Case50: Real Side

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When Felix, Chan and the man who looked like a doctor reached the end of the corridor, Chan stopped, looking at younger.

If he said he wasn't worried, he would be lying, if anyone found out that a policeman like him paid a bribe to see a serial killer, he would definitely be fired, and on the other hand, he couldn't leave Felix alone with him.

"Only 10 minutes and you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

Chan said and put his hand on Felix's shoulder, the hall in front of them was big, all white. there was a table in the middle of the hall and two chairs on each side, the whole place was surrounded by glass.

"I will be ok Chanie...thanks for everything."

Felix smiled and placed his hand on Chan's large hand, hoping he wouldn't hear his heartbeat.

Chan sighed as Felix entered through the glass door. He felt strange, he had a little regret deep down that he had brought him here.

Felix didn't know, but all their conversations would be overheard, Chan wanted to know more about Hyunjin.

Felix's whole body was trembling, finally it was the time. His heart was racing, his body was heavy, His feelings were mixed.

He stared at the door in front of him, probably Hyunjin would come any moment, he put his hand on the table, he tried to look calm.

He was happy, he was going to meet the love of his life after a long time, he missed him more than anything.

He knew that they couldn't have physical contact but he really wanted to hug him. adrenaline was rushing all over his body, something he hadn't experienced in the past months.

When the door's sound was heard, Felix's heart stopped, the shadow of three figures could be seen.

Two big men were on either side of Hyunjin, holding his arms. He was wearing white hospital clothes and his hands were handcuffed. There was a chain attached to the handcuffs that continued to his ankles.

His face was as emotionless as ever, his blonde hair was loose down to his shoulders, his eyes were colder than before.

He spent almost every day in a small dark room, doing nothing but staring at the walls, he was one of the most dangerous patients there.

The doctors used various pills and treatments, he became like a laboratory mouse, they were trying to improve in the experiment on him.

Indeed Hyunjin was one of a kind, A psychopath who was like no other. He was so smart that he had amazed the doctors, also the fact that he used every opportunity to hurt people here couldn't be ignored. his brain function was abnormal.

He had suffered a lot here, they tied him to the bed and gave him electric shocks as much as he could bear, he hadn't even seen the sun so much that he didn't know whether it was day or night.

He was more angry than ever, didn't know at who, probably himself, who was so incompetent and stupid that he let everything become like this.

He couldn't even kill himself, how pathetic he was, when he became so weak? all his plans were ruined and the reason was one thing, his love for Felix.

The person sitting in front of him now was the reason.

What happened to his little Rose, his  Felix...Hyunjin thought. he was so thin that his collarbones could be seen under his clothes.

His under eyes were dark purple, his fingertips were full of wounds, and that bandage around his wrist, god what had he done to himself in Hyunjin's absence.

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