Meet You Tonight ~<|>~ Chapter 5

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Venti walked to the Cathedral plaza, feeling nervous. Today, he would finally talk to you, but first he would have to be brave enough to tell you that he wanted to meet you too. He hadn't even thought of a proper plan yet.

When he got to the plaza, you weren't there yet. Usually, that would make him sad, but today, he was relieved. He started sing the ballad that he had chosen for today.

"Once there were two,

"Who watched as the sun sank in the sky.

"At dusk the lay on the grass,

"And overhead the songbirds fly.

"Stars above,

"White and gold.

"What tales have you,

"Waiting to unfold?

"But one day,

"The second did not show.

"It was a fruitless search,

"And one filled with woe.

"Impossible", is what the first said.

"The first was cursed,

"With sadness and grief.

"But the curse was lifted,

"When the second returned simply from gathering meat."

Venti ended the ridiculous tale, and bowed to the audience. He saw you in the crowd, and became nervous for what was going to happen.

When you came to give your donations, Venti spoke up.

"I... got your note." Venti said. "I... I-I'd love to be your friend."

"Really?" You asked, your eyes lighting up. You looked like a hopeful puppy, and Venti blushed, thinking, 'Cute... he's so adorable right now that I almost can't control myself...'

Venti nodded, and you smiled happily. "Meet me at Vannessa's tree tonight, ok?" You asked.

Venti nodded again, saying, "I will."

"See you tonight, then. Bye, Venti." You said. You waved before walking away, back to your house.

When you got back to your house, you took a deep breath, happy.

"He actually agreed." You murmured. "He wants to be my friend. I'm glad... everyone else in the city avoids me, but now I have a friend."

You started to make 'lunch' for yourself, smiling. Although, you did get mad at the pasta for overcooking for the five hundredth and sixty third time. You really just weren't a good cook.

"Oh, shoot, wait..." you suddenly said. "I told Venti to meet me at Vannessa's tree tonight, I might not be back in time for my little spirit friend. I guess I should write a note."

You wrote a quick note explaining why you might not be there, and nodded in a satisfactory way at the result.


Little spirit, I'm sorry, but I won't be here tonight. I made a new friend this morning, and I asked him to spend some time with me at the Windrise tree. I'm not leaving you, I promise! I just thought it would be nice to spend time with a new friend during the cool night. I promise I'll be here tomorrow night, ok? I'm sorry I couldn't be here tonight. And I'll even save a slice of cake for you, if it's not too late to order from Good Hunter. 

Love, Y/n.


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