You were just so set on not getting things you didn't order. I was...but I didn't want to use you like that. You did this on your own, not because I was asking for it. You really aren't mad? Not even a little. I felt so cared for when I opened it. I felt like someone out there likes me enough to do that. I do like you enough to do that. You are a good guy, Felix. You are more kind than anyone I have ever met. I wanted to make you smile. You did. Hyunjin could feel Felix's joy and his relief was immense. I'm so sorry that I wasn't around. I understand. You were afraid you had crossed the line and didn't want to be around when I opened it. That's why you told me to open it when I got home. Yeah. You didn't upset me at all. Felix reassured him.

He spent the day off and on telling Hyunjin all about the night and his new friends. They sound like good people. I think they are. Watching made me realize how different Jacob and I are from healthy couples. I don't think I would have seen it without you though.

That night Stray Kids were performing live for an award show. Felix tuned in to watch. He stayed as quiet as possible to not allow himself to distract Hyunjin while he was on stage. The show started and Felix was completely flabbergasted by the show the guys were putting on. He watched everyone but soon his eyes were locked on Hyunjin whose body drew him like magnets as he danced.

Felix watched as the man's hair became wet with perspiration as he gave his all to the dancing. He could feel the loose limber muscles as Hyunjin danced. He could feel how the man was giving every ounce of energy to the crowd. As Hyunjin did a combination body roll and hip thrust, his hand dangerously close to his groin; Felix became more than a little turned on. His mind, automatically conjuring images of what that body could do to him. He tried frantically to think of something else but it wasn't like he really had control over it. If Hyunjin hadn't been in his head he never would have known. Hyunjin felt Felix's arousal and saw the visions Felix was trying so hard to get rid of and became more than a little turned on himself; so much so that he missed his cue and had to rush through the lyrics to catch it up before Jeongin took over. He saw Changbin shoot him a look and blushed.

I'm so sorry. Oh fuck, I'm so sorry. I was trying not to, you are just so sexy. Oh fuck, I didn't mean to think that. I'm saying everything wrong. I'm sorry. I just. I'm sorry. Felix's thoughts were chaotic mixtures of erotic thoughts and humiliation that he couldn't keep Hyunjin from hearing every one of them and then worse, Hyunjin had messed up his performance entirely due to Felix. Calm down. You couldn't help it. It's not your fault. We just haven't learned how to block effectively. Felix turned off the TV and busied himself doing dishes so he couldn't distract Hyunjin anymore. When they got backstage Hyunjin caught Chan moving his way and Binnie stepping between them and pulling Hyunjin aside. Chan nodded and moved away.

"What's going on Jinnie? You are usually completely focused during the shows and today you aren't here." Binnie asked softly. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I'm ok." Hyunjin shrugged. I'm so sorry. Stop apologizing. "I was just distracted. Won't happen again."

"It's ok Jinnie, We all get distracted sometimes; it just doesn't usually happen to you so we..." He changed tact "I was worried." Binnie finished.

Hyunjin glanced over to Chan who was watching them. Hyunjin mouthed an apology and got a cocked eyebrow asking without words if he was ok. He nodded and Chan nodded back and his attention finally dropped off. Hyunjin turned back to Changbin. "I'm just lost in my head a lot lately, it distracted me." Binnie touched his shoulder soothingly.

"You know you can talk to us if something is going on, right?" His hyung asked.

"Of course hyung. I'm....I'm not ready to talk about it yet." I wouldn't even know where to begin. Changbin nodded. That was the great thing about him, he didn't push. He accepted what you were willing to say and waited until you were ready for the rest. Binnie gave him a half hug and moved away. Minho walked by and cuffed him on the head and smirked over his shoulder at Hyunjin. The younger man laughed. They aren't mad at you for messing up? Of course not. We are human, we all make mistakes. They are so worried about you. Is that how you guys all care for each other? Yes. That's how people should care for those they love. Felix was still overwhelmed with guilt but it was slightly lessened to know the others weren't mad because of his screw up.

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