Let Me Caress Your Wings ~<|>~ Chapter 7

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"Alright..." he said, "we just need a brush that's... soft, and smooth? Like, horse-hair brushes."

"I have one of those! Be right back!" You sprang up from your bed, running into your bathroom. Barbatos chuckled at your eagerness to brush his wings.

When you returned, you had the perfect brush. "Ok, unfurl your wings... whatever position you feel comfortable in." You said.

"Well in that case, excuse me-" Barbatos flopped onto your bed, his wings flung out behind him. One of them landed on your lap.

You giggled, and gently started brushing. The second you did, Barbatos found himself melting into your touch, loving every little brush and stroke of your fingers.

It felt like a dream come true to Barbatos. The person he loved the most in this world, giving him a thousand little caresses, taking care of him, and even smiling fondly... it was almost too much for him to handle. Barbatos' heart was racing.

You snapped him out of his thought by setting the brush aside. "This part will be a little hard for the brush, can I use my fingers?" You asked, looking for consent. Barbatos just nodded at the bliss he knew was to come.

Gently, you buried you hands amongst the sea of downy plumes on Barbatos' wings. You were amazed at how soft they were. You started carefully massaging his wings, making sure to follow the direction of the feathers. You loved that way that it felt.

Barbatos sighed, and you glanced at his face. The hood had shifted enough for you to know that his eyes were closed. A peaceful smile sat on his lips. He looked tranquil, at ease.

"Am I doing it right?" You asked quietly.

"You're doing it better than I've ever done it myself... and with over 2,000 years of practice, that's a valuble compliment." Barbatos said. You smiled shyly at the praise, and continued it stroke his wings. After some time, you switched to his other wing, and only used your hands this time because his preference was quite obvious.

Barbatos was incredibly aware of every caress you gave him. Even after getting used to the rythm, you were so gentle with him. He loved it. 

At some point, Barbatos' wings were clearly thoroughly groomed. But that didn't stop him from letting you trace his wings from the base to his wingtips, and he most certainly didn't stop you when you tried to discreetly nuzzle him. He had to pretend not to notice so that you wouldn't get embarrassed, but he definately enjoyed it.

Eventually, though, you pulled away and said you were finished.

"I wish I could keep touching your wings, though." You said. "They're so fluffy, like a stuffed animal!

A bold thought jumped into Barbatos' head.

"If you want..." he started, "I can... stay with you, and- and wrap my wings around you when you sleep..." he mumbled shyly.

"Really?!" You asked, eyes shining.

"Really." Barbatos comfirmed, and he was sure that his voice gave away his affectionate tone but at the moment he didn't care. He was finally going to get to cuddle you, to hug you close to him as you fell asleep. And, who knows... maybe you'd discover his feelings for you by leaning your head against his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat.

Barbatos gave up trying to push these thoughts away.

"I'd like that." You said.

Barbatos shifted so that he was laying on his side, with one wing spread out on the bed and the other poised in the air, waiting. You lay down on his wing, and the one in the air curled around you delicately, hugging you. You wrapped your arms around his slender body, and pulled the blankets up to cover the both of you. 

Barbatos felt you lean against him, tucking your head under his chin so that it rested on his collarbone. Soon, your breathing steadied, and you were asleep.

Barbatos gently kissed your forehead. "Sweet dreams, my love." He whispered, smiling as you snuggled closer to him. "I'm so happy that I can cuddle you like this. I've always wnted to hug you, and I've always to be close to you, but... ever since I realized what I really felt about you, I've wanted this in particular. I want to feel like maybe, just maybe you feel the same way that I do.

"I mean..." Barbatos trailed off, feeling shy at what he was about to say despite the fact that you were sleeping. "Y-you're hugging me, and you groomed my wings for me, a-and you're smiling... you have no idea how happy every single one of those things makes me. I love it when you touch me."

Barbatos continued to mumble to you about how happy he was, until he too drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with your gentle smile.

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