🌙would you?

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They made it to the borders without a word being exchanged between them. Minho kept glancing over at him but Jisung remained as cold as the sword on his right side.

There were guards everywhere, but they kept their hoods on their heads, wanting to draw the least bit of attention to them, wanting to pass the border as civilians. Minho would probably pass without a problem, but Jisung's blond hair and tan skin could point him out so obviously to be part of the sun kingdom.

They reached the front and the guards look between them.

"Reasons for your presence here?" The guard asks, and they look at each other.

"We are just travellers" Jisung answered quickly and Minho nodded.

"Your accent...you come from the south" the man smiled and looked at his colleagues. "You really think we're going to let someone from the sun lands into the north after the planned assasination on our prince?"

News travels fast.

"We don't want any trouble, he's with me" Minho spoke up and their stares turned to him.

"We can let you pass but there is no way we're letting the blond one in"

A sound came in their ears before Minho smiled. It came from above them.

"Let us pass..." he said calmly and a crow flew above them, coming down to Minho's shoulder. The older one of the two of them reached for his neck and showed a necklace.

All the guards widened their eyes and went on one knee.

"My prince." They all lowered their heads. "We are profoundly sorry, we didn't know."

"Rise, you have done nothing wrong" Minho smiled, he was only a few steps closer to being home.

"We shall see that you and your guest be escorted back to the castle."

"No need, stand your posts"

"As you wish my prince" they moved out of the way and Minho turned to his crow, feeding him a bit and smiling.

"You never fail me Aowin..." he whispered. "Oh and could you please land me and my friend here some clothes? Coats?"

"Of course"

Soon they were fully clothed and warm furs and Jisung shifted uncomfortably.

They rode out onto the other side and Jisung widened his eyes when he saw it.

Snow. Everywhere.

He looked around confused, as if he didn't understand how it worked.

"So this is what the north looks like..." he watched it fall from the sky in pure wonder, stopping his horse to reach his hand out.

A snowdrop fell into his hand and he watched it melt into it, his eyes being so captivated.

"We're almost there" Minho said, continuing forward while jisung looked around amazed.
He said it quickly as well, he didn't wish to speak after their fight.

The younger one was too busy trying to catch the snow to notice anyway.


They had made it to the castle gates not long after and every guard bowed to their prince. They reached the stables and jisung was shivering uncontrollably.

"We'll be inside soon enough"

"I know..." Jisung got off his horse and looked emptily at Minho.

"I-" he was interrupted when the door opened widely.

"You're back!" A voice called and footsteps came after.

The younger boy had dark hair, pitch black with dark blue eyes, his skin as pale as snow and he had freckles.

"Felix, hey" Minho immediately had a smile on his lips and indulged him into a warm hug. It was slow and long, Jisung shifted as he glared his way.

"I got so scared...when I heard the news" he held him, Felix looked so small next to Minho, especially in his arms.

"Don't worry I'm fine, I'm home for a little while more" they split the hug and it's only then that Felix noticed Jisung.

"Who's he?" He glared.


"I'm Jisung. Prince of the sun lands" he said and the other nodded.

"Nice to meet you" he stared at him coldly before turning back to smile at Minho.

"Anyway...since you're back, do I start a bath for you?" Felix winked and leaned his entire body against him, batting his dark lashes.

Minho didn't move away, so Jisung scoffed under his breath.

"That would be great" Minho bent down and placed a strand of his hair behind his ear, making him blush.

"I-I'll get to it" he said excited.

Once he left, Minho could feel the strong look he was getting from Jisung.

"Does he realize you're getting married soon?"

"Yes, he does"

"Then why does he look at you like you're his next meal...?" Jisung asked seriously, so Minho chuckled.

"Why do you care? Like you said, we don't need to know each other."

"Because our alliance depends on this marriage, get your head straight"

"Then talk to me with the bare minimum of respect you owe me."

The door opened again and Felix walked back in, his eyes fixated on Minho's body.

"It's started..."

"Great, would you show Jisung his room please? Then you can come and join me" he smirked and Felix nodded simply, blushing.

"Follow me"

Jisung took one last look at Minho before getting inside the castle, it was beautiful brick stones holding it together.

They walked in hallways and made it to the rooms on no time.

"Here's your room" Felix opened the door and Jisung stepped inside. A fire place, a bed filled to the brim with warm blanket and a beautiful view of the snow mountains. "Do you need anything else?"

"Yes I've got a few things to say..."


Minho had forgotten his robe in his room so he walked towards it, but while doing so, he heard sobs.

He sighed and was surprised to see Felix walking while crying his eyes out.

"What the hell..." Minho mumbled and walked to him.

"What happened?"

Felix cried even more and ran away quickly before Minho could say another word.

Jisung was in the doorway, he felt colder to look at then the snow outside.

"What did you do to him?"

"Nothing...we just had a chat."

"Jisung will you just..." he held his breath for a moment, visibly angry. "I know you're our guest, but please respect my people."

"Your people or your slaves?"

Minho shoved him onto a wall and jisung felt the air leave his lungs quickly, his head being pressed on the wall.

"My people. My friends. My family. They are not here for your amusement."

They looked at each other coldly and Jisung seemed rather scared to see this side of him, even if his face didn't show it.

Jisung nodded and Minho let go of him.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a friend to go cheer up..." Minho left and Jisung held his own neck softly, frowning.

A crown or this? | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now