I Want To Meet You ~<|>~ Chapter 4

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You walked out of your house, humming. It was time for Venti's daily performance, but today you were planning something special.

'To be honest, I'm a little nervous...' you thought to yourself. 'I hope that he says yes... I've wanted to do this for a while.'

You didn't let your nervousness show, though. You made your way to the plaza without giving up on your plan.

You were a little late because you had been pacing around your house doubting yourself, but you were here now and there was no turning back.

Venti's song was beautiful. There was no words in it, but as he stroked the strings of his lyre, a gentle, soothing sound emitted from it. It almost put you to sleep. It reminded you of gentle caresses and midnight comfort.

Or maybe that was just you feeling single again.

As the song came to a close, you shook your half-asleep body awake, and saw others doing the same.

You quickly started to write on the note, and handed it to Venti instead of putting it on a coin this time. As your fingers brushed, Venti averted his eyes, seeming shy. You smiled at him before you walked away.

'I hope it's ok with him...'


Venti sat down on his couch, about to unfold your note.

'I wonder why he handed it to me this time.' Venti mused. 'His hand felt warm... I wanted to hold it...'

Venti shook these thoughts out of his head and unfolded your note.


Dear Venti,

Your song today was absolutely beautiful. It made me think of lovers' gentle actions, and almost put me to sleep. I loved it. I honestly think it was your best song so far!

"I'm glad you liked it, y/n..." Venti murmured. "If only I could tell you that that's YOUR song, I made it thinking about you..."

I feel kind of shy to ask this, but... I wanna meet you! I really want to be your friend, and I would love to spend some time with you. I won't push you, though.

Love, Y/n


"H-he... wants to meet with me?" Venti was shocked. He was trying to think of a way to spend time with you, and now you were asking to do the same!

"I'll ask him to spend some time with me tomorrow after my performance." Venti said happily. "I'm so excited..."

The rest of the day passed in Venti's attempts at preparing himself for tomorrow by talking to himself, him thinking of things to talk about with you, and you gathering a few flowers to give to your mysterious spirit friend. By the time that Venti went to visit you, he was overly excited.

Venti floated in through your window, and landed on your bed. He couldn't help but make some happy noises at you, content with your presence.

You giggled. "Hey there, little spirit." you said, holding out your hand for him to hop into. "I brought you something." you revealed the bouquet of dandelions and Cecilias that you had collected, giving them to your little spirit friend. 

Delighted, the spirit squeaked and zoomed around your head, nuzzling into you. He hugged you as best as he could, before settling back into the palm of your hand.

You smiled, petting the cute little spirit. "Can you sing me the song?" you whispered hopefully.

The spirit seemed to nod, before starting to sing his special song. You instantly became drowsy, and a few minutes later, you were asleep.

Venti transformed back into his human form. "Goodnight, y/n." he whispered. "Thanks for the flowers. I'll see you tomorrow."

Venti smiled at you one last time before leaving, teleporting back to his house. He put the flowers in a vase on his nightstand, and fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Sorry this chapter took so long my motivation was dead like my primos-

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