3 : Danger my dog

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As the knight bus stopped, I saw the minister.

"Harry, my boy how are you? You know it's not safe to travel alone. Especially when Black is still at large. " he kept talking about how Sirius wants to kill me and how i should stay safe.

"I will get you a room for the rest of the summer in the leaky cauldron. Be careful Harry"

With that he took his leave and left me alone in my room.

'Do we tell padfoot that we know?' Asked Harry.

'No, not yet' I told him

" come one padfoot let's get you groomed" I say to padfoot and take him to the bath.

'This is going to be awkward' I thought. And guess what?

The nosy 13 year old who lives in my head couldn't help himself and asked-

'why? What's so awkward about washing your dog? Even if it is my long lost uncle?'

'Hey dumbhead. I'm not actually a boy. So for me, washing a grown man is kinda awkward.

'Sorry' he said back. Quite sheepishly.

Once I finally finished bathing and cleaning and cutting his hair and.. you get the point. Grooming him, we head down for food.


I order a butterbeer for myself and a steak for padfoot.

And boy was it good.

I've had Butterbeer before.

Being a dedicated fan and not having Butterbeer is a crime.

But nothing. I mean NOTHING can compare to this.

Just as i was about to get one more i saw Arthur Weasley walk in. With the rest of the Weasley family and Hermione and crookshanks and guess who else?

The rat. Pettigrew. Or in this case- scabbers.

Padfoot stated barking. A lot.

"Shut up padfoot." I say. And he goes silent. But he continues to give Pettigrew murderous looks.

The rat was trying to free itself from Ron's hold and tried to flee but I pit him in a non verbal body binder.

Harry, the real one was a true genius. He could give Hermione a run for her money. But he never showed it in fear of the Dursleys.

So automatically, I too had Harry's abilities. With a little more practice during my stay at the leaky cauldron I managed to master a few simple non verbal spells

And since I, I as in Ruby me, is 19 the trace doesn't affect me.

Being a true fan I am, I had learnt the wand movements of most of the spells.

It wasn't that hard.

Now back to the matter at hand.

I asked Mrs. Weasley to conjure a cage for dear scabbers so that he stays *safe*.

Step 2 : check.
I had scabbers !! Yes!

Mr. Weasley calls me to the side to tell me about The Almighty and Dangerous Sirius Black.

"He killed 13 people Harry. 13 people with one curse. He is dangerous. Promise me you'll stay away from him " Yada Yada Yada.....

I stopped paying attention

But Harry, the one inside my head, was.

I was just nodding my head.

"Do you understand me Harry?" Arthur asked.

"Yes I do Mr Weasley."

"I'm sure my new pet will take care of me. Won't you paddy?"

Padfoot nods his head in an excited manner.

We go back and sit with the rest of the family.

"It's good to see you alive mate" Donald, sorry. Ronald says.

"Yes Harry" Hermione adds

"It good to see you guys too" I say back. Genuinely meaning it.

Because OMG! Ron and Hermione!!!! And they look exactly like Emma and Rupert !!!!

Fangirl moment.

Also what is that feeling?
'I kinda like Hermione, i think you feel it too' Harry says shyly in my head.

Oh. Okayyy. I hope it's a temporary crush and it will pass, because I am straight. I'm not homophobic, but it's still a wierd feeling to feel an attraction towards a girl.

We sit and dine peacefully for the rest of the night.

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