🌙brick caslte

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They had made it back and caused a huge commotion in the city. All eyes were on them, not knowing why they had come back so early to the kingdom they were almost killed in. Most speculated drama, but the sun king was having none of it.

When eyes were on him, he welcomed everyone, but as soon as they were behind closed doors, anger flooded in his vains.

"Why have you both come back together?" He asked furious, as if they had disturbed his sleep.

"I was ordered to." Jisung responded, no shame on admitting it.

"I had requested for you to come back. Minho is in real danger."

"So is J-" Minho got cut off immediately.

"I made him come back with me. There is a threat from the south and we need the prince to act on this. We cannot show them that we are afraid." He made up on the spot, he needed something gullible enough.

"The marriage cannot proceed while the threat is real, I have a team working on it right now. Once it is resolved, Minho will become heir to the throne." He spat out and fixed his coat, then his crown.

"Yes...my king..." Jisung said and the king left the same moment, not wanting a second more to be spent on jisung.

"Looks like you're not getting married for a little while" Jisung smiled and minho couldn't help but replicate.

"It sure looks like it...what a shame..." he mumbled while holding back a smirk and Jisung looked at him with such wonder in his eyes. "We should still be careful though, the threat is real..."

"Or course, but we've managed to live it out twice before, we should be fine..." he held his words for a moment before speaking. "You could sleep in my room..." he said quietly, red cheeks and averted eyes.


"Protection." Jisung said quickly and tried to walk away but Minho caught his arm and went behind his back, breathing on his neck.

In that moment, he didn't know what to say. Jisung was in front of him, frozen and waiting for him to say or do something. Yet, Minho stood there and let his breath roam all over the younger's back without saying a word.

"Minho...?" He said after a hard swallow, barely a breath.

The older placed his hands on his hips and Jisung didn't move away, he leaned into the touch.

"W-we shouldn't...not here" Jisung whispered but Minho simply bent down and kissed his neck. He started slowly and softly, feeding into his desires and Jisung quivered under him. When Jisung let a sound escape his lips, Minho felt like he had won somehow, finally a bit of pleasure.

They heard footsteps walk past the room they were in and Jisung widened his eyes.

"Minho-" he put a hand on his mouth and Jisung choked on it when the older bit down on his skin. He lost it and mumbled against the palm of Minho's hand, quietly.

His crow then started to make noise outside of their room and Minho pulled away, he knew that meant someone was coming.

Jisung also distanced himself and went to the window, looking away into the distance.

The door opened and a blond haired woman walked in, hair long to her knees. She gave a smile and looked at Minho.

"I am glad to have you back...both of you" she said calmly. "I came here to let you know that Bow is waiting for you in your chambers"

Jisung shifted uncontrollably and Minho nodded.

"I will go and visit her"

"Yes...well I will leave it to you" she spoke before leaving through the door.

Once she was out, Jisung sighed deeply and murmured.

"Well go see her..."

"Jealousy is an odd colour on you" Minho smiled and went to him, kissing his back.

"I cannot help myself..."

"It will just be a quick visit, besides, I said I'd protect you tonight right? Bed singular" he smirked slowly and Jisung nodded.

"Fine...but if she tries anything-"

"Have you no faith in me?"

"You will marry her." Jisung said quickly and then looked away. "You'll have to bed with her and kiss her, not me."

"Jisung...it's not what I want"

"Then what do you want...prince of crows?"

"To run away..." Minho admitted and almost regretted it. "To take my things and move to the country side deep into the mountains, where no one can touch us. Where we can live without eyes on us...without worry about a futur and holding the weight of an entire kingdom on my shoulders..."

"You would be willing to give up your crown...?" Jisung raised a brow.

"I've never felt at ease doing this, never felt worthy of the title"

"Could I tell you something?"

"Of course..."

"If one day...you are sick of it, take my hand and lead me to that futur..."

"You would come with me if I asked you to?" Minho took his hands.

"Yes. I would do it with a blindfold on, following you to wherever your heart desires...but please consider this first. You would be the greatest king this kingdom has ever had. You could make change. Real change."

"So you're saying I should stay?"

"As your futur advisor, yes. As your...what ever we are, I will follow you regardless of your decision"

"Lover? Could we say lovers?" Minho smiled widely and Jisung blushed, neutral face still on.

"You never focus on the right things...but sure, call this what ever you want" Jisung let himself smile and Minho pulled him by the neck to make their foreheads touch and breaths intertwine.

"Lovers..." he smiled even more and kissed his nose.

"You're such a romantic, how do you put up with me?"

"Easy, I don't have to do much..." he leaned in and Jisung kissed back immediately, burying his hand in Minho's hair. "You are more romantic then you think..."

"Mmhhh..." Jisung mumbled, not knowing how to take it. "You shouldn't keep the princess waiting..."

Minho smile and nodded.

"I will meet you in your room later on"

"Make sure no one sees you"

"Do not worry, they won't"

A crown or this? | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now