Truth or Dare? ~<|>~ Chapter 9

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"Alright, truth or dare?" You asked, grinning.

"Dare!" Venti said proudly.

"Hm... I dare you to-" you glanced at the Anemo vision on his waist, an idea forming in your head, "to make yourself float upsidedown using Anemo!"

"Easy!" Venti proclaimed, laughing. In an instant, he went from sitting cross-legged on the floor to floating upsidedown in the air, grinning at you with his braids cutely flopping in gravity's direction.

You clapped, and Venti returned to his original position, bowing. "What about you, Y/n?" Venti asked dauntingly. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth." You said. You didn't want to do something crazy just yet.

"Hm..." Venti thought for a mintue, before snapping his fingers. "What's the most embarrassing situation you've ever been in?"

"Oh, you REALLY just had to choose that, didn't you?!" You said, exasperated. "Alright, fine. It was when I was four, I heard my mom say 'shit' every time she dropped a fork, so when I dropped a fork in a restaurant, I yelled it too."

Venti snickered. "What happened next?"

"My mom paniced a little." You said. "She said 'No, don't say that, what do we say?' So I thought for a second, and then proudly yelled 'FUCK!'"

Venti burst out laughing. "Oh Archons, Y/n- that sounds more embarrassing for your mom than for you!"

"Yeah, it probably was!" You said, joining him in his laughter.

"Truth or dare?" You asked him.

"Truth!" Venti said.

"Do you have a favorite out of the notes I sent you?" You asked curiously.

"Oh, ah, well... yes." Venti admitted. "It's the one you gave me when I was sitting on the bench, and you thought I was crying."

"Were you crying?"

"Oh, no, not at all!" Venti said, laughing. "I had fallen asleep on the bench, and Aether dumped a bucket of water on my head to wake me up. I was just sulking about it. Still, the fact that you noticed and tried to cheer me up, even if I didn't need it, made me really happy."

You smile at Venti, feeling proud that your notes made him happy. "I'm glad."

"Well, truth or dare?" Venti asked. There was a look on his face that definately ment he was planning somthing for either option.

"Dare." You said.

"I dare you to tell me which one you find most appealling!" Venti said, smugly opening The Things Sex-Ed Never Taught You to the beginning of the kinks chapter.

"VENTI!!" You yelled, embarressed. Venti just giggled.

"Oh come on, I'll tell you mine!" He said. "Besides, friends actually talk to each other about this kind of thing a lot."

"You will? They do?" You asked, uncertain. Venti nodded reassuringly. "A-alright. Let me look through the book to see what it would be."

You flipped through the book, reading the list and mumbling things like, "No... oh Archons what the hell... eh, neutral... good, but I'll keep looking just in case... who does that... meh... oh that's disgusting..."

Eventually you settled on your choice and tapped it to call Venti's attention to it.

"Fake Innocence Kink?" Venti said suprised. "Wow, I didn't expect that!"

"I have my secrets." You replied. "Well, tell me, what's yours?"

"Bondage and Blindfolding." Venti said a little too quickly.

You raised your eyebrows. "On you, or someone else?" You asked.

"....." Venti looked away, flustered.

"So you're a bottom?" You asked.

"Y/n!" Venti covered his face, trying to hide his blush. "D-don't say that so bluntly!"

"So you are." You said.


"Alright, alright, I'll stop." You said, laughing. 

Venti glanced at the clock on your wall, and quickly scrambled to his feet. When asked what was wrong, he said, "It's time for my performance!"

You jumped up as well, and both of you rushed out the door towards the Church plaza. As you arrived, you stole a glance at the Statue of Barbatos. You remembered the softness of his wings, the gentleness of when he wrapped them around you. And how completely human he was, even though he was a God.

He had all the signs of being human. Body (minus the wings)? Check. Emotions? Check. Physically existant? Check. Voice? Check. Senses of hearing and touch? Definately. Senses of sight and taste? Probably. Sense of smell? Maybe. 

It all felt a bit like a dream. And even though your little spirit never talked, Barbatos acted the same in both forms. Kind, caring, and soothing. Everything you needed to sleep at ease.

You smiled. You couldn't wait to see him again tonight.

Venti performed his song, you wrote a note and stuck it to the coin, and were last in line to give him payment. Evrything was normal. 

After a quick goodbye to Venti, and maybe a little extra mora slipped into his hat, you bounced back to your house. You had made some serious progress with Venti's help, and you were thankful for the company. You had a friend now.

When Venti arrived back at his house, he sighed in contentment. He got to spend a whole day with you, talking to you, finding out more about you. And every little thing just made him fall deeper in love. 

Suddenly, Venti remembered last night, and he felt shy. It felt so nice to have you brush his wings, and even nicer to cuddle you to sleep. He wanted to do that every night for the rest of his life.

Venti pulled out the sex guide book you let him borrow. Honestly, he really hadn't expected you to have this in your possession, or for you to be making a porn book, but he wasn't bothered by it.

Venti opened the book to the Fetishes chapter. He was going to read the descriptions and find out which festish(es) he has.


Venti was quivering. There were so many things in this book he didn't even know about that seemed so appealing!

Over the last two hours of reading through the book Venti had learned that his fetishes were hips, shoulders, and back, and oh Archons he had a long list of kinks.

As he had told you, he had a kink for bondage and blindfolding. But there were so many more...

He had a begging kink, a body painting kink, a dirty talking kink, a food play kink, somnophillia, and a teasing kink.


A thought popped into Venti's head for every single one of these. A scenerio with you. He felt a little bit guilty, thinking of you like this without your consent, but... just thoughts won't hurt anybody.

He pictured himself begging you to touch him.

He pictured you stroking a paintbush along his thighs.

He pictured you whispering in his ear about how good he was.

He pictured himself trembling as you licked wine and ate berries from off his skin.

He pictured himself waking up to you fucking him.

He pictured you touching him for a split second before moving your fingers elsewhere.

Venti turned onto his side, forming the images in his head. But he suddenly felt uncomfortable. 

He looked down, and oh no, he was aroused. Figures. But now he needs to deal with it.

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