🌙too soon

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They had been there for a month now, people were restless. Minho was doing everything he could but it wasn't working, there wasn't enough food for everyone, nor was there enough water. They were all tired of this situation, one they couldn't escape.

Minho sat in their shared room and looked at Jisung for a brief while.

"When do you think we should strike?" He asked in the blue of the night and Jisung didn't even flinch at the question.

"I do not know."

"We've had council meetings every day, everytime we get a chance or an opening you shut it down...so tell me when"

"These kind of things take time, you cannot rush it..." jisung felt Minho start to sting, he could feel him in his back.

"Then tell me when ill be ready to go in that castle and kill the king?" Minho went to him and jisung couldn't look him in the eyes. The older took his chin and plunged his gaze at him. "And do not lie to me Jisung..."

He batted his blond lashes and felt his heart turn sour, he didn't want to have to say it.

"Minho...let's go sleep-"

"The truth." He held him there, a firm grip on his shoulder and chin. Jisung took one good look into his soft eyes and sighed.

"Never..." Jisung finally said and Minho let go of him.

"You really think this? Why have you come back here with me if you believe I cannot do this?" He started to get angry, which Jisung had rarely seen on him.

"Getting inside without being detected is already a task of its own. I know you Minho, I know you're honorable and...you cannot kill."

"I will do what is right for my people."

"Don't you understand....? You can't do it..." jisung backed away when he saw Minho's spine straighten and get a look into his eyes.

"Don't tell me what I can and cannot do. What do you know about sacrifice? What do you know about being a king?" He spoke and the words cut so deep you could hear Jisung's skin get torn. "Maybe you're too scared to do this, but I am not. So either you stand by me or move aside. We're getting inside that castle wether you like it or not."

"I am not your enemy Minho. I just want to save your life..."

"I'm sick of watching people get beaten to a pole by these guards. I cannot stand watching more heads get added around the castle, innocent lives, children. I will not watch it go by, not while I know I can at least try and do something."

"You're making a mistake."

"Are you coming with me or not?" Minho went to the door and looked over at the frozen silhouette not too far from him. Jisung watched him, knowing what he would risk if he went with him.

"Don't make me chose. I'm telling you it's a bad idea."

"Are you coming or not." He said sternly and jisung looked at him as if it would be the last time he had the chance to.


Minho nodded and opened the door and paused.

"You once told me you'd follow me anywhere, even to our grave...so why not come with me...?"

"Because for once I'm asking you to come with me...trust me Minho..." jisung took a step but stopped himself, because he knew that if he took another, he'd follow him out the door.

"I'm sorry...but the misery stops tonight."

He was out the door, rallying troops and anyone who would fight. Jisung stayed inside and tried to calculate the odds.

In all of the different versions...they always lose, or someone dies. There is no happy ending or miracle.

Jisung held his heart while it was beating against his rib cage, begging to stop all of this. Minho was in danger, he knew he was.

Jisung picked up his sword and looked down at the blade.

"If there is a god up there...or anyone, anything...

Lord help up all"


Minho and Bow had formed a small group that would go inside and a bigger one that would take on the guards outside. Everyone were in their positions and signals were launched.

The groupe attacked first to cause a distraction and screams of horror were heard, while Minho passed through the rocks and made it to the other side, helping Bow pass with him.

They tried to help the others but the rocks collapsed, making it impossible for the rest to follow.

The two then made their way to a door that lead to the castle, following rocky walls and mossy paths.

They could hear the battle in front of the castle still happening, swords clashing against each other and blood splashing on white marble. Minho and Bow were now on the inside, walking along side walls and avoiding guards.

They made it to the room of the "king", all of this time was lead up to this moment. He pulled out his sword and quietly snuck into the chamber, the moon barely lighting their way as they reached the bed. He placed his sword above the silhouette and took a deep breath.

It was one life for everyone else's...right?

Minho didn't move, he couldn't even draw a breath.

Bow suddenly took her own sword and took a swing at the bed. They both look at each other confused when a few feathers fly around, no red, no blood, just white feathers.

There was no king in that bed, no one was here.

This was a set up.

Suddenly, the door swung opened and a few soldiers came inside the room, sword filled with blood.

"You two aren't going anywhere" one of them said with a smile, so Bow and Minho grabbed their swords and placed themselves.

A fight to live...or die.


The fight outside was finished, citizens murdered were marking the pavement and only guards were left. Their boots were crimson now, their swords showing only a little bit of silver, the rest was red.

One of them spat on the bodies of those who had fought for their land and scoffed.

"Let's go inside." He said and turned around.

A small rock soon hit his helmet and he turned back slowly, glaring.

"I'm afraid you're not done for the night..." jisung stood there, sword in hand.

They all looked at each other and laughed, he was one and they were about twenty guards still standing.

"The odds aren't in your favour blondie" one laughed.

"Scared then?" Jisung smirked and flipped his sword.

The guards then pulled out their weapons and jisung stood in a calm position.

"Give me all you've got...assholes"

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