🌙skin and bones

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Jisung laid on the window and stared into the horizon as he often wound himself to do. He had tried to calculate ever possible outcome for a plan but none seemed successful, it always came with a price.

"Love?" Minho had come into the room quietly, making Jisung jump a little as he laid a hand on his shoulder.

"I didn't see you come in..."

"I didn't mean to frighten you my dear..." he smiled widely and laid a kiss on his cheek. "You are thinking too much, so much it feels like you forget to breath"

"I want this plan to be perfect...but I can't seem to pinpoint a situation where all are well in the end." Jisung sighed and rubbed his temples, as if still overloaded with thoughts. Minho rubbed his back and he melted to his touch immediately. Jisung turned around slowly and managed to smile slightly, still tense brows.

"We will find a plan that works. One that is better then last time..."

"Yes, but anything is better then last time..."

"Tell me what you are thinking?" He drew a hand to his cheek and Jisung slowly looked into his eyes.

"We reveal your identity, you live, people will rise to your cause, especially in this city."

"This city hates my title." Minho said honestly, the west was known for its hate of the south, not excluding the north. "They will not join me, they will lose everything."

"Not if they have nothing to lose." Jisung gave a look that meant: trust me.

"What are you planning love?" He smirked in response.

"That we use a force that outnumbers all the citizens combined." Jisung tilted his head to look out the window again and sighed. "We get the slaves of this city on our side, free them from their shackles and they will help you."

"How do you know that? That they will follow?"

Jisung stretched his back and got up, throwing something in Minho's hand. He opened his palm and caught it, looking strangely at them.

They were shackles, broken.

"Because I'm already one step ahead of you"


"Steady and quiet." Jisung snuck around the city and Minho followed with a hood covering him. They made their way down shady hallways and between warm buildings. Sweat poured through their necks and down their shirts til they reached their destination.

Jisung bust a metal grill and snuck inside, Minho following behind.

"Where are we Jisung?"

"The slave's courtiers...this is the best way to spread the information of your well-being, trust me" they snuck in and stood amongst many slaves, all on the floor either laying down or sitting calmly. Nobody moved much, simply looked at their chains.

"Everyone!" Jisung stood along side them and took the hood off his head, showing his bright golden hair. All eyes laid on him, attentively. Minho stood besides him, wary eyes. "Too long have you followed in someone else's shadow, too long has this city held itself on your lost comrades backs...enough" he threw the shackles on the ground and drew his sword.

"I'm am Han jisung, lost prince of the south and king of the north. All I ask of you is to support our claim to the western throne."

"The northern army is not enough." One spoke up, he was old and clearly had seen wars, much more then them.

"I am well aware of our capacity, but what we hold is far greater. We have the true king."

Minho took a step forwards and eyes widened.

"The promised king of the south lives. He will reclaim the throne, he will free you of your bounds and forbid slavery. If..." Jisung paused and turned to his lover. "If you support the true king."

"The world is falling apart, I have witnessed it first handed, children bleeding on the streets in the sun lands, it is not as it once was. Blood shed and anger has driven these lands mad"

"You have seen nothing..." a voice claimed.

"But I have felt it" Minho rose his shirt and all eyes went to his scar. "This is what I had for trying to save lives last time. I did not have an army or many followers and paid the ultimate price. I am still here. I still want to fight for what is right, so believe in me and you shall be rewarded"

"How do we know you will hold your word?"

Minho drew his sword and placed his against the floor, laying a knee down.

"I pledge to free every single one of you. I swear it on my own life. I have seen slaves, i have helped slaves and I have been ones. Believe me. I will protect you."

A few of them rose up and exchanged looks.

The eldest of them walked to the front and Minho was back on his feet, both staring at each other.

"We cannot win with out bare fists. We will need weapons."

Minho smirked and Jisung dropped a bag of spears and knives on the floor. Everyone froze and looked at the shiny metal thrown across the cold floor.

"I assure you. Everything is planned, I just need you to rise when the time comes."

They took the spears and Jisung crossed his arm.

"King of the south." A woman when to one knee and lowered her head, her knees were bruised and it was clear she was tired.

"Our king." And another dropped down.

They spoke it one at a time "king".

Minho heard it echo in the walls and echo till the city walls. Jisung hid a smirk and stood behind Minho, who had his shoulders stiff with pride and a thankful look in his eyes.

"King...?" He whispered to himself as if he didn't believe it.


Chan was sat at the table, huge, seats piling up and yet no one attended. He played with his food and sometimes his eyes drove themselves to his father, the king, eating quietly.

A servant suddenly burst into the room, breathless, wide eyes.

"M-my king, I bring news from the under city."

"What could possibly justify this intrusion?" He retorted and the servant looked at the both of them. Chan remained quiet and watched his distress.

"Report then. What news do you bring?" Chan went straight to the point.

"It is the prince of crows...the heir to the throne , he-....he-"

"Oh just spill it lad!" The king slammed a fist on the table.

"He is alive...."

Chan widened his eyes and felt a smile come to his lips, hiding it by putting a glaze of water at his bottom lip. He watched his father decompose himself across his seat, he enjoyed every bit of it.

"The true king lives."

"He is no king here." The older one grinned between his teeth. The messager then left the room quietly and left an angry king with a pleased prince.

"He is my brother...and your own blood, what will you do...?" Chan raised a brow.

"I will kill him myself."

A crown or this? | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now