Case38: Agony

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Felix was ready, he was dressed in black from head to toe, chewing his nails nervously.

He was sitting on a leather couch on the first floor, waiting for a man named HongJoong to tell him his first mission.

He didn't know what his mission was, he didn't even think of any possibility, he didn't know if he could handle it or if he was going to fuck it up.

His thoughts were devouring him, He slowly tapped his foot on the floor with the clock ticking, it showed 10 o'clock at night, it was the time.

He was getting nervous that the person he was supposed to see hadn't arrived yet, he sighed and turned his head when he heard the footsteps of someone echoing in the hall.

"Lee Felix."

Hearing the man's deep voice, silver haired jumped. When he came forward and the light made him appear, he stared at him.

He was a serious man with half black and half white hair, light eyebrows and a horrifying smile on his face.

He was wearing a long black coat, black leather gloves and pants, he had a silver cane in his hand, the sound of the cane hitting the ground made him even more strange.


Felix finally answered after a long hesitation, why he had never met Hongjoong before and why did he look like a total freak?

"I'm Hongjoong...and...well... I'm..ah I hate self interaction, I hope we will be good colleagues."

HongJoong stretched his hand towards Felix to shake hands and stared at him with the same smile that hadn't disappeared in the one minute they had met.

Felix shook his hand with a forcefully smile, handling new people was always the highest level of difficulty for him.

"Eh....sure...What should we do, exactly?"

Felix asked and started walking next to Hongjoong. It was still stressful, a little bit too much.

"There's this guy, what was his fucking name, Mr.Woo. we're going to cut his throat haha....However, since you are a newbie, you can murder him however you want, I am not a strict senior."

Hongjoong chuckled and thought of pleasant ways to kill that man. Felix was confused, HongJoong's words weren't illogical at all and also incomplete.

"Who is he, Why should we kill him....I mean...Is it necessary to kill him?"

What a normal question, until the last few weeks he couldn't even think about becoming a killer himself. Now, There was still a big conflict inside Felix for being good or bad, that light candle inside him hadn't yet been extinguished yet.

"Why does it matter? But if it makes you feel better, He is one of the biggest drug smugglers in Seoul and  for a record, he runs a brothel...Most of them are children."

The rest of Hongjoong's words faded into the background of Felix's mind. He was so sick of these worthless people who abused children like this.

"This is very sad....poor come the police didn't do anything?"

Felix asked, of course he had been disappointed with the law for a long time, but he wanted to know, HongJoong laughed loudly, his laughter rang in Felix's ears, half haired hated being asked so many questions, he wanted to choke Felix so badly.

"police knows for sure, most of his customers are polices and shits like them... and you know, I understand that you are new here, but in this fucking world, we're all guilty, It doesn't matter if the person you want to kill has done something bad or not, you can kill who ever the fuck you want.

boss gave you this mission because he thinks there is still some good in you, but us? We kill people for fun and never ask why would we slaughter them, So shut your mouth and do what you are told."

HongJoong wasn't a mean person, he just got angry easily, he had been working as a professional assassin for many years, Maybe because he didn't communicate with people much and everyone was afraid of him, he seemed so cold, but inside he was a person who loved his work and his family.

In fact, HongJoong's words made Felix think deeply, he was always looking for a reason for everything. The half haired man was right, Felix knew every cell in his body was racing to kill a human being and saw them begging him to let them stay alive, but he didn't want to admit it, not yet.

"Sorry I just....I'm just confused... I don't know how I feel, Many things still affect me, amateur huh..?"

Felix said with an awkward smile and got into the car, The feelings he was experiencing  recently were new to him, he knew that he would be fine and be able to handle it but he needed time.

"You're just like him...funny."

Hongjoong said under his breath and started the car. A smile appeared on his lips as he reviewed the memories.

"I know I'm annoying you but can I ask who?"

Felix didn't want to talk to Hongjoong too much or annoy him, but he wanted to know him more, he felt sadness behind those cold eyes.

"Oh I mean Seonghwa....He was kinda like you, he thought that people are worth living, he was very sweet and lovely....but this stupidity is the reason he's dead now, he left me alone in this darkness..."

His eyes sparkled when he started talking about Seonghwa as if he had become a different person.

"did you love...him ?"

Felix asked looking at taller worriedly, he wanted to ask why he died but he didn't want to be rude.

"I guess I had... now I don't feel anything anymore, everyday that passes, the sound of his laughter fades....I rarely even remember his face, it's true that he is fading from my memory, but his empty place hurts my heart."

Seonghwa's image flashed In front of Hongjoong's eyes, his smile used to light up his dark life. He always said that he shouldn't be so brutal, in fact Seonghwa only went on missions with Hongjoong to take care of him.

And in the end, it was Seonghwa who threw himself in to protect Hongjoong and was shot straight through his heart.

Hongjoong found himself having killed all those people there,sitting in a sea of   blood and mourning over Seonghwa's lifeless body, holding his hand and praying for hours so that he would wake up.

But he didn't.

He never understood why that boy saved his life, why did he love him so much? He was just a heartless killing machine, what Seonghwa had seen in him.

"Oh never mind, fuck the past, I don't usually talk about these things with anyone, you know."

Seeing Felix and Hyunjin, reminded Hongjoong of themselves, he didn't want something like that to happen to them, Hyunjin had suffered so much for his family, he deserved a good life. He couldn't see him in agony like himself.

"So tell me about yourself Felix."

*My heart hurt writing Hongjoong past:(*

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