Hot New Feeling ~<|>~ Chapter 6

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When you got home, the wind spirit was waiting for you.

To your suprise, the little wisp wasn:t grumpy. In fact he was quite happy to see you.

"Hey, did you read the note?" You asked softly. The wind spirit nodded. "I saved that slice of cake I promised." You took out the small slice of cake, perfect for a tiny spirit like him. But the wisp suprised you for the second time that night.

Instead of stuffing his face with the cake immediately (as he usually did with food you brought him), the wind spirit floated over to your desk and used a bit of anemo magic to make a pen float as well. He then used that floating pen to write on a blank sheet of paper, 'Not hungry. Already ate.'

You were amazed. "Wow, you can write?" You asked. The wisp nodded. "Well if your not hungry, then I'll keep the cake and you can eat it tomorrow, alright?" The wind spirit nuzzled you gently.

"By the way, I've been meaning to ask... what's your name?" You asked the spirit. You didn't want to keep refering to him with the name of his species.

The little wisp looked as if he was hesitating. For an instant, you felt guilty for asking. But your worries disappeared when he picked up (kinda) the pen and wrote on the paper again.

"...B...A...R..." you started to slowly sound out the letters as the spirit wrote. "...B...A...T..." no, this couldn't be right... the spirit definately wasn't writing what you thought he was, you told yourself. "...O...S." You were dumbfounded. This had to be some kind of fever dream- your sweet little wisp couldn't possibly be the Anemo Archon!

"Little wisp, is... is this... are you serious?" Shit, there wasn't a polite way to phrase this, was there. "I mean- it's not that I think you're lying, I just- that's really hard to believe."

'It's true.' The the wisp wrote.

"I-I really don't mean to be rude but... you don't... really look like the statue of Barbatos. At all."

The spirit let out a soft giggle, echoing on the wind. 'This is my original form.' He wrote. 'From before I became an Archon, or even a god.'

"Wow... I can't believe it. The cute little wind spirit that sings to me every night, is Lord Barbatos." You whispered.

If Venti was in his human form, his cheeks would be flushed red. You called him cute. He was cute to you!

...And, the way that you had whispered Lord Barbatos so breathlessly ignited something inside of him. It felt... hot. Your voice, breathing his true name, sounded sinful, but like all things holy at the same time...

Venti shook those intrusive thoughts away.

"Well... uhm... this got awkward fast." You commented. Barbatos floated over to nuzzle you reassuringly.

Absentmindedly, you stroked Barbatos' head, making him quietly purr.

"...Can I ask something of you? It's perfectly fine for you to say no, I'm just curious." You said. You felt Barbatos nod. "Can I see you in your Achon form?"

Venti was suprised. He had been expecting you to ask him to grant you a wish, or take you flying. Both of which he would gladly do. But he wasn't expecting... this.

The hot ignition inside of him came pooling back as he remembered how thin, tight, and showy his Archon clothes were. But... that probably wouldn't be an issue, he thought. You'd probably be too distracted by his wings. Maybe you would ask to touch them...?

No, Venti, don't get too hopeful.

Barbatos floated back to the paper, and wrote, 'On 3 conditions. 1, I'm going to keep my hood down to hide my face. I'll show you my face eventually, when I'm ready.'

"Reasonable." You said. "Privacy is always to be respected where or not it!s an Archon's privacy." Venti felt pleased at that.

'2, I'll talk with the wind instead of my my voice, for the same reason as #1.'

You nodded.

'And 3, I will also have a request of you, which you are also free to decline, but must hear me ask.'

"I agree and consent to these terms." You said. Barbatos nodded. 'Close your eyes.' He wrote. 'There'll be a really bright light.'

You did as you were told. A part of Venti felt guilty at seeing you follow orders, even though it was just for a few seconds, and even though it was to protect your eyesight. But another part of him, a greedy part...

...found it quite attractive, to say the least.


Barbatos transformed into his Archon form. Immediately, he squirmed, trying to adjust to the sudden cold air that brushed his bare arms, stomach, back, and thighs.

Quickly, Barbatos pulled the hood over his head, hiding his eyes. He also made sure to tie back is unique braids, in hopes that you wouldn't recognize him. "You can look now." He said through the wind.

You opened your eyes  and were immediatly stunned. "You're... you're beautiful." You said, awed.

Barbatos' cheeks heated up. "No one's ever said that to me before." He said. "It's nice."

"How can no one say that to you?" You inquired. "You look like an angel!"

Barbatos huffed playfully. "Hey now, I'm a god, I'm better than an angel!"

You laughed, and it was music to his ears. A wave of lovesickness crashed through Barbatos as he gazed at you affectionately.

"Well, should I call you Lord Barbatos, or just Barbatos?" You asked innocently. Again, that spike of heat as you uttered his title.

"Just Barbatos will do fine." He said. "We are friends, after all. And there's enough people who worship me.

"Wow I'm still proccessing... that I'm friends with a God." You said. "But- weirdly, I don't think of you any different now that I know you're a God."

"Oh?" Barbatos asked, intrigued.

"Well, it's like you said... we're friends." You stated, smiling at him. Unbeknownst to you, his heart skipped another beat.

"Hey, uhm.." you sounded nervous.

"Is something wrong?" Barbatos asked, worried.

"No no, it's just... you said you had a request for me, too." You said.

Barbatos took a deep breath for what he was about to say. "Ah, yes. I was... going to ask you to help me with my wings."

"... I don't understand." You said.

Barbatos rubbed his neck, embarrassed. "I mean... maybe help me take care of them? I'm a bit behind on grooming, and I thought you might enjoy helping me because you like soft fluffy things..."

Your eyes were practically sparkling. "Your wings are soft and fluffy?" You ask eagerly. Barbatos nodded, still embarrassed. "In that case, I will gladly help you with your wing-grooming!" You announced. Barbatos smiled. 

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