Chapter 18

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"Well hello Princess, I have good news." Danny announces, barging through the door, entirely too cheery for so early in the morning. Dami had to go out of town yesterday for work, and he still wasn't home by the time I went to bed, so I'm in my own room. It still feels sterile, and very much like a prison, despite the creature comforts Dami has accumulated for me over the past week.

"Stop calling me Princess." I grumble, rolling away from him and pulling the covers over my head.

"You should be nice to me, I've been given the authority to let you free."

I sit up abruptly, "What?"

"Time to let the little bird out of her cage."

"What? I get to go home?" Not really sure how Damian is going to take that news, but I know a couple of ways to calm him down.

"Oh, no sweetheart. We're just not locking you up in this room any more. You get free roam of the house." I roll my eyes. I pretty much have free reign of the house anyway, but I guess Damian hasn't told anyone what's going on between us and how he let's me roam around the house when it's just us at home. Am I just a dirty little secret to him? I frown at that thought, I thought we were something deeper than that. "Thought you would be happier."

I brush off that irrational thought and paste on the sweetest smile I can muster, "Oh I'm sorry," I crawl to the foot of the bed where he stands, two coffees in hand, "am I supposed to get down on the floor and kiss your feet for giving me back my freedom?" He looks down at me, heat simmering in his gaze. For a moment I'm hypnotised by his striking blue eyes, so much warmer and comforting that Dami's mysterious feral ones.

"I do love to see you on your knees." And that snaps me out of my stupor.

"Fuck you." I snatch one of the coffees and crawl back into bed, sitting up against the headboard. "So what are the stipulations?" He just raises his eyebrow, "I'm not stupid. I know you're not really giving me free rein of this entire house. You're criminals, you have things you want to hide and I've already seen too much." His face shutters at my description of them as criminals, but he quickly recovers, smirking.

"You'd be right. I'll take you on a tour of the estate, point out the places you can and can't go."

"So it's not really freedom then."

"We're entitled to privacy." I suppose he has a point, but I also suspect they have dark and nefarious hidden that they don't want me poking my nose into. Although I've already seen Dami's dungeon so I'm not sure what else they could have hidden that's worse than that. We finish our coffees while making small talk and then I throw on a hoodie and slip my feet into some slippers before gesturing towards the door.

"Give me the grand tour then."

We start downstairs, walking through all the rooms I've seen before. Off the kitchen he shows me their extensive pantry and a laundry room and then opens the doors to the decking, telling me that they own all the land as far as we can see, including the forrest and then the mountains in the distance. It didn't occur to me that you could own mountains.

Back at the entrance to the house, at the staircase, he leads me left down the long hallway. There are four dark wood doors, one after the other, an office, for each of them Danny explains. When I try the doorknob of the first door its locked. Danny leans against the wall opposite and raises an eyebrow at me.

"Did you really think that would work?"

I shrug as I walk past him, "No but it was worth a try."

The next stop is a large set of double doors, which open into a very impressive library, at the end of which is a large bay window overflowing with cushions. I trail my fingers along some of the spines, they look like mostly old books though, and I'm more of a contemporary romance kind of girl. Finally we get to the end of the hallway, which ends with an even larger set of double doors, its edges carved in delicate floral patterns and accented in gold. Danny opens them with a flourish, revealing a grand ballroom beyond. It's literally like something out of palace, Victorian style decorating, which is somewhat out of place with the Spanish villa styling of the rest of the mansion. There are three osegntationously large chandeliers and a fully stocked bar in the back corner which is much more in style with the rest of the house.

I wonder if this is where they will celebrate Damian's birthday on Friday. No-one has mentioned it, although I assume it's more that no-one has mentioned it to me. I make a mental note to get him something. It's not like I can go out and buy him something, but maybe I can give him a really good blowjob.

Back upstairs we skim past the hall with my room or the 'east wing' as Danny calls it, which is apparently all guest rooms. Then we walk across the landing and he gestures towards the west wing of the house, "And these are our suites."

"Another no go area for me?"

"Obviously. Unless invited of course." He says, winking at me. It occurs to me then, that the room I've spent all my time in with Dami, the one I thought was his room, is just down the hall from mine. Does he have a suit down here?

"I think James is home, shall we go tell him the good news of your freedom." Before I can say anything he opens the door and tugs me in.

James is sitting up against the headboard, shirtless, his jeans unbuttoned, his cock in one hand and his phone in the other. He drops both as we enter, rushing to drag a blanket over his lap. His phone keeps playing, and even face down on the bed I recognise the voices.

"That's it, good girl."

"Don't call me that."

"But you are, aren't you?"

How could I forget? What was that my first day as prisoner? I dry humped Danny on the couch in the name of stress relief. Danny filmed it, saying he was going to send it to the others, so they could also have some stress relief. I hadn't given it a second thought, I'd just let him and then forgotten about it. Swept up in all things Damian. But Danny clearly had sent that video to the rest of the guys, and James was clearly using it for stress relief. He was using me for stress relief. I- I should feel violated and gross but I didn't. Instead a warm slither of arousal pools in my core.

James' usual calm, steady eyes are wild as they stare at me, waiting for me to lash out I assume.

"Rough shift?" Danny asks, smirking. "How many times have you watched that video now? It's not really cutting it any more is it? Why don't you have the real thing?"

Danny pushes me forward until my knees bounce against the mattress. Then he retreats, closing the door behind him, leaving me along with the good Doctor.

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