Growing Pains: Part 2

Start from the beginning


Duncan did as he was told and quickly headed back to his house with his mom, Jenna, Leo and Kenny following right behind him.

Once he reached there, he quickly followed Margaret into the basement, watching her walked up towards a steel box with a U.N logo, located in the southwest corner of the room.

Margaret opened the box, revealing two small TV Doohickey devices and another small steel box inside. Margaret grabbed one of the devices and activated it, handing it over to Duncan.

And on the small screen was Barnes who seems to be on a video call with him while he was driving the plane.

"Howdy, kid. Pretty Nifty, huh? We made these two-way TV Doohickeys made when your mom and dad split so we could keep track of you two just in case. But Margaret never allowed it until now. Strap one on so, we can stay in touch, buddy. Listen, I'm in the air right now. We'll have a team there in forty-five minutes to help you find your girlfriend. Just sit tight there for a while."

"I can't. I can feel him, Barnes. The thing that took (Y/n), I can feel him right now and if he hurts her, I swear I-" Duncan paused, realizing that him being still here was only wasting time and that with each minute passing by, the more (Y/n) was in danger, "Never mind. I'm going after them right now."

He heard Barnes hummed in response at his words as Duncan turned around and swiftly started heading back towards his room with the device he and Barnes were talking through still in his hand.

"Hm, I thought as much. Do me a favor though, kid...Take me with you."


Jenna, Kenny and Leo wheeled their attention back to the door when they heard it opening and their eyes widened when they see Duncan stepping out of the house in his harness.



Duncan paid no attention to them as he walked out with the TV Doohickey device attached around his neck as a necklace, but the determination in his eyes was crystal clear to anyone who was watching. Leo was watching him with amazement and curiosity in his eyes since this was his first time seeing Duncan in his Kaiju form, not to mention he was in a harness.

Margaret walked out after Duncan, closing the door behind them as she watched Duncan took his wings out of his back with ease.

"Duncan," she called, making him turn his attention towards her. "Be careful, okay?" Margaret said and Duncan gave her back a small smile as he nodded, "You too, mom."

Then, he turned his attention to Jenna, Kenny and Leo who was still there. "You guys should head back to your places. I'll find (Y/n) and bring her back," he said and Leo smiled, "We know you will. Be careful out there, alright? We'll see if there's any of (Y/n)'s stuff we can salvage for her while you're gone...If the police let us in that's."

"Thanks, that'd be great. I gotta go, can't really stay any longer than I already have," Duncan said and then, took off into the air without waiting for a reply as he immediately started following towards the desert, following the scent trail of the monster who took (Y/n).

"I have to admit. You having wings is becoming pretty handy at times like these. Whoever took your girlfriend has an hour head start on us, but if we go with this speed, we will probably catch up to them in no time."

Duncan heard Barnes said, but didn't reply as he flapped his wings faster and picked up speed, focusing on getting to (Y/n) fast before she gets into an even more dangerous situation than she already was in. 

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