Papers and Pens ~<|>~ Chapter 3

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You sat up and stretched, yawning.

"Mm... what time is it...?" You asked yourself sleepily.

Grudgingly, you left the comfort of your bed to make yourself breakfast, still wearing the random t-shirt and baggy pants that you wore in place of pajamas.

As you fried an egg for yourself, you toasted some bread and checked the wall clock that you had in your kitchen.

"9:30..." you mumbled. "I slept that late? I should've been working an hour ago..."

You plated your breakfast and sat down, talking to yourself while you ate.

"I know I stayed up a little late waiting for the spirit... he was the late one, to be honest. I wonder why..."

You shoved the last bite of your breakfast into your mouth, then went to get changed into your self-distributed work 'uniform'.

It wasn't really a uniform, to be realistic. It was just a crop top, shorts, and fuzzy socks. Anyone who you told about your work clothes would call you crazy, but it wasn't exactly as if anyone got to tell you what to do anymore. You weren't a kid. You never even left your home to work.

"Hm...? What's this?" You said curiously, taking something out of your hair. "A... Cecilia flower?" You asked no one in particular. "How did this get in my hair... wait... is that why my little spirit friend was late last night? Did he... get this for me?"


Venti transformed back into his human form, and sat on the bed. 

"Goodnight, my Angel." Venti said softly. He gently kissed your forehead, tucking the Cecilia he had gotten for you behind your ear. "You might never know that it was me, Venti, that got this flower for you, but I hope that you like it."


You put the flower in a vase next to your bed, and after you were done changing, you went into your office. It was a mess, at least the way other people would see it. To you, everything was exactly where it should be.

You sat down in your chair, pulling the nearest pen and an unfinished book to the center space of the desk. You thought for a second, then started to write in the book, telling a fantasy tale that would entertain people for decades.

The time flew by, and before you knew it, it was time for you to go out and watch Venti's performance. You changed into something slightly more... presentable to the general public, and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen as you left your house.

As you walked towards the plaza, you thought about Venti. He was very talented, and seemed to enjoy being a bard even with his low income. He knew songs that no one else did, and that could be a great inspiration for your works sometime.

And even though he always seemed confident with talking to other people, the shy smile and a little blush that he always gave to you was adorable.

Yesterday, though, he seemed more shy than usual. His blush had been more evident, and he kept fiddling with his cape. It made you curious about what had gotten him so nervous.

Before you knew it, you were at the plaza, and just in time for Venti's show.

"Hello, everyone!" Venti said. "I'm glad to see you!"

Was it just your imagination, or did Venti look at you when he said that last part?

You brushed it off, and Venti started his song.

"There once was a time, when the Mondstadt sun did not shine." He began.

"The wind whipped the people, and storm clouds hid the sky.

"But there was one boy, who wished to see the birds fly.

"He wished to end injustice, and to set everyone free.

"'I wish to to see the real world', said he.

"So that boy, brave as can be.

"Formed a rebellion, and set everyone free.

"Alas, though they had triumphed, all things come with a price.

"And for the freedom of Mondstadt, the price was the brave boy's life."

Venti stopped his singing, having told the tale.

You quickly began to write your note on the piece of paper, and taped it to one of the many mora you would give to him. By the time you were done writing, it was your turn to donate to Venti.

As usual, you smiled at him, handing him the mora.

"Thank you." Venti said shyly, averting his eyes. But you caught sight of a small smile on his face, and you were contented that he seemed happy. 

"Bye, Venti. See you again tomorrow." You said, giving him an even bigger smile. You then walked out of the plaza, going back towards your home. 


"Oof." You said, dramatically falling on the floor. "Walking is haaaard." You complained. No one responded.

You laughed to yourself. Sometimes it was nice to act like a kid again, even if no one was there to listen to your whining.

"Dinner time... let's see, spaghetti or cake...?" You muttered, going through you pantry. "Y'know what, I'm in a good mood, why not both." You said.

You set the water to boil for the pasta, and took out a mixing bowl for the cake.

"Ok, the recipe says eggs, milk, flour, and sugar... is that it? Eh, I'm no culinary genius, I'm not one to judge." You talked yourself through the ingredients, carefully measuring them into the bowl. You mixed until it looked ready, then poured it into the pan and put it in the oven.

You realized that the water was starting to boil, so you put the spaghetti in and stirred it, waiting for everything to cook.


"Dvalin, help!" Venti yelled. "What am I supposed to do?! H-he talked to me, his voice, I-it was so a-angelic, it only made me fall harder for him! A-and he said my n-name! I-I love the way it s-sounds when he says it, a-and he s-smiled at m-me, h-his smile is s-so, so-

"Barbatos." Dvalin interrupted. "I cannot help you if you do not even tell me who 'he' is."

"Oh." Venti said quietly, realizing he had never told Dvalin who he was talking about. "He's the one that always gives me notes..."

"Oh, that one. I believe his name is y/n?" Dvalin said. Venti nodded. "The last time you talked about y/n, Barbatos, was a week ago when you showed me one of the notes he brought you. And now you sound like a lovesick fool."

"Dvalin, it's not very polite to talk to your archon like that, is it?" Venti asked in a scolding voice, trying to change the topic. Dvalin just rolled his eyes.

"Fine. But for the sake of my sanity, don't come rambling about him again." Dvalin flew off, leaving Venti behind.

"Hmph." Venti muttered.


"..." You stared at the cake sitting on the counter. Well, it wasn't exactly a cake.

"I should really learn that you have to take the cake OUT of the oven." You muttered.

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