just taking a late-night swim and lost track of the time."

"So that's why you smell like saltwater." You said, smiling. Barbatos giggled.

"Yeah." He said. "Anyway, um... do you want me to sing you the song, like I usually do, or something else?"

"Can I ask you a few quesions?" You asked. "You don't have to answer them if you don't want to. I just want to know a few things."

"Sure." Barbatos said, letting go of your embrace. "Ask away."

"Well, for one, why do come to me every night? I haven't heard of anyone else being visited by a wind spirit or Barbatos." You asked, looking at him earnestly.

"Ah, well..." Barbatos didn't really have a good answer for that, did he? "I don't know." He admitted. "I guess, I was just drawn to you. I've seen how you treat others so kindly even if they avoid you, so I wanted to get to know you.

You smiled, pleased with the answer. "Second question, on a scale of one to ten, how do you rate the wing-brushing experience yesterday?"

Barbatos blushed. "F-fifteen..." he whispered shyly.

"Aw, I'm flattered." You said, grinning. "Would you like me to do it again?"

"There's no need for that, my wings only need to be brushed about once a month and-" Barbatos caught the pleading look you were giving him, making his words falter. "W-what's that look for?"

You flopped yourself against his chest, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. "Please can I touch your wings? Please?"

Oh Archons, Barbatos wouldn't be able to say no to you like that if his life depended on it.

"A-alright, since you want to, I don't mind..." Barbatos spread his wings, giving you full access to anywhere you wished to touch.

Pleased, you stroked the tips of Barbatos' feathers, enjoying to soft feeling. You traced you finger across the middle of his wings, eliciting a soft, relaxed sigh from the Archon.

You continued with your actions until you reached an area you hadn't touched last night. Curious, you dragged your hand along the ridge of Barbatos wings.

With his attention slipping away into the haze of contentment, Barbatos didn't realize the satisfied mewl that left his mouth until it was too late.

Your hands froze, while Barbatos' flew up to cover his mouth and now crimson cheeks. He felt like his face was nearly on fire, because he had definately not meant to make that noise.

"I-I'm sorry!" Barbatos cried, scrammbling for an excuse. "I-I just- no one's ever touched me there b-before!"

The look of shock on your face slowly melted into a grin. "Don't worry, Barbatos." You reassured. "It's of no bother to me. In fact, it was rather cute."

'CUTE?!' Barbatos' mind screamed. 'HE THOUGHT MY LEWD NOISE WAS CUTE!?!'

"U-um- well- I... I-I'm embarrassed." Barbatos said, slightly shifting his fingers to peek up at you.

You smiled. "Don't be. Sensations make noise- it's not just the less innocent ones. People scream when they're in pain, and they hum when they're happy. What makes this any different?"

"I suppose you're right." Barbatos said, letting out the breath he'd been holding. "You can keep going... o-only if you want to of course!"

You pat the Archon's head reasurringly, completely missing the fact that his cheeks flushed up even more at your actions. You continued to stroke that specific place, listening to Barbatos' suppressed whimpers, until he seemed to relax enough to let his voice out in long sighs with a hint of a hum in them.

Suddenly, though, when your fingers brushed against a new area, Barbatos let out a gasp. His wings fluttered, and he squirmed slightly, as if his body didn't know how to respond to a sensation.

"Barbatos?" You asked questioningly. "What is it?"

"T-that spot- I- i-it felt weird." Barbatos answered, still squriming because your hand hadn't moved from that damned spot.

"What kind of weird?" You asked. A strange want settled into your head.

"I-it feels- sensitive." Barbatos answered. He released another soft gasp as you experimentally shifted your fingers. 

"A good sensitive?" You whispered huskily, already knowing it might be wrong but you were going to turn this Archon into a pleasure-addled mess.

"Well, yes... w-why do you ask, Y/n.?" Barbatos said, oblivious to your intentions.

Your name sounds heavenly in his voice. "Tell me if you want me to stop." You whispered into his ear, gently pushing him down onto the bed.

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