Chapter 33: Torture

Start from the beginning

James chuckled back, "It seems I have plot armour."

The other cadets and adults looked in shock at the several dead enemies around them. The Lance Corporal held out his hands, "Let's see how long that lasts then, name's Luther Morgan, yours?"

James shook his hand, "James Thompson."

Then, an imposing figure walked up next to them. Their shadow loomed over the two. Looking up, James and Luther gulped, noticing it was the Major. She looked them up and down, "Lance Corporal... Cadet, thank you."

Both the kid's eyes widened, surprised, "What?"

The Major picked up a rifle, checking the chamber, "Those who are willing to take a life, grab a rifle or pistol. The rest of you get back on the couch."

One of the instructors called out, "Engines done in, ma'am."

The Senior Officer swore quietly under her breath, "Enemy reinforcements could be on the way, we need to get out of here."

The cadets were silent, shocked at what just happened.

One of the other Cadet non-commissioned officers ground their teeth together before shouting, "YES MA'AM!"

A fire was lit under the cadets as they repeated the two words, "Yes ma'am!"

The non-commissioned officer gave an order, "Get into your detachments, we need to move!"

Grabbing rifles and pistols, the remaining adults quickly checked their chambers. James picked up a bloodied rifle, it was M4 style. Pulling the slide back he let a round slam into the chamber. Then he lifted a plate carrier off one of the dead, before clipping a holster to his belt.

The other cadets had already started to move across the woodblock, all running as detachments. James looked down the road noticing a shine in the distance, suddenly an autocannon tore through the trees, incinerating several cadets and injuring a few others.

James dived to cover as the gun turned to him, crawling into a ditch it opened fire. He heard shouts and screams as he covered his head from the gunfire. We heard bullets from smaller arms land around him, immediately rolling over he fired several rounds, the first two enemies fell into the ditch next to him as their blood splashed his face and he started to choke at the horrific feel of someone else's blood seeping into his mouth, he turned over spitting it out. Then he felt a hard object hit him in the back of the head. Falling onto his front he spun around drawing a sidearm, he emptied it on the man in front of him as they fell on top of him. Chucking the pistol to the side he attempted to free the rifle from the corpse's side. Just as he did it was kicked from his hands before he felt a foot slam into his face.

And he blacked out.

James shook, coming back to the present day, Mclaw sat ahead of him. A dark look had grown on Mclaw's face, "What happened next?"

James clenched his fist. Part of him still ached from the painful memory, but another part of him knew he needed to tell it, "I remember waking in the forest, it's what we know as an NZA harbour area."

He started to recount the events of his capture.

Waking up he looked left and right. He was knelt with a member of the NZA holding him up. As soon as James noticed the skull face, he brought his face back and slammed it forward. Making contact, the enemy yelled as they fell backwards. James yelled out beneath the gag in his mouth at the pain he just received by headbutting the enemy.

The enemy stood up and just stared at him, then pulled a blade from his side. James gulped staring the enemy straight through the eyes. Immediately he put the knife to James's chin cutting him.

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