🌙after us

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.2 years later.

Jisung grabbed a warm cup and blowed on it as he walked inside this house they now called home. He made it in hallways and smiled to himself.

Once he was in the bedroom, he settled the cup of tea next to Minho's shape under the covers.

"Good morning" jisung spoke softly and kissed Minho on the head, ruffling his hair after. The older finally opened his eyes and looked around with a bright smile.

"Good morning love, you brought me tea?"

"Yes, I found some flowers on my way back from the village and knew how to make your favorite...I couldn't resist"

"That is very kind of you, but I am missing one thing this fine morning"

"What might that be?" Jisung sat next to him and Minho cupped his face.

"A kiss from my beloved." They shared a kiss for a brief moment and felt each other's lips curve.

"You had plenty of those last night...along with kisses everywhere actually"

"Trust me, I remember each one" Minho smirked and looked at jisung in a tender way, taking the cup of tea he had made him.

Things were normal now, they woke up and worked on their farm for a little while before going to the village for some groceries. A lot had changed in their life, everyone they knew were behind and everything ahead for the two lovers.

"Do you...regret anything?" Jisung had asked one night with a nervous hand fidgeting.

"You mean, if I regret leaving my role of king behind?"

"Yes...do you miss the high life, where people knew your name by the look in your eyes or how they respected you beyond anything...?"

"What I miss is my father...my friends from the north, maybe even our late nights in the library"

"But not being king?"

"It seems to bother you more then it bothers me...jisung we made a choice, don't you love living here?"

"I do, i never imagined a life that could be so peaceful and simple, not having to watch every word I say...but I do miss it sometimes"

"What do you miss? Tell me" Minho asked calmly, a steady gaze on him.

"The giant streets of the city I would sneak into at night, how alive they were, vibrant. I guess I also miss the waterfall sounds I could hear from my window and the way the sun rose in the morning..."

"It is normal to be homesick, I am too. I miss the warm blankets on a snowy day or the hot natural baths we had in the castle. I miss the loyalty of the northern people and the kindness they would show me..."

"It's hard not to look back I suppose, when it is all I've known for years of my life."

"I know love, we will get used to it, faith brought us this far."

"Faith has a funny way of being sometimes, it can change in the matter of a second"


For these two, things wouldn't be as they seemed. The perfect futur they had planned was perhaps not what they had imagined.

The sound of hooves knocking against the pavement started to be heard from outside their house. Jisung looked out the window to see a rider in the distance, a hood above his head but a horse from the sun city.

They came from far away.

"Get your sword" jisung whispered and Minho went to get it, he hadn't even touched it in two years. The horse steps get closer and then stop in front of the house, heavy steps outside and heavy breaths inside.

A crown or this? | minsungDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora