Chapter 6

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He lead me back into the bedroom, now vacant of the three others. I surveyed the room that was now my prison, it was beautiful and all the furniture was luxurious, but it was devoid of any creature comforts. My bed at home was covered in a mountain of blankets and pillows, this one was pristine, almost sterile in comparison.

"For the first few days you'll stay in here, under lock and key, we'll bring you meals. Once you prove you can follow the rules you can have free roam of the house. You will share your work and class schedule with me and one of us will escort you every time you leave the house. Your use of any phone or laptop will be supervised." He pulled a phone out of his pocket. No wait, he pulled my phone out of his pocked. Before I could yell at him my outrage he held his hand up to silence me. "You get two calls. One to parents. One to the friend you texted about your whereabout last night. Both must be done on speaker. I hope you're a good liar."

I snatched the phone out of his hand. "I'll just need the one." Ivy picked up on the first ring.

"Girl, tell me everything." Something between a sob and a laugh escaped me. I was so relieved to hear her voice, I could almost pretend that this was all a dream. "How many things can we cross of our list?"

"Off the top of my head four."

"Hot damn. You may be winning now."

"I sure as fuck hope so." I mumbled, since our little competition had now gotten me kidnapped. "Anyway, I'm just calling to let you know I won't be home tonight. Maybe not tomorrow either."

"Damn, really?"

"What can I say, I give such good head they want to keep me."

"Keep you?"

"They're going away on their yacht for a few days and they invited me." Kian raised his eyebrows at me I glared back - he was the one that told me to lie.

"Yacht? A few days? What about work and school?"

"Are you suggesting I turn down the four hot probably billionaires for work at a diner?"

"There's four of them?"

"Did I forget to mention that?"

"And they're rich?"

"So fucking rich." She squealed.

"Damn, girl. Good for you. As long as you promise you're okay."

"I'm okay."

"Send pics."

"I may be too busy for that." Kian motioned at me to wrap it up but I just scowled at him. "I'm gonna get back to them. Maybe I'll finish my list. What's next on it anyway?"

"Two D's one V." Kian raised his eyebrows at me, his eyes darkening with the challenge. "Oh before you go, there's a letter here for you."

"A letter?"

"It's from the prison."

"Burn it."

She sighed, "It might be important."

"Burn it."

She sighed again, "Okay. Call me when you can, with all the details."

"I will." We said our goodbyes and hung up. My chest pinched, I never lied to Ivy, she was all I really had. But I had a big bad crazy murderer standing in front of me, no doubt carrying a concealed weapon. So I didn't really have much choice but to follow his orders.

"Got a prison pen pal?" He asked. I ignored him, mostly because I didn't want to get caught up wondering what was in that letter, and it wasn't any of his business anyway. I handed him back the phone, like the good little prisoner I was. "Are you sure you don't want to phone your parents?"

"Can you phone the dead?" I didn't wait for him to feign sympathy. "I need my stuff." I demanded. "From my apartment. Work clothes and school books."

"I'll send someone to pick it up."

"No, I need specific notebooks and textbooks. You won't get the right ones. I need to go. Besides, we can only go when Ivy's out and only I know her schedule." He looked at me dubiously.

"If you're trying to play me..."

"You'll what? Spank me?" I smirked.

"Worse." I resisted the urge to take a step back. His eyes looked more feral than Damian's. "You'd probably still enjoy it though." And then he left me alone. The door locking loudly behind him. For moment I just stood there, in the centre of the room, taking it all in. As far as prison's went, this wasn't too bad. And he said it would only be my prison for a few days, then I had the whole house at my disposal. Lucky me.

I took a deep breath and clenched my fists, trying to stop my shaking hands. If I thought too hard about it I was going to have a breakdown. I could feel the hysteria climbing up my throat. Anxiety like ice in my veins, making my chest tight, begging me to run and fight, or cry and scream - anything. But I wouldn't give them the satisfaction. These guys may have been crazy but they seemed to be smart, and if they were keeping me prisoner then there was definitely a camera in here. So I clamped down my anxiety, let the tears burn the back of my throat and calmly made my way back to the bed where I lay down.

Kian hadn't responded to my request to let me go to my apartment myself, he'd just left. I had no study materials, no phone, no laptop, no TV, no books. There was nothing in the room to amuse myself with, so I just settled in for a nap. I didn't think with all the thoughts rolling around in my mind that I would fall asleep so easily. I especially didn't think I would sleep with the imminent threat of danger, they were murders and Damian had bitten me, but the bed was soft and the room was warm, and I didn't have anything better to do.

Sometime later, Danny reappeared. I glared at him. It was his fault I was in this position. He was the one that had brought me home to his friends, which had lead to me witnessing a murder, which lead to me being held prisoner. He came to sit on the edge of the bed, and I scooted away, pressing myself up against the headboard.

"Before you start yelling at me about how this is all my fault. Think about all the orgasms you got."

"Fuck you."

"It was definitely more than five. Possibly even ten?"

"Those orgasms are not worth my liberty!"

"What if I gave you more? Would your lack of liberty be worth it then?"

"Fuck. You." He just gave me that same panty-dropping smirk that had gotten me here in the first place. So I ignored it. I wasn't going to let him get me into any more trouble. I snuggled back down under the covers and rolled away from him.

"We're going to have lunch and then head to your place." I rolled over, he'd piqued my interest. He waved his phone at me. "What do you want?"

"Five Guys." I smirked.

"Four not enough?"

"Not nearly enough."

He leant down close. I tried to roll back away but he caged me in, his forearms on either side of my head, "Are you saying you weren't satisfied last night?"

I ignored him, "I want a bacon cheeseburger and the cajun style fries." My voice came out a lot breathier than I wanted. "Oh and a vanilla milkshake, they're so good."

"If I'm getting a milkshake, then I'm pouring it over your tits and licking it off." I stared at him, dumbfounded, open-mouthed, as what he said computed in brain.

"Do i-Do it get to drink my milkshake first?" I manage to stutter, dumbly. There was no beating around the bush with these boys. My brain was no longer functioning, my body was automatically responding to him and his words. My back arched, pushing my breasts up, closer to his mouth

"Sure, you can drink yours. I was just telling you what I'd do with mine." He shrugged, not so subtly looking at my tits, his licked his lips. He dipped his head and I arched higher, begging for him to put his mouth on me. But then he pulled back, staring into my eyes. "Still such a good little slut for us."

And then he was gone. And I was alone again, but this time very horny.

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