Chapter 10

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"What the hell is that?" An hour later, James had popped in to drop off my laptop but quickly left. Leaving me with Kian. He sat in one of the comfy armchairs, a laptop of his own resting on the arm, his ankle crossed over his knee. I really tried to not to notice how his slacks were stretched enticingly over his strong thighs, outlining everything. Everything that I'd seen on that first night and knew how good it was. I did really try not to notice these things about my kidnapper. But I'm only human.

"My laptop?" Forcing my gaze up to look at his face, I somehow managed to answer his question.

"If it has to be plugged in all the time, it's not a laptop."

"Thank you so much for that input." I swivelled my desk chair back around to focus on my work. "So I'm not allowed to attend work but I will need to go to my classes."

"You can attend them online. Your school still has provisions in place from covid." I guess we didn't need to go over again how he knew which school I went to. I glared at him through the reflection of the window in front of me.

"And what about my final exams?"

"One of us will have to escort you to them."

"So you still envision me being prisoner in two weeks when I have to do them?"

"I guess we'll see." Sighing heavily, and loudly, to make my annoyance known, I turned back to my work. I stare blankly at my screen for a moment. It occurred to me that I should be fighting more. Instead here I was acquiescing to their every unreasonable demand like the good little submissive I was. Well to hell with that. I spun back around angrily, he glanced up at me, bored.

"I'm attending my classes in person." I stated. He raised an eyebrow.

"No, you're not." He looked back down at his phone.

"Yes I am. You'll take me there, escort me, whatever, I don't care. But you will take me to my class tomorrow.' He remained silent for far too long.

"Or what?" He drawled. Casually but purposefully he unbuttoned his suit jacket, flicking it open just enough to reveal the gun tucked into his waistband. I think I stopped breathing. I really did keep forgetting who I was dealing with. "You forget you have no power here. There is nothing you can say or do to dissuade me from what I have already said. You are merely an inconvenience I am entertaining because it's amusing to watch you get riled up, you're pretty to look at, and I did enjoy fucking you. But do not forget who I am or why you are here."

"I just want to attend my classes in person." I whispered, pleading, pathetic.

"It's not about what you want Darling." I turned back around before he could see my cry. I was way out of my depth here. These men were powerful and dangerous and the one just a few feet away from me was the deadliest of them all. He made me feel small and humiliated in a gross and dirty way. And I hated him. And I hated myself for falling for their advances and doing what I was told and not trying harder to escape. There must be a way out of here, it's not like this place was Fort Knox, there must be weaknesses somewhere, I just hadn't been bothered to look for them. As soon as he left, I was scouring this place from top to bottom for anyway out.

Hours later he was still here and neither of us had spoken. My stomach growled loudly and so I turned to glare at Kian.

"So when I have you as a bodyguard, I don't get lunch?" He looks up from his laptop, blinking at me a few times, as if he forgot I was here.

"I usually work through lunch. What do you want?"

"Well if I have all the choice in the world then, I want a meatball sub." He rolled his eyes but within twenty minutes I had a steaming sub on my desk. As if he knew I wanted time alone to try and plot my escape, he stayed with me all day. At six he swaps with James, who brings Thai food, which he eats with me. And then he doesn't leave. It occurs to me I must be incredibly transparent, it must be written all over my face that I want to scheme in private. So I start scheming in plain sight. While James sits next to me on the couch I start googling. How to pick a lock. Likelihood of surviving a twenty foot drop. Easiest way to kill a man. Most painful way to kill a man. How to shoot a gun. He never looks up from his phone, but I can't imagine the smirk on his face is for the shift rotation he's been staring at for the past half hour.

When it reaches nine pm and he's still here I'm officially annoyed. "I don't need a twenty-four seven babysitter." I grumble.

"Kian said you were freaking out this morning, thought you might need some company."

"Mmmm 'cause Kian was such great company." I muttered. He chuckled and I looked over at him. God he was hot. Why did they all have to be so hot? It was like it some kind of cosmic rule that if you were evil and dangerous you also had to be hot, just as an extra kick in the teeth. James didn't seem evil though. Where Damian was obviously psychotic and Kian had murdered someone in front of me in cold blood and Danny had made it clear to me what he was. James I didn't understand. He was a doctor and he did seem to spend his time actually being a doctor. He seemed nice, in a boy-next-door kind of way. The way his eyes were soft and kind and his hair flopped adorably onto his forehead. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask him his life story, but I refrained. I already wanted to fuck my kidnappers I didn't need to get to know them and fall in love with them.

My eyes flicked down to his phone, he was entering his shifts onto a shared google calendar. I tried to memorise it, if I knew when James wasn't about, that just left the other three to deal with. He scrolled to the next week and my eyes zeroed in. Next Friday was Damian's birthday. I kept my face carefully blank. Maybe I would finally be allowed out for Damian's birthday party, or, at the very least, everyone would be distracted and I would have a chance of escape.

My head reeling with the possibilities I head to the bathroom the get ready for bed. When I come back out, James is gone and I refuse to admit to myself that I'm disappointed that he's not staying the night. I'm so mentally and emotionally exhausted I collapse into bed. I can't have closed my eyes for more than a few minutes when I hear the door open. I ignore it but then I feel the bed dip beside me. I open my eyes to find Danny making himself comfortable.

"Hey Princess." I groan and roll over. I'm not doing this. I'm not entertaining this.

"What do you want? I'm tired."

"I quite liked sleeping next to you last night. Thought I'd give it another try." Yeah, they definitely don't trust me alone.

"And if I say no?"

"Go ahead," He goads, his hand goes to my hip and he rocks me onto my back, I stare at the ceiling. "Say no." His hand trails up my inner thigh. "Tell me to fuck off." His hand continues up my body and splays across my ribcages as he leans in close. "Say you don't want this." His lips ghost along my neck, making me shiver. "Tell me to leave." His words are teasing, challenge. He knew what he was doing. He knew the effect he had on me. And it would be so easy to give in. But I liked to think I had more self-control than that.

"Fuck you."

By some miracle I actually managed to roll over and go to sleep.

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