"I said tomorrow. I'm busy." Felix said shortly and turned back to the tv. Jacob moved fast and grabbed Felix's arm and jerked him up so hard Felix fell trying to catch his balance. He felt Hyunjin's immediate full presence in his head and on the tv his expression had completely hardened. Do you want me to call the police or Vanessa or Arny? No. He's a wimp. He will back down. Felix picked himself up and glared. "Fine. I'll talk now. We are through. That is the last time you will ever touch me."

"I'm so tired of this attitude. You changed overnight. You used to be so sweet."

"You mean I used to just obey. I'm done with that now." Felix could feel Hyunjin's jaw ticking as he clenched it tight and locked his muscles down to not react while they were live.

"What the fuck happened to change you?"

"None of your business. Now get out. I'm busy." He turned to head back to the couch. "And leave your key, you won't need it again."

"Fucking bitch!" Jacob roared and slapped Felix as hard as he could across the face. Hyunjin immediately jerked as if to jump up. Minho touched his knee gently. STUPID MOTHERFUCKER. I WILL FUCKING KILL HIM FOR TOUCHING YOU. Roared Hyunjin in his head. It hurt but he had been hit harder during his years training and knowing that feeling the pain would only trigger Hyunjin further, Felix refused to think about it right now. Hyunjin couldn't afford to react to his pain on top of the rage that was flooding their connection. I'm ok, Jinnie. It's ok. I have taken martial arts for years, I can take it.

"You hit like a wimp." Felix said with a mocking laugh. "You are acting like a child. You have NEVER treated me with love or respect. You blame me for making you gay. I didn't make you anything. You are at least bi because you are attracted to me and always have been. Get over it. Be gay or dont. I don't care. I am done taking blame and punishment from you and begging for your attention. I deserve better. Now get the fuck out of my house and my life."

"You will regret this." Jacob warned, his voice full of rage.

"I regret meeting you already." Felix shot back. "Goodbye asshole." He could tell Jacob wanted to hit him again but just as he had predicted, he didn't want to do it when Felix was ready for him. He was in his heart a coward. He was well aware of Felix's skills and took a cheap shot when Felix wasn't ready. It was quite another matter to do it to a martial arts third time black belt while he looked in Jacob's eyes. As predicted, he backed down and threw the key down and left slamming the door behind him.

Ow. Felix finally allowed himself to think as he touched the cheek gingerly and realized his teeth had sliced into his lip when he had been struck. He sat back down onto the couch and looked back at the tv as Hyunjin stared right into the camera, his eyes conveying that he was burning alive with rage and his body locked into its current position as he fought to stay still.

I'm ok Jinnie. It's ok. I'm ok, calm down. No one fucking touches you like that. Not ever. His rage seethed through their bonds. Felix instinctively sent calm back to him. Calm down, baby. I promise I'm ok and it's over. He knew instinctively how to calm Hyunjin. I'm single now...He hinted with a smile. Mmm. Not for long I don't think. Hyunjin's thoughts were still angry but Felix was derailing them as was the calm he was sending. Felix laughed and he watched Hyunjin's body finally begin to relax and his thoughts began to focus back to his bandmates. Minho squeezed his leg comfortingly and Jeongin put a head on his shoulder. Hyunjin finally felt the last of his anger leave him. He could process it later when he wasn't on camera.

Once the live was over Felix saw Hyunjin text Vanessa. He blocked his number first for his privacy but he didn't want Felix to be alone. Lixie was bemused that such a simple thing made him feel so warm inside. One stupid text made him feel more loved than his entire relationship with Jacob had. ~Felix broke up with the jerk. Can you check on him? Please. I need to know he isn't alone.~ He got a quick response. ~On my way mystery person.~ He smiled. Of course she asked no questions.

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