🌙this place

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A/n: this is going to be a long book btw, so get ready for some emotional investment with this one haha.

What's your favorite song on the new album?



I love you.

Those were the words they had exchanged the night before. Not one more before they went to sleep or when they woke up. Jisung had not once stopped smiling widely, more then the older has ever seen.

They had a council meeting that day, where Jisung was fighting his smile every time his eyes set on Minho for even a second, plus his heart would beat loudly.

They had wrapped things up but before they all left, the sun king glared at Jisung for a moment before looking at Minho.

"Before this meeting ends...I would like to know where you were yesterday night prince of crows...you were absent from your room in the late hours" he had this look on his face, like he knew he was right about this, like he would ruin their lives no matter what Minho would say.

"He was with me" Bow said calmly, fixing a few strands of her curly hair.

"With you...?" He wouldn't catch them that easily.

"Of course, my apologies for worrying you, I just wanted to spend time with my fiance after all..." she gave her prettiest smile, her plump lips curving and her dark brown eyes staring at the king.

"Of course" he said quickly and furrowed his brows when he saw Jisung holding his smile.  "You're all dismissed." He spat out and they all got up.

"Not you." He stopped Jisung by the arm and watched everyone leave. "You stay."

Minho looked between them, hesitant, but left when Jisung signalled him it was alright.

Even if it wasn't.

The doors closed heavily as Minho stepped out lastly and Jisung sighed.

"What do you think you're doing?" He hadn't let go of his arm.

"What are you accusing me of?" Jisung asked, trying to remain calm.

"Don't play the fool with me. You plan to do the same as with the horseman's boy? Should I do the same to Minho as I did to him? Was it not enough to show you how disgusting you are?"

"You won't hurt him" Jisung said calmly and his father visibly got angrier.

"I can do what ever I please."

"I know, that's exactly why you can't...because if you dare as to even lay a finger on Minho, I'll tell everyone your secret...the one nobody is aware of, not even mother."

"What rubbish are you speaking of? You have nothing on me."

"I used to have nothing, now I have the power to destroy your life in a whisper. To let everyone know why my sister truly died, to tell every soul in this kingdom why the west truly hates us....it's because of something you did...like you said, you can do anything"

"Do not threaten your king."

"I am not threatening a king...you are not worthy of that name. I am telling my father to watch his back is all." Jisung smiled and watched his father's face boil and his hands clench together, because he could do nothing.

Jisung walked to the door and touched the handle, but for a moment he froze and looked back.

"All these years you thought that imprisoning me and hurting me would make me weak. You thought that I would simply let myself be destroyed by your sharp words. You think I am a mere deer you can hunt. A pray to feast on your own failures...but you were so so wrong."Jisung looked his father dead in the eyes and glared deeply.

"You raised me to be a pray, but I rose to be a fucking lion..."

Jisung left the same second, slamming the door behind him and sighing deeply. He groaned and turned to walk, only to see a familiar face right next to the door.

Minho stood there, eating an apple.

"You were dismissed"

"I know, just stuck by in case things got messy...did they?" Minho took a bite from the red apple clamped in his hand.

"No actually...I just took care of it"

"I think you're going to have to be more specific...you either killed him or said words until he couldn't bare you anymore"

"Second one"

"Thought so, should we get going then?"

"Lead the way..." Jisung smiled, intrigued as to why he stayed near by. "And I can handle myself you know"

"I know, that's why I waited outside." Minho said and jisung followed besides him.

"And what would you have done if I was in trouble? Would you have busted the door down and came to save me like a knight?"

"Of course, wouldn't want the princess to get hurt..."

"I can handle things on my own" Jisung said and walked away, so Minho followed along.

"Yes, because you have been doing that for years, being alone" Minho smiled. "But you're not alone anymore jisung..."

The younger was about to argue but figured it would lead nowhere, because quite frankly, Minho had a point.

"Where are you taking me?" He said instead and Minho gave him a playful look.

"I forgot to return a book at the library, I was thinking we could pass by...candle lights, calm ambiance..."

"Sure" Jisung blushed slightly and walked with him, hand in hand, making sure nobody was around.


They had finished ordering every book, swiping every dust and washing the floors. Jisung still found things to do no matter, continuing to read and research various things. Minho watched him, attentive and smiling the whole time.

"Shoot" Jisung dropped a book and it tipped over, falling under a small table. He went on his knees and then on his fours to look under the table, trying to grab the book.

Now...to Minho's view, it's this very thin fabric that is now testing his limits. He looks at him the whole time and until Jisung gets back up.

"Quite a stretch there" Minho smirked, looking him up and down.

"It slipped from my hands" he swept some of his blond hair behind his ear and looked away. Minho made his way to him and went right in his back.

"Don't play dumb..."

"I don't know what you're talking about.." he blushed.

"Jisung, we both know you'd never accidentally drop a book..." he placed his hands on his hips and Jisung leaned in.

"So why don't you tell me what you really want...?" He said next to his ear and Jisung widened his eyes, his cheeks completely red.

"I want you."

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