Soft And Creamy ~<|>~ Chapter 15

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"Wait, we can't go to sleep yet!" Venti said.

"Why...?" You asked, wondering if this had to do with him being an Archon.

"You... y-you said I could leave some marks on your thighs!" Venti said, pointing at said apendages accusingly.

"Oh, that's right." You said, spreading your legs. "I did say that. Well, you can leave some marks..."

"How many?" Venti asked.

You glanced away shyly. "I-I don't mind how many as long as it's not beneath my knees..."

Without wasting another second, Venti dipped down to place shy kisses along your inner thighs. When you moaned louder, he'd stop to suck and gently nip at the spot that had you feel such sensations.

Once he was satisfied with your soft, creamy thighs blooming in the purples and red of his love bites, Venti pulled away to give you a chaste kiss.

As you closed your thighs and your eyes, you pulled Venti down to lay on top of you. One kiss quickly turned to three, which turned to nine, which turned to twenty seven... and then you lost track, being far too busy enjoying Venti's lips.

After a minute, or maybe ten, you and Venti settled into each other's arms. Venti's hair tickled your neck, but you couldn't find it in yourself to complain when he looked so angelic.

"Y/n, what will we tell your dad?" Venti asked. "About me, I mean?"

"We tell him the truth." You said, tangling your legs with Venti's. "Well, half of it, at least. We tell him that you're my lovely boyfriend, but we do not tell him about our little fun time just now.

"Got it." Venti said, blushing. "Wait, but how long will your dad be here?"

"Around five days." You said with a sigh. "I want to say hi to him, but I don't want to be around him for more than a day. And it'll be troublesome for us, because he's always been the kind to snoop. He might come into our room at night just to make sure we aren't doing anything we aren't supposed to."

"Define aren't supposed to." Venti said.

"Anything above small, 1-second kisses." You said with a grimace. "For example, if you didn't have a shirt with a turtleneck I'd get a hell of an ass-whooping. Even cuddling this close is illegal in his mind."

"By the Archons, that's horrible." Venti muttered. "Barbatos might have to pay him a visit to knock the the words 'City of Freedom' into his head."

You giggled. "Do you think Barbatos would accept a kiss as a thank you?"

"Probably." Venti said coyly. "But he might also enjoy stealing you away to his home, so that the two of you could do whatever you want in peace."

You laughed, and kissed Venti's cheek. "I'd like that."

"Well then, tomorrow night, I'll take you there." Venti said fondly. "I can't wait to show you my toys."

"What kiiiind of toys?" You asked, smirking. Venti's face went red.

"N-no, not that kind of toys!" Venti said, embarrassed. "I mean stuffed animals!"

You buried your face in his hair to hide your giggles. Archons, Venti was so cute when he was flustered.

You stayed in that position until Venti dozed off. Then, you slipped out of bed, and made your way to the kitchen. Zoomy sniffed our hands, curious about the new person scent.

"Zoomy, c'mon, we're gonna pull a prank on a god." You said. You took a treat, leading Zoomy back to your bedroom.

You pat your bed, signalling Zoomy to jump up. He did, and sniffed Venti apprahensively. Deciding that Venti was a good person, Zoomy promptly lay down next to him.

"Mmm... Y/n, you're fluffy..." Venti mumbled, stirring from his sleep. You couldn't help but snicker. "Why are you fluffy...?"

Venti opened his eyes.

"AAAHCK!-" Venti screamed, rolling off of the bed in fright.

You burst out laughing, and Zoomy just tilted his head, confused. "Oooo, I got you good!" You said, putting Venti back onto the bed.

Venti looked between you and Zoomy. "Did you just prank ME?" He asked, incredulous.

"Why yes I did!" You said proudly. "Are... are you mad?"

Venti's pout turned into a grin. "Of course not!" He said. "No one's been able to succesfully prank me before, so I take it as quite the honor to have my beloved be the first."

You blushed. "Well, I'd like you to meet my accomplice, Zoomy." You said.

"Hello Zoomy." Venti said, reaching his out out for the dog to sniff. "Wow, you're a beautiful dog! Is he a golden retreiver?"

You nodded. Zoomy licked Venti's hand, and allowed Venti to pet him.

"Venti, hold out your arm and tell Zoomy to give you a hug."

Venti did as you said. "Zoomy, can I have a hug?" He asked.

Zoomy sat down and wrapped his paws around Venti's arm. You giggled at Venti's shocked gasp.

"I taught him to do that." You said, petting both Zoomy and Venti. "He's a good boy."

"Am I a good boy?" Venti asked.

"Silly little bard, I said it how many times half an hour ago and you still don't believe me?"

Venti buried his face in your shoulder. "I'm your good boy." He said. "I'm your good boy and no one else's good boy."

"That's right." You said. Zoomy had left the room, so you could do something now. "Does my good boy want a massage?"

Venti hesitated. "W-well... if it's not too much trouble for you..."

You giggled and gently pushed him down to lay on his stomach. "Don't worry love, this is definately not too much trouble." You said.

Venti nodded and allowed himself to relax. Smiling, you rubbed circles on his back.

Venti moaned softly as you massaged the spot where his wings connected, making them fluff back into existance. You rubbed the base of his wings, and Venti practically melted into your hands. You stroked up the curve of his wings, and he subconcioisly unfolded them, letting you touch more.

You massaged all the way to the feathery tips before you stopped. Simce Venti had been reduced to a melted puddle of sleepy affection, you gathered him up in your arms and pulled up the covers. 

"G'night, Y/n." Venti said, giving you a soft kiss you the lips. You smiled as you kissed him back, he was your beautiful little boyfriend that you loved so much.

It was laughable, really, the things that could change in just one night. But you knew that niether you, nor Venti, would ever complain about it.

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