Is This Hello Or Goodbye? ~<|>~ Chapter 18

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You don't know how long you were kissing Venti, but you were starting to fall asleep. You rest your head against his chest, snuggling into his arms. You could hear Venti whispering sweet nothings to you, lulling you into a deep slumber.

You had a wonderful dream- you couldn't really remember it, but you knew it was wonderful. Maybe is was a dream of a different level of perception, and that's why it slipped from your memory.

But when your eyes fluttered open, you were no longer in the bed. But when you looked up, towards the fiery red sky, your eyes caught with something that couldn't be more comforting- Venti's shining eyes.

"Hey, Y/n, it'll be alright..." Venti whispered. And that's when you realized that his eyes weren't shining with joy, but with tears.

You tried to sit up, but a pain shot through your chest. You cried out, and Venti held you still, looking worried. 

"Shh, shh, don't move, I know it hurts, I'm so sorry..." Venti said, a quiet sob escaping him. A teardrop landed on your neck, and you realized that the usually warm liquid felt like ice.

You looked down to see your body glowing with a blue light, and you panicked. "W-what's going on?" You asked, trying to squirm your way into an upright position. "What's happening to me?"

"Y/n, don't you remember?" Venti asked, struggling to keep you from moving. "You're turning into a star..."

"Venti, I don't remember- I-I just went to sleep with you, and I woke up here!" You cried. You stopped moving and looked up at him with teary eyes. "What happened?"

Venti's eyes widened, and then more tears fell. "The night you fell into a coma..." he whispered, wings shaking, "you... don't remember waking up, do you?"

You were silent, and Venti leaned down and kissed you gently. "Y/n... right now, you're leaving this world. You're going to a place beyond Celestia, the place where the wind came from. When you get there, go to the tallest spire and go to the throne. I can't come with you yet... I have to make sure Mondstadt is safe."

You felt some of the light leak out of your body, fading into nothing. "Venti..." Your voice was fragile and weak. You didn't understand any of this, you just wanted to stay with Venti.

"I know, Y/n, I know. I love you." Venti said. He took off the necklace that he always wore and placed it around your neck, the giant emerald a comforting weight against your chest. "Don't ever take this off- keep it on, and I can meet you in your dreams. I'll be with you soon, my love."

He embraced you, and you wrapped your arms around him, eyes drifting closed. The light was fading, you were almost gone...

When you opened your eyes again, you were kneeling on a cloud, and Venti was gone... but the emerald necklace was still there.

A crowd of people that looked to be on the shorter side were gathered around you, whispering, and you noticed that they each had wing resembling a dove's- like Venti's, but much, much smaller.

"Excuse me, mister?" A soft voice asked. You turned your head, and saw a young girl with golden-brown skin and purple hair. "You're crying. Did you die a sad death?"

"I'm dead?" You asked quietly, looking around. There was an elegant palace, trees, and small, cozy homes next to pathways leading out from the cloud you kneeled upon. "I am, aren't I?"

"Yes." The girl said in a delicate voice, sounding like she was trying not to upset you. "Was your death sad?"

You looked up at the sky- blue, deep blue, but light. It was beautiful, and so was everything else. It all reminded you of Venti. "...No." You decided. "I died in the arms of the love of my life- no, the love of me- and he told me he'll be with me soon."

"Then why are you crying?" The girl asked.

"Because I died after waking up from a coma." You said, looking back down at your folded hands. You noticed white fabric wrapped around you. "And I know that I had been awake, but I don't know for how long, and I can't remember any of it."

"You poor thing." The girl said softly. "Don't worry, your love will be here soon. He'll tell you everything."

You nodded and stood up. "He told me to go to the tallest spire." You said. "To the throne."

Gasps rippled through the crowd, and you looked around, confused. The girl with the purple hair looked worried.

"How did he know there's spires and a throne here?" She asked.

"I don't know." You answered. "He didn't have time to explain anything."

"I see, I see." The girl said. "Wait right here."

The girl spread her wings and flew off, and you were left standing awkwardly with a bunch of gossiping... what were they? You decided to call them angels for the time being, though they weren't really acting the part.

A few minutes later, the purple-haired girl returned. "Well... you've been granted permission to go to the tallest spire." She said. "But the only way to get there is to fly."

"Fly?" You asked.

"Yes." The girl said. "You have wings, but you must learn how to use them."

Curious, you looked behind you, seeing a pair of white wings. You spread them, impressed by the wingspan and the taut, leathery skin.

This time, a few of the 'angels' actually screamed and ran (flew) away, while the others stared in wide- mouthed shock.

"What?" You asked, looking around. "Does no one here have bat wings? Am I a half demon or something?"

"Erm- no, no, that's not the case." Purple said. "Well, the second one at least."

"Okay then... so how do I learn to fly?"

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