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Minho walked to his chambers and watched Bow smile gracefully at him. She made her way delicately across the room and her eyes felt even deeper then before.

"I am glad to see you are well lady Bow" Minho gave a smile.

"I was worried about you, when you left suddenly"

"I am sorry for the impulsive decision..."

"You did what you had to do, I understand" her eyes trailed down his body and then back up before she slid her soft fingers on his chest. "I was thinking...we could maybe get a head start...to start trying" she said calmly and averted his eyes.

Minho looked at her confused and blinked a couple of times.

"For...what exactly?"

"A child." She paused. "With all that has happened, I figured that we never know when the last time could be..."

"Oh...I see" she slid her hands on his thin fabric and looked into his eyes.

She tried to touch him farther but he backed away, seeming like he was missing the words to speak to her.

"Do you not want me my king?" She asked confused. "I promise I am pure."

"That is not where relies the issue..." Minho took her hands. "I would rather be married first" he said even though it had nothing to do with it.

She seemed distressed for a moment, scratching her throat and swallowing thickly.

"Tell me what this is really about Bow..."

"Just wanted a head start-"

"The truth...I will not harm you for honesty. Now speak"

She nodded and played with the necklace around her neck.

"I am a woman. I cannot simply decide who I want to marry, I am given for bait. I will never rule. I will only watch you and my futur son rule this kingdom...my ultimate purpose as a queen will be to give you an heir"

Minho stayed quiet and watched her quick eyes analyse him.

"That is why I need to fall pregnant...soon or I fear they might replace me easily. And I know you will probably love another, fuck another, while I bare your children...and I most remain loyal to you."


"I know you must want to kill me for this, but it is truly how I feel..."

"I will never harm you, I will never force you to sleep with me or even speak to me if it does not please you. You are a queen and once I rule this land everyone will be reminded just how important you are, beyond conceiving a child, regardless of the gender."

"You already love another...don't you?" She said and smiled slightly, whipping the tears off her face.

"Yes...and I will not stop you from loving another either"

"You would allow the queen to...fool around...?"

"As long as you are happy." Minho smiled and they both sat on the bed calmly.

"Then lay with me...make me fulfill my purpose as a future queen." She said desperately and rubbed Minho's inner thigh.

"You have a bigger purpose then that-"

"Maybe for you. But I cannot live another minute, terrified that I will be replaced by another woman. I fought my whole life to get here, I cannot let it all go to waste..."

Minho stayed quiet and closed his eyes shut.

"I do not want to hurt you Bow..." he didn't move and she got onto his lap calmly.

"You will not...don't worry" she laid him down and ran her hands on his shirt, focused more then ever.

She undid her shirt and it fell around her waist, exposing all of her chest and stomach. Minho kept looking at her eyes as she undressed the rest of her clothes, not once even tempted to see the rest of her, as much as she was beautiful.

He looked at the sun set in the horizon and closed his eyes.

Jisung was the only one that crossed his mind in that moment.

It broke his heart, that he would have to explain why he arrived so late.


Minho pulled his pants on himself and Bow laid in the bed, covers pulled tightly on her.

"You are full of surprises prince of crows" she said calmly and smiled at him.

"What makes you say that?" 

"I was promised a night of hell for my first time...that it would hurt so much I would scream in pain. But you...made it calm and reassuring...somehow, so thank you"

"I wouldn't have done it if I knew I would hurt you" he said and placed his shirt above his head.

"That thing you did to me...down there, is it common in the north?" She asked, curious.

"It is called oral sex and yes, it is quite common, I hope I wasn't too bad for my first time on a woman"

"You were great...thank you again"

"No need to thank me for anything..." the sun was well past sunset now, he knew that Jisung was still awake, waiting.  "Is it alright if I leave for the night?"

"Of course...I will see you in the morning"

"Pass a Goodnight" he smiled at her and left the room calmly, heading towards Jisung's room.

He knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Soon the door opened and Jisung stood in the middle of the way, his eyes tired and hair messy.

Minho walked in and Jisung closed the door.

"You made me wait..." he said in a dry and tired voice.

"I didn't mean to...I-..." Jisung pulled him into a warm hug and Minho felt as if he didn't deserve this affection, this kindness.

"Let us get some rest" Jisung pulled him to the bed but Minho didn't move.

"No I-...I've got to tell you something"

"Cant it wait? We are both exhausted" Jisung sat on the bed and Minho sighed.

"Are you sure...?"

"Yes, just tell me tomorrow, now come here" he tapped the spot next to him on the bed and Minho went to him. It burned his chest to keep this inside of him, but he dealt with it anyway.

"Your skin feels warmer then usual" Jisung commented and Minho nodded.

"I'm not feeling so well..."

"Just lay down, close your eyes" they laid close to each other and Jisung played with Minho's black strands of hair. "Goodnight..."


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