🌙don't run

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Felix and Jisung were jolted awake when someone hit the side of the log.

"Jisung, are you trying to steal my lover?" Hyunjin chuckled and the two looked at each other, they had been cuddling. They both distanced themselves quickly and hit their heads on the wood around them, groaning in pain.

"We were cold." Jisung said in defence and Minho even smiled widely.

"The guards are gone, we're in the clear" Hyunjin smirked at Minho.

Felix and Jisung both came out of it and took a huge distance between them, blushing furiously.

They all put their shirts back on, the ones that were by the lake and soon felt the sun flicker on their skin.

"Let's head back, before anyone gets too suspicious" Jisung said and hid his red face.

"We have two horses, how do we split it?"

Jisung walked to Minho slowly and wrapped his arms around him, letting his head fall on his shoulder.

"I want to go with you..." he mumbled and Minho smiled widely, even if he tried not to show it.

"Alright, let's head back to my room" Minho said and Felix watched them.

"My suitcase is still in your room, could I go get it?"

"Of course" Minho got on his horse and jisung joined him, the younger one buried his face in his back. Hyunjin and Felix got on their horse as well.


All four of them walked to Minho's room and closed the door, Felix going to get his suitcase. Hyunjin looked around and froze on a spot in the room.

"Minho...what is that?" He widened his eyes.

"That is Aowin" he smiled and his crow flew to his shoulder. Hyunjin looked baffled.

"Can it touch it?"

"It's a her...but sure" Minho extended his arm and she went to his hand, watching Hyunjin calmly. He approached her and didn't seem too convinced.

"I've always heard about crows, but I've never seen one before, they are quite beautiful" he smiled and started to stroke it's head, gently to not hurt her.

While that was happening, jisung took Felix's suit case and handed it to him, practically shoving him on the door.

"Well, you got your suitcase, you can go now" jisung said, but Felix stayed.

"No, are we really not going to speak about what happened?"

"Nothing happened."

"Jisung. We practically cuddled and I...I wanted to finish my apology." Felix said and placed the suitcase down.

"No, because I do not want to owe you one-"

"I'm sorry I hurt you. I never meant to make you feel like minho was hesitating, I was the one who got too close...it won't happen again"

Jisung seemed at a loss for words.

"It is...fine, he's your friend...you should be allowed near him, just not...intimately"

"Of course..." Felix said and they both looked at each other strangely, like they didn't have much more to say. "I should go..."

"Right." They looked over at Hyunjin and Minho having an amazing time speaking together. They seemed to really get along, which made sense.

"How about..." Felix caught their attention. "We do a game of tell a truth or do the tale."

Hyunjin and Minho smirked.

"What is this game?" Jisung tilted his head.

"You've never played before?!" Hyunjin was shocked, it was quite popular in the north, especially with groupes of friends.

"No, what is it?"

"Well it's simple, we all play a round, asking each other questions. If you don't want to answer a question we ask, you have to do a dare." Felix said with a sly smile on his face, while jisung seemed hesitant.

"I do not think I'll like this game..."

"Just try it" Minho smiled his way and that's all it took for him to agree in a heartbeat. The way he smiled never failed to make his whole body want to agree to everything.

"Alright" he said and they all got on the bed, sitting on it calmly.

"Who's going first?" Felix asked with an evil glare in his eyes, like he would definitely ask questions you shouldn't.

"Me. Do me" Hyunjin said and confidently looked around.

"Alright Hyunjin, truth or dare?" They ask and he smirks.

"Dare." He said quickly and Minho and Felix started conspiring.

"Alright...I dare you to give a kiss to Felix, where you like to kiss him most" Minho smiled, looking between them.

"Easy" he said and turned to Felix , grabbing his waist and kissing his cheek.

"Why my cheek?" Felix asked astounded.

"Because I like to kiss your freckles" he showered him with kisses and Felix chuckled, letting his back fall on the bed.

"I said one kiss, not thirty" Minho laughed and jisung glared at them.

"Fine, I nominate you to go next" Hyunjin pointed Minho and smiled. "Truth or dare minho?"

"Truth" he smiled and Felix looked between the two.

"Alright..." the blue eyed one said. "What was your first impression of jisung?"

"I'd say...intelligent, mysterious...beautiful"

Jisung blushed and nodded as he heard all of this, shyly.

"You're next angel, truth or dare" he asked jisung and he looked up, a small smile on his face.


"I want this one" Felix cut Hyunjin off and smiled. "What's your favorite thing about Minho in the sheets?"

Jisung flushes red and looks away, completely embarrassed.

"It's his first game Felix, lay off of him"

"No, I want to know, answer me"

Jisung looked at Minho and the older one played with his hair.

"You don't have to answer him..." he whispered.

"I want to..." he held his breath for a moment and Hyunjin and Felix looked at him, waiting for an answer. "I like it when you...moan..." he admitted and even Minho flushed red, holding a hand over his face with a smile.


"Yes" they were both red and looking into each other's eyes, while Hyunjin smiled.

"You two are oddly compatible" he mumbled and Felix clapped his hands together.  "Alright, now you ask someone" he added.

"Felix. Truth or dare?" Jisung asked without hesitation, a calm yet dangerous look in his eyes.


"Who is better in bed, Hyunjin or Minho?"


I might take a little break soon :(

I don't have time to manage work, school and writting at the same time. I'll try to make it work but I can't assure anything :(

A crown or this? | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now