Chapter 19: A Little More Than Emotional Support

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Location: Somewhere above Central California

Unit: The Winged Hussars

Date: July 21th, 2021 CE

"So they're Delta eh, over?" Firework called over the radio.

Kalinichenko responded, "So you saw the badge as well?"

Wolf joined in, "That Operator did drop the badge in front of all of us."

The six aircraft flew together in an arrowhead formation. MiG29s alongside F35s and an F22. But below them flew several heavily armed A10s equipped to take on columns of tanks, in total there were six of them. Bringing the convoy escort to twelve aircraft and thirty-two Delta Force Operators.

A call came in over the radio, "Hotel Squadron, this is the convoy escort unit, long-range scanners have picked up several Bogeys at our 12 o'clock. Break. Can you handle them? over."

Wolf received the warning and replied in kind, "This is Hotel-1, we hear you loud and clear. Break. We will need to conduct our own investigation before we strike."

Hotel Squadron was the cover name given to the Winged Hussars to prevent them from being targeted and found. It was also only used on escort or Close Air Support missions to protect those who the squadron was defending.

Wolf changed his channel back to squadron only before speaking, "Ghost, apparently, we have an enemy aircraft in proximity to our position."

Ghost checked his onboard radio, "I can't see anything..." he paused, decreasing the size needed for entities to show up, "Found it, doesn't look to be an aircraft, drone maybe?"

Wolf bit his lip, "What's the chances of it being armed and looking for us?"

Ghost thought for a second, "High, very high."

Wolf turned back to call the convoy, "Convoy, this is Hotel 1, we believe that the aircraft you picked up may be an unmanned drone, we advise you to hold back while we check it out, over."

A reply from an American radioman came through, "Understood, halting here, over."

Wolf turned back to his squadron, "Right, Firework, Rockslide, with me, the rest of you continue the escort."

Ghost called out, "Understood," changing to air-to-air missiles.

The two F35s and an F16 broke formation and headed towards the target.

Wolf called out, "Go in slow, if it's a drone we don't know its capabilities, it could be able to hover and change its angle while hovering."

Wolf wanted to kill it on his first run, a drawn-out fight with a computer program would only result in disaster.

The jets continued forward. Ready for combat.

Rockslide spoke, "I can see it on my radar, it's close."

Wolf nodded, "We just passed over the crash site as well," looking at his instruments he noticed the dot stop, "Bogey has stopped moving It may be hovering."

"I have sight!" Rockslide called out, "No cockpit, it's a drone."

Wolf was the fastest to the trigger, "Fox-1! Fox-1!"

A missile flew off the side of his aircraft. Its sleek white warhead flew forward propelled by the rocket attached to its back.

Wolf was silently watching the missile.

The drone floated there... what was it doing, the pilots wondered.

At the last second, it flipped dodging the missile. Shooting off it started to speed forward. Towards the incoming F16.

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