The Gifts -Narry Storan-

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The Gifts

Five completely different boys, with five different beginnings, coming from five different hometowns are all bearers of wonderful powers. Telekinesis, wings, glass shards, a brain that fits things like puzzles, and hands that can heal. When each boy is kidnapped from their daily lives and thrown into a world of cages and blood tests, each of them must look deep into themselves, and deep into each other, to find a place where they truly belong and a place their hearts can call home. The group of five unlikely heroes must start from the ground up to form a friendship, and maybe something more, and they must defy all odds to win over the world. When every eye is against them, the freaks, the bottom of the food chain, what will it take to win over the people and their hearts?

The Gifts -Narry & Ziam- (AU) *Completed*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ