Chapter 4

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I awoke alone, which I was more than disappointed about. I was greedy and I wanted more. I needed more, the chances of me finding four men who worshipped my body like they had last nigh ever again was next to zero. I honestly had been expecting to wake up with a head between my thighs. These men were givers. Generous lovers. And I was more than happy to lap up every drop of pleasure they gave me. And boy did they give pleasure. I had not felt pleasure like that before, I literally had seen stars - multiple times. I don't even know how many orgasms they had given me.

But now I was by myself, suddenly wondering if it had been all a dream. I was still in what I had assumed was Damian's room. And the reminder of them lingered on me, in the ache between my thighs, the fingertips imprinted on my hips and the bite marks on my boobs.

Disappointed in the lack of hot morning sex but not wanting to overstay my welcome, I cleaned myself up as best I could in the en-suit, scrubbing off last nights make-up and finger-combing my hair and then dressed quickly.

As I was making my way downstairs I heard voices from the living room, so thought I would pop my head in to say goodbye, you know, to be polite. Swinging round the doorway the first thing my eyes focussed on was the gun. The gun Kian had pressed against another mans forehead. I'd never seen a gun in real life before and now being within a few feet from one, my blood ran cold. James, Danny, and Damian all stood around casually, drinking whiskey, as if this was a totally normal occurrence on a Saturday morning. Maybe it was. And all I could wonder was who the hell had I just fucked. They hadn't appeared to have noticed me yet and I wanted to keep it that way. Hopefully I could just back away from the doorway and run out of the house without them noticing.

"Your actions have consequences Reid." Kian said to the man he held at gunpoint. And then he shot him. Blood splattered on his crisp white shirt. I screamed. I couldn't help it. I'd never seen someone get shot before. I'd never seen a dead body. I'd never head a gun shot this close. It had my ears ringing and my legs stumbling back a few paces. "Oh Princess, you should have stayed in bed." All eyes were now on me. Even the body on the floor, his eyes were open and staring at me, unseeing. "Damian, do it." With my attention on the body on the floor, I hadn't noticed Damian come up behind me. He pinched a nerve in my neck and I crumpled, everything went black.

When I regained consciousness I was tied to a bed. I wasn't in the room we fucked in last night. This room was light and airy, all white and neutrals and did not looked lived in at all. It also felt far more feminine, maybe it was the four poster bed, or the plush rug on the carpet. In front of the bed was a large, regal-looking gold-framed mirror. To the left, tall french doors led out to a balcony, or maybe a patio. On the right there was a door which I assumed led onto the hallway. But there was also two similar doors to my left, by the headboard, maybe a closet and an en-suit?

I took in all of this information as I squirmed my way out of the ties around my wrist. Each wrist had been tied to an opposite bed post and thankfully they had only used some kind of silk ribbon, so it wasn't painful as I twisted and pulled my wrist free. With one hand free I was making quick work of the other when the door opened.

"Tsk tsk tsk, did you really think you could escape little girl." I sat frozen on the bed as Damian stalked towards me. Damian, the feral one. His eyes so dark they were almost black, making him look completely unhinged. "Good effort though." He leaned over me, freeing my other wrist, and then yanking me forward and turning, so he sat on the bed and I straddled him.

"Let me go." I struggled against him, thrashing and hitting out at him.

"Fight me all you want baby, it just turns me on." As if to prove his point, he thrust up against me. In his tight slacks I was easily able to feel his hard length pressing up against my core. I was assaulted by flashbacks of last night and the way he had used that hard length to make me come so effortlessly - my traitorous vagina getting wet at the memories, failing to recognise we had just essentially been kidnapped. Damian managed to catch both of my hands and easily secured them in one of his, pulling me against his chest. I fought to keep my breathing neutral and remember the situation I was in but his lips started to trail along my neck, and for a fleeting moment it was last night, and I had four men worshipping my body in the most incredible ways. My hips ground down against him involuntarily.

But it wasn't last night. In the harsh daylight, the truth stared me in the face. I had gone home with a stranger last night and now I was facing the consequences. Because apparently that stranger and his three friends were murderers. As I started to struggle against him again, determined not to let him distract me with sex, he closed his mouth over the juncture of my neck and sunk his teeth in - biting me hard.


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