15: The Resurrection Stone

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The next few days are spent with Severus. Im suprised he let me stay.

I told Draco almost everything. And he has been very supportive.

After I checked his mental shield myself.

Have I told you how good I am at occlumency and legitimency now? No? Well now you know.

He also told me about his life. How his dad Lucius ignored him since he was a child and how he only wanted an heir not a child.

They are very different things. Draco gave me a 10 minute speech about it.

And now since I know him better, he seems like a nice kid. Just, hidden under the perfect Slytherin mask. And nobody knew about it.

I had come with my trunk here. So, I didn't have to worry about clothes.


I gave Pettigrew to Severus. And let me tell you, he has been creative.

I will save you the details.

It's bad. But he'll recover in time. And I'll oblivate the last 20 days of his life on new years eve, when i plan to tell Sirius and Remus the truth.

Although the house was small, it was comfortable.

It was nice. Just the 3 of us.

But it has to end today.

This is the beginning.

Im going after the hocrux in Little Hangleton. The recurection stone.

I've told Draco and Severus about going alone but they insisted to cone along. But I'm not going to let them go into the house.

On the happy side, we decide that we liked each other and severus said that he would miss our bickering. He actually said that!!!

So, we decided that we would meet every Wednesday evening for some quality time and lessons.

I will be looking forward to that.

"Draco hurry up before I leave you here" I call out for the hundredth time.

"Yeah well. If you had as amazing hair as mine, you'd want to stare at your beautiful reflection too, bird-nest." He says coming down dressed in muggle clothes. It was a weird sight.

He is so annoying.

You know thoes annoying flies that just annoy the heck out of you bit when the dissapear you start to miss them? Just me? Okay.

"I know how to apparate and I will be apparating you 2 to the place. Ready?" I ask.

'You know how to apparate!?' Harry asks in my head.

'Technically I know the theory that I read about through your experience. I thing I can manage. We can find out' I say back.

'The day of death. The joy.' Harry said in a duh voice.

"Hold my hands. Let's go" I held out my hands.

We were standing in a secluded corner of the neighborhood.

They held my hand. Draco looked kind of nervous.

"Chill. I'll try not to splinch you. Or kill you" I mutter the last part.

And before he could react, I focused in the graveyard. Because that's the place I can imagine well.

I felt like I was getting squeezed in a tube. And suddenly in on land again.

It's a good thing I didn't eat a lot. I would have ended up like Draco.

His platinum blonde hair was a mess and he was puking his guts out. Severus rushed to his side and was rubbing his back.

And then he hands him a potion that he took out from his shirt pocket.

Severus was wearing a black shirt and black jeans. And I guess he knew about Draco's apparation-sickness.

After all was sorted and Draco was well enough to be sarcastic we continued on our journey and reached The Gaunt cottage. I could hear the snakes chattering.

Gosh! They are worse than old ladies.

But I was prepared. I got my snake, sliza- you remember him right? Small, easily hidden an old one who's word is valued by other snakes?

I got him along.

"Now, guys after this I go alone. I promise I won't die." I say with fake enthusiasm.

They didn't look very convinced but they let me go.

I noticed that Severus has become very protective of me.

I went into the cottage. It was no suprise that the cottage was filled with Insects, magical and muggle, creepers and snakes. A lot of them! Its a Good thing I like snakes.

"Listen here fellow snakes. We mean you no harm. We just want to rid the world of an evil. And for that we need your help, will you cooperate with us?" Sliza asked the snakes that Were present there.

"What is it that you want?" A grumpy snake asked.

"Yesss tell us quickly so that we can eat this boy in peace" another one hissed.

"Im afraid eating me is off the table dear snakes" I say in parseltounge.

A lot of hissing followed.

"Another speaker!? Why is he here?" Etc. Etc.

"Who is it that dares to disturb my slumber!?" An angry female voice hiss-bellows. (It's a new word that I made.)

"Beth? I thought you died." Saliza says, shocked.

"You know her?" I asked.

"She is my mate. The queen." He says. Sorry. Hisses in a fond voice.

"Sliza!? Where were you!? I was trapped. The snakes can't get out and neither can I." Beth hissed the last part softly.

"Oh Beth dear. How I've missed you. This is Harry. He is here to free you. We only need one thing. It's a ring. With a stone on it. Do you know where it is?" Sliza asked.

"Yesss sslizzzaaa. I can get it for you, as your human will die due to the curse surrounding it." Beth tells us.

"Thank you Beth. I really appreciate it." I thanked Beth.

Beth came back after a few minutes with the ring. And I leviated it into my moleskin pouch.

"Do you want to spend time with your mate Sliza?" I asked my snakie-bestie.

"That would be nice Ruby. Thank you" sliza told me.

"It's you life sliza. You can live it any way you want" I tell him.

"You are kind youngling. Although I wouldn't have listened to you even if you did order me around."

I giggle at that at that.

"Come back whenever you feel Like. I trust you know the way?" I asked.

"Yess. I'll be back sssoon"

With that, I left him behind. Little did I know.

The chapters are getting longer. Yay. How long do you like the chapters to be?

Im new at this author thing and I never expected myself to get the courage to write stories, so feel free to inform me of what I'm lacking. Just keep it polite.

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