Chapter 11

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A/N/ : Hey babes! This is a strange chapter, but it's sort of lengthy, but i am already writing the next chapter. Tell me how this is, because i wrote it quick for you all xD and i did it in a new way. Someone told me it would be good and dramatic and leave the charecters, but make them disconected.

Chapter 11

“Niall?” Zayn asked slowly as he crept through the doorway. The wide shouldered shirt dangles off of his frame, days of hunger and fear and tests shadowing his face. He was all corners and cut bones and angles now, his dark skin pulled taut over his bones. Zayn’s wings ached, his spine stung, and his knees shook from days upon days of testing and poking and prodding. He had tried counting them in the beginning, but eventually the only way to tell time was the minutes between his hunger pains and the pound of his head and the thick, sandpaper tongue in his mouth.

Zayn kept walking towards Niall, the carpet of a strange room soft underneath his cold feet. How long had Niall been here, alone? Had they tested him too? Niall was curled in on himself, so his bare spine was visible to Zayn, his back bone sticking out and his shoulder blades pressing against his skin. He looked small, with his tiny fingers rolled into a fist, and his toes against the padded wall, his legs forming a V where they press into his chest and tuck neatly under his chin.

Niall makes no move as Zayn continues to take slow, shallow steps towards the fragile boy. “Niall, buddy, it’s me, okay?” Zayn sinks silently to his knees, edging his hand towards Niall trembling rib cage. “It’s me, alright? You’re okay. It’s okay. It’s me. It’s me Zayn.” Zayn took a deep breath, his brain was numb from the many drugs infused with his blood, and Zayn slowly set his fingers on Niall’s ribs.

A dreaded scream tore from his throat, blood warm in Zayn’s veins as he threw himself backwards in fear. “Oh, God, Niall!” Zayn shouted as he cupped his hands over his ears. Niall rolled onto his butt, screaming, never stopping. It was endless, curdling desperately and floating in the air above him. It swept coldly through the room like a wind. Zayn tried to shout over the piercing scream, “Please! Niall! It’s me! It’s me!” It was useless, and Zayn cowered back, cringing in on himself and pushing his palms into his ears, trying to block the teeth rattling noise.

It took a while before Niall petered out. “Harry?” Niall panted; his cheeks and neck painted scarlet, his chest heaving up and down breathlessly. “Harry?” He screeched again, whipping his head around, his blond hair flopping into his eyes, the brown like a tree root creeping from his scalp and to the tips. His lips were curled like a feral dogs, his eyes ringed with a horrible mixture of purple and black. His left cheek was a throbbing blue, and his neck had dotting bruises, the small, pear shape of fingertips. His skin was pale and washed out under the fluorescence.

“Zayn?” Niall asked, getting onto his knees, shuffling rapidly over to Zayn. Tears climbed down his cheeks, and Niall reached his fingers out gingerly. “No,” He shouted, yanking his hands back and covering his eyes. “No! No! No!” Niall’s body shook harshly, his teeth clanking together. He peeked out between his fingers, “You’re not here!” Niall trilled, and a chill shot down Zayn’s spine as he watched the young man. “You’re fake! So I mustn’t touch you! I mustn’t!” Niall rocked back onto his hunches, a peal of his laughter hanging itself in the air delicately. “If I do touch you, I’ll realize you aren’t really here!” He touched his index finger to his lips and let his eyes close delicately, “So for now, I’ll sit here and listen to your breathing.”

The Gifts -Narry & Ziam- (AU) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now