Not As Planned ~<|>~ Chapter 16

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When you woke up, it was already 10:30. Panicing, you shook Venti awake, and he sleepily kissed you.

"What's wrong, Y/n?" He asked.

"We only have an hour and a half before my dad is supposed to be here!" You said. "Wait, no. He's always late. So I guess we have two hours. But we have to clean up from last night!"

Venti bolted upright. "A-alright, what do I do?" He asked. "I can wash the sheets really quickly and dry them!"

"Alright, that would be so helpful!" You said, giving Venti a quick peck on the cheek. "I'll make sure there's no water on the bathroom floor!"

Venti teleported away with the sheets, probably to a clean-water lake, and you rushed into the bathroom. The bathmat was absolutly soaked, so you squeezed it dry as much as you could, making use of you Anemo vision to help.

Once the bathroom was dry and all the bottles were back in their proper places, you walked back out into your bedroom. Venti was there, putting the clean and folded sheets in you closet.

"Alright, only two things left to do." You said, hugging Venti from behind. "We gotta make the bed and pick up any of Zoomy's poops in the backyard. I'll... let you take the bed." You added.

Venti nodded and began re-arranging the messed-up blankets and pillows, putting them back into the position they were always in when he came as a spirit.

Meanwhile, you gave Zoomy his breakfast and threw out the turds he left in the backyard. You brought leftovers of your dinner last night, spaghetti with a a container of parmessian cheese on the side, back to your bedroom.

"Here." You said, giving Venti a portion. "There's no way to make breakfast without getting the kitchen dirty and I don't want to clean anything else."

Venti nodded in understanding, taking the spaghetti you offered. You sat down next to him.

"Do you want some cheese?" You asked. Venti wrinkled his nose as if it was the most disgusting thing in the universe.

"No, thanks." He answered. "I don't like cheese. It's slimy and sticky and yuck."

"This cheese is actually kinda dry and crumbly." You said. Venti peered at you suspiciouly. "Can you try just on little spoonful, please?"

Venti sighed. "Fine. But you owe me seventy kisses!"

"What makes you think that's a punishment?" You asked, laughing. 

"It's no punishment, it's my reward for actually doing it." Venti said. "I mean, to wash away a bad taste, you need a good taste. And I personally think that your lips are the third best taste."

"Third best?" You asked, amused. "What's the first and second?"

"Second is your thighs. First is your cum." Venti said, unashamed.

"Oh- Venti, stop it!" You said, embarrassed. Venti just laughed.

"Alright, time for you to eat the cheese." You said, lifting up the spoon. Reculently, Venti ate the spoonful of cheese.

"What do ou think?" You asked.

"It's much better than most cheese." Venti said. "But it's still distinctly cheesy."

"Sorry." You said. After we eat I'll give you your kisses, alright?"

Venti shoved the pasta into his mouth, and you giggled. "You really want those kisses, huh?"

Venti nodded vigerously, mouth too full to speak.

Venti waited patiently for you to finish your spaghetti, but once you set the bowl down, he was already sitting in your lap, waiting for his reward.

You laughed at his eagerness, and pulled him into a kiss. Venti tilted his head to deepen the kiss, humming in contentment.

You were halfway through giving Venti his seventy kisses when there was a knock on your door. Panicing, you shoved the bowls under you bed, Pulling Venti upright.

"Sit on the couch in the living room and pretend that you were reading a book." You whispered to him. "And whatever you do, don't tell my dad about last night or our kisses just now."

Venti nodded, running out into the living room. Taking a deep breath, you walked towards the front door, and opened it.

"Y/n." Your dad said, looking you up and down. "What are you wearing?"

"Clothes, dad." You replied. 

"That outfit is innapropriate." You dad said disapprovingly. "Why can't you wear something a bit more... covering?"

"Dad, it's shorts and a shirt." You said, keeping your voice steely. "And these are the longest pair of shorts that I have. Also, this is Mondstadt. I have the freedom to wear what I want."

Your dad sighed in defeat. "Very well." He said. "May I come in?"

You knew you didn't have a choice. You moved aside, allowing your dad to enter, and walked into the living room.

Venti was there, 'reading' a book, with Zoomy laying on his lap. Which was funny, really, because Zoomy was a big dog Venti was obviously suffering from his weight.

Your dad followed you, but his eyes narrowed when he saw Venti. "Who's this?" He demanded. "Y/n, you know you aren't allowed to invite strangers into your house!"

Before you could respond, Zoomy raised his head and growled at your father. Venti looked at him, suprised, because Zoomy was quite the friendly dog.

"Stand down, Maximus." You dad said.

"Dad, be quiet." You said, glaring. "His name is Zoomy and you know it. This is my house, my rules, and anyone that I invite here is allowed here. Also, this is no stranger, this is Venti, my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?!" Your dad yelled. "When did I give you permission to get a boyfriend?!

"You didn't." You said. "And you won't. I don't need your permission to have someone that loves me, that I love too."

"Yes you do!" Your dad shouted. "Have you forgotten that I MADE you? I am your father and you will obey me!"

"Stop it!" Venti said, angry. "This is the land of freedom! What you're doing is controlling, and maybe abusive! Are you going to cut this behavior out or do I need to alert the Knights of Favonius?"

"Foolish boy, know your place!" Your father said, pointing at Venti. "The Knights can't do anything to me! I hail from Fontaine, they have no power over me."

"Aubrien, that's ENOUGH!" You shouted. "Get the fuck out of my house RIGHT NOW!"

"You dare address your father with his first name?!" Aubrien cried.

"I said GET OUT!" You screamed.  An orinate, detailed spear appeared in your hands. You pointed the mint green tip at Aubrien, letting Anemo energy fester. "Get out before I strike." You snarled.

Aubrien backed away, afraid. After realizing that this was no bluff, he ran out your door.

"I'm so sorry." You said, turning towards Venti. Your spear dissolved into the air as you embraced him. "That didn't go as planned at all. I just... I don't know why I thought it would turn out any other way."

Venti hugged you back, shushing you gently. "It's alright, you have nothing to apologize for." He whispered comfortingly. "Your dad is horrible. If you want, I can help you get a restaining order."

You nodded, burying your face into Venti's neck. The smell of cecilias, lavender, and padisarahs calmed you. "I'd appreciate that." You mumbled.

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