Chapter 16: Don't Leave Me [M]

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"Before you leave, Becca. I'd like to give you a task. Freen is absent today, but this project must be finished soon. Can you pair up with her?" the teacher said.

I smiled and nodded. Our teacher handed me a folder containing the things we must do.

It's not like I care about Freen anymore, but I'm curious why she's absent. She didn't like to stay at their house because of the atmosphere but she was absent today. What happened to her?

When I arrived at their house, I pushed the doorbell button, but no one answered. I noticed that the gate was open so I went through it. Everything's neat, from their front yard to their living room. Yes, the house wasn't locked.

"Freen?" I called for her, but no one answered.

I went upstairs to check. The first two rooms were locked and the last one was opened. Unlike the front yard and the living room, this room was in a huge mess. There were bottles everywhere and the smell of alcohol reeked all over the room.


I was startled to see her on the floor, so wasted. I tried to carry her, but she was too heavy and warm. She has a fever.

"Wake up! I can't carry you. Damn it." I tried again but failed.

How could this girl be so heavy?

"Becky..." she called my name using a sweet voice. "You're here for me, Becky?" she asked and flashed a sweet smile.

"You reeked of alcohol, what did you do?" I gently slapped her multiple times, but she smiled and stood up.

Freen wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me to lie on the mattress. She giggled and tied her hair in a pony, she get on top of me and then looked at me with a boring passionate eye.

"Do you know how much it hurts to say those words? I did that to protect you. That motherfucker was right. I invalidated your feelings and didn't treat you right. I didn't deserve you, Becky. You'll only get hurt if you stay with me."

I felt the tear fall down my face, coming from her eyes.

Freen lie down next to me and closed her eyes.

"You're too good to be true, Becca. As much as I want to be with you, I can't. I might hurt you again," she whispered.

Why are you doing this, Freen? Why are you saying those words to me too late? I'm dating Saint now. I can't just turn my back and take a risk with you again.

I wanted to voice those words out, but I was afraid she wouldn't hear them either. She wouldn't understand.

I slid off the bed and went to her room's bathroom to get a towel. She needed to be sober. I wet the towel on the basin and went to her, and then gently wiped it on her face.

I couldn't resist the temptation. I wanted to kiss her soft pink lips right now, and assure her that I'm willing to be with her whatever the world might do, but it wasn't that easy. That would never be easy.

"Did you already change your mind?" she asked, in a tiny cute voice.

I nodded my head.

"Yes, I consider all the things you told me yesterday."

"Too bad, it's my fault anyway." She turned her back on me and covered herself with a blanket.

"Stop sulking. This is your fault. Why did you drink too much you can't even handle?" I forced her to face me.

Freen's face reddened again.

"I want to stay drunk forever. I can see you clearly beside me," she muttered. "Don't leave me, please."

I rolled my eyes and wiped her neck and arms. I made her sit down and hauled her shirt over her head. I took a few gulps when I saw her body.

"My clothes are in the walk-in closet. Just pick the oversized one."

I went to her walk-in closet and everything was organized. It has color coding and all her uniforms were in a different cabinet. I picked the black shirt that I think was oversized but a piece of paper fell on the ground. I picked it up, and read.

'This is for you. I know how much you love wearing a huge t-shirt that aint your size. - Heng'

I returned the shirt and picked another.

"That's not mine!" Freen threw the shirt I gave her.

I looked at the shirt, and there was a name on its sleeve. 'Saint'. Why Saint shirt was here? I stared at her and gripped the shirt.

"Calm down, babe. Saint is just a nobody to me. He left it here when we organized the booth last acquaintance party."

I made her wear Saint's shirt and pulled her closer to me. Freen was startled and now I could feel her heavy breath. I didn't know what was inside my mind. I wanted to kiss her right now and bit her lips. I looked into her eyes and let myself drown in her stares.

You have a boyfriend, Becca. What are you thinking? I thought.

Freen leaned in and kissed my forehead. She then looked at me again. "Tell me you love me, and I'll pleasure you tonight." She kissed the bridge of my nose, and then the tip. "Say it, Becky." Her lips went to my cheeks and behind my ear, giving me a tingling sensation.

"You're drunk." I pushed her a bit.

Freen wrapped her arms around my waist and made me lie on the bed, then she got on top of me and smile.

"I'm too strong for a drunk girl, babe."

I rolled my eyes.

Freen planted a delicate kiss on my lips, which I gladly let do so. The kiss went to sloppy and cunning kind of one. I was lying on the bed, while she was on top of me. It went deep, but it was slow and passionate. It's like she was holding something fragile. The way she touched me and caressed my cheeks was too gentle.

"Freen," I moaned when her kisses went down to my jaw and then neck. I wrapped my legs around her torso as my hands caressed her back.

Freen grabbed my hands and put them on the headboard, then tied them with a ribbon. Where the fuck did she get those ribbons?

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Freen crashed her lips onto mine again, but this time our movements were synchronized. I couldn't move my hands, the reason why she unbuttoned my vest and inner sleeves easily, revealing my naked body. She stared at me again with passionate eyes and ran her fingers on my neck down to my navel gently, giving me an electrifying feeling, and making my body arch.

"A minute." Freen stood up and went to her mini-kitchen then opened the fridge. She took out an ice cube and went back to her previous position.

"What are you doing with that ice?" I asked.

Freen grinned and put the ice in between my valley. I looked up when I felt the coldness. She moved the cube all over my chest before swallowing it, then kissed me. She left the cube in my mouth, and her lips went on my nipples, making me moan loudly and causing the ice to go out of my mouth. She kept on pleasuring me using her tongue.

Freen's hand traveled down to my skirt and gently rubbed what was in between my times. My body arched once again, and her kisses went to my lips again. I bit her lower lip and glared at her.

"What? That hurts." Freen inserted her fingers inside my undies and drew a circle.

I wanted to move my hands, but I couldn't. Freen tied my hands.

"Freen, please..." The enticing sensating was firing me inside again. "Stop teasing me."

Freen grinned and insert her two fingers inside me, causing me to moan again, but this time it was not loud since she covered my mouth using her other hand.

"Shush, someone's here."

Why Do You Hate Me? || FreenBecky [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt