Another Note ~<|>~ Chapter 1

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Venti finished preforming his song and bowed to the audience. His crowd lined up to donate some mora to the broke bard, and Venti held out his hat as they each dropped some coins inside.

Each member of the audience donated about 50-100 mora, the average amount for Venti. That was, until you came.

You were the last person in line, as per usual. You gave Venti a friendly smile, and his heart fluttered as if it was connected directly to his wings. Venti always wondered why his heart did that when you smiled, it was weird. A pleasant and happy weird, but still weird. It didn't happen when anybody else smiled at him so why with you?

Maybe he was just grateful for the mora, yes that's probably it.

You dropped some mora into his hat, but it was way more than anyone else ever donated. You gave Venti at least one thousand mora per day.

Today, however, you gave Venti 2,300 mora. Venti looked at you with his eyes wide with shock, for him this was a lot of mora.

You just giggled and waved before walking off happily, leaving Venti stunned. Not so much at the amount of mora anymore, but your laugh. Venti had never heard you laugh before, but now that he had, he felt a strange yearning to hear your laugh every day of his life, forever. He wouldn't have minded at all if your laugh was the only thing he heard for the rest of his life.

Even stranger than that, he wanted be the reason that you were laughing. He wanted to make you happy.

Venti shook off these thoughts, his cheeks slightly warmed from the sound of your laughter still ringing in his ears.

Venti snuck behind the Barbatos statue he always did performances at, where no one could see him. After a brief glance around, he teleported in a swirl of green winds, reappearing in his house.

"Ah, home sweet home!" The bard exclaimed, sighing. 

Most people that had seen Venti fight with Diluc over the wine bill assumed Venti was homeless. It was reasonable, considering the fact he hardly had any money, certainly not enough to buy a house. But there were other ways to get a house that didn't involve mora. 

Venti had asked his fellow archons for help in this, and luckily for him Morax and Kusanali agreed to help. Morax made the walls and fireplace, and Kusanali made furniture out of wood and silk flower cloth. 

After Morax and Kusanali were done with building the house, Venti had placed it right underneath Starsnatch Cliff's ledge, where it would float forever thanks to the Anemo power holding it up.

In return for their help, Venti had invited them both over to Mondstadt for a few days and used the winds to take them flying. A wonderful trade offer in Venti's opinion, especially since he got to spend some quality time with his friends.

Venti snickered as he remembered Tsaritsa wanting to help by making ice decorations, only to have them melt a few minutes later.

He plopped down on his couch, prepared to read whatever note you had written for him today.

He rummaged through his hat until he found the coin that you had taped the note to, and his eyes lit up. He delicately untaped the note and unfolded it.


Dear Venti,

Your performance today was just as amazing as ever! If you are wondering why I gave you so much extra mora this time, I wanted for you to be able to buy a Fisherman's Toast from Good Hunter, because I always see you hunting for your own food or stealing from the Dawn Winery. Don't worry, I won't tell~

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