Chapter 14: Family Reunited

Start from the beginning

"I could give it a shot, I at least know how to turn it off now." You said, approaching Flowey.

"Turn what off. No! Don't use your weird magic on me! I hate the color green!" Flowey screamed.

"No you don't! You and I wore it all the time!" Chara said, standing up and crossing her arms.

"Shut up! Buttercup doesn't freaking know that! Ugh!" Flowey retorted.

" you not want to turn back, Asriel?" You asked, crouching to his level.

He was silent for a moment.

"That name. It's... It's been a long time. Longer than you could ever imagine, Buttercup.. I'm not sure.. This is all so new to me.." He hesitated.

"It's ok if you need time, I'll always be ready to turn you back but... your family misses you. I'd be more than happy to welcome you in as a brother.. Asriel." You admitted, carefully putting your hand gently on his head.

"...Eh. What the heck. What's the worst you can do, turn me into another kinda plant?" He rolled his eyes.

You laughed, "I.. don't think I can do that."

You stand up, stretching and shakily putting your hands out, taking a deep breath.

Papyrus put a hand on your shoulder, quickly easing your nerves.

"YOU CAN DO THIS. JUST LIKE BEFORE!" He said happily, giving a thumbs-up with his other hand.

"I would close your eyes if you don't wanna be blinded Asriel." Chara said.

"Huh?" Flowey said, looking at you as you closed your eyes tightly, focusing on the flow of magic.

"What? What are you talking about- AGH MY EYES!" He screamed, a blinding light encompassing the ruins as far as it could reach.

You quickly slowed the flow of magic from your soul, stopping it completely before opening your eyes.

"MY EYES! MAKE IT STOP!" Asriel writhed in the flower bed.

Instead of Flowey before you, it was a... goat man? Definitely younger and smaller than Asgore, but a goat man none the less.

"Haha, nice goatee, Asriel." Sans said, us all turning to see him.

"SANS?! WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?" Papyrus said surprised.

"...WAIT. WAS THAT A PUN!?" He added angrily.

"THE LIGHT, IT BURNS!" Asriel twisted and turned.

"SHUT UP AND OPEN YOUR EYES YOU IDIOT!" Chara screamed, kicking Asriel in the side.

"Ow! Oh. Oh wow, I have hands!" Asriel said, sitting up, "Oh. I'm old. Ew."

"Sorry... I don't have any control over that." You laughed nervously, rubbing the back of your head.

"No worries," He said, standing up and towering over you, "...did I grow 20 feet or something?"

"You're not that tall! Rude! Well, compared to how tall you were as a flower, you might as well have grown 20 feet." You admitted.

Toriel quickly broke into tears, grabbing both Chara and Asriel, pulling them into a hug.

"MOM- CAN'T- FEEL MY ARMS-" Chara struggled.

Toriel quickly let go, laughing and wiping her tears away, "Sorry, my dear!"

Everyone seemed to be getting along quite well, except for Sans, keeping his distance from everyone.

He didn't look too great to be honest... he seemed exhausted.

You walked away from the group to Sans, "Hey, you doing ok?"

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