Keep it Righteous: Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

"I know, I know... And I've been thinking about it this whole time. I got too comfortable and got carried away." Tyson explains as they turn at the next corner.

"Hey, what the h-"

T H W A C K!

After abruptly snatching the gun out of the next criminal's hand who was likely coming over to see what was going on, Righteous Lad carefully strikes him in the face with the butt of the gun and knocks him out cold.

"It was a dumb way to go about it, and I'm sorry for it. I hope I didn't upset you too much." He concludes right after, turning to look upon her with an apologetic expression.

"Nah, it's cool! It's cool, Boss. Just wanted to make sure you weren't going Episode III Anakin Skywalker on us. Now come on, let's clear out the rest of the floor." She gives him a little push with her forearm before continuing on.

"Righteous." A term he speaks with a newfound grin curving his lips upward.

"Uh huh. 


You bet cha'!

You guys should totally follow me on Instagram @MayTricksO6. That's may as in 'may I', and tricks. T. R. I. C. K. S. Then the letter 'O', followed by the number six. You can find my Twitter handle and official YouTube page in my about me, too!" Down on street level, Matrix self-promotes her social presence while giving autographs and answering the simplest questions from the crowd standing behind the border of the perimeter. Though a tad peculiar to do at such a time, it was understandable to some degree. Monetization was a common motivation in the field of Samaritan (Or superheroism, as some prefer).

During, another hero begins descending from above. A figure clad in black with minuscule glimpses of silver, gliding down with outstretched arms and bent knees, being aided by the jet-black cloak puffing out behind him. 

"Matrix." The hooded male in black -the solemn teen of the group- calls to her just after landing within a brief crouch. He rises to stand at his full height of 5'7. His lean figure is obscured almost entirely by his long draping cape. On his face, right over his eyes, is a mixture between a domino mask and a headband that hides most of his facial features. Purple oval-shaped lenses are what he's constantly looking through, and all anyone sees.

"Oh. The Suicide Boy returns." Matrix dismissively responds, signing one last autograph before she gives him her undivided attention.

"Matrix..." He nonchalantly repeats, unamused by her remark.

"Relax, relax. I'm just messin'. The boss is still on the top floor, and I think Alexecute may be up there, too."

"Any more apprehended culprits?"

"Hm. I don't think so. Haven't seen any more of them since the last handful Righteous Lad threw out for me to catch."

"I see. Then I'm heading up to-"

B O O O O M ! !

Before he can finish that statement, a roaring and fiery explosion erupts high above and over the building just as many pieces of shattered glass fall to the sidewalk. An accumulating mass of gray smoke begins spreading shortly after the visual of violent orange and red fades.

"WHAT... was THAT?" Matrix questions of no one in particular. Her associate and teammate goes from a wide-eyed expression, to glaring intensely at the upper floor, where another window had been broken. 

"I'm going to need a boost."

A moment before the explosion...

T h u m p .

Gray Heroics: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now