Case5: too Close to the Stars

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"We are now at the crime scene, the victim was an eighteen year old girl. The body's heart has been stolen and a red spi...."

It was as if Felix was sitting at the bottom of a deep pool, the sounds in his head were fading to the point where he could no longer hear them. The reporter on TV was telling the details of the new victim.

Felix was sitting on his knees as he opened the wooden box, he didn't know why he was surprised, he knew from the beginning that he was going to see Jeho's heart in that box.

as if everything had stopped for him in an instant. The red heart.... couldn't deny how shiny it was....but at the same time he felt nauseous.

Tears gathering in his eyes, maybe because of the heart, it was beating in the chest of a young and lively boy a few days ago, but now it was in his hands.


He punched the ground as hard as he could, Maybe because the photo of Jeho's parents stared at him with a piercing gaze, Maybe it was because Felix couldn't bear to lose...he was a loser in the game he started himself.

He didn't know how many minutes he had been staring at the heart. Seungmin pulled the box out of Felix's cold hands and put it aside. He looked at black haired and hugged him.

"Hey pull yourself together....we have a new gonna catch him next time."

Felix pressed his head against Seungmin's shoulder, trying to pour out all his emotions through his tears to become stronger. He was like that since childhood, he couldn't accept failure, he couldn't see anyone above him.

Maybe if he slept less at nights and worked harder, it wouldn't be like this now. Maybe he underestimated his opponent.

"You's just a beginning."

Felix smiled and wiped his tears, he didn't know why he always wanted to show himself strong. He never let anyone know how fragile he was, hidden behind a mask of being tough. He trusted Seungmin, he knew that he was going to be by his side until the end of this game. Seungmin smiled and helped him to stand up.

The old man who worked there hadn't seen the man's face who gave him the box because of his old age and weak eyes. He could only say that he was tall and had a beautiful deep voice.

This information didn't help them at all because they didn't know whether the killer himself brought the box or someone who was working for him.


"Mingi, I want complete and accurate information, whatever you found out, first about Jeho's heart and then new girl."

Felix handed the case to Seungmin and entered the forensic doctor's room, Mingi put his glasses on and put plastic gloves on his hands.

"About the heart......"

Mingi ran his hand through his brown hair and took a deep breath. Felix hadn't even spoken a word from Busan till here.

He was a little nervous because he thought Red Lycoris would be an easy target. It was funny, he thought he was smart when now he was doing everything that murderer wanted, like a puppet in his hands.

Seungmin wanted to sympathize with him as much as he could but older didn't want to talk about anything but the cases.

Reporters were standing outside the police station waiting for an answer. The victim's family wanted to see their daughter's body. It was overwhelming situation and everyone expected Felix to do something.

Mingi looked at Felix, he didn't seem to be in good condition, as if he hadn't rested at all.

"Today's events...well he kept the heart in formalin until today to prevent decomposition. He probably did this with all the hearts he stole so far, the hypothesis is that he taxidermied them. It is not strange that he likes the heart so much, i you know, the human heart and brain are two of the greatest wonders of creation. Formalin has made the heart keep its shape and look fresh, I've never seen anything like this before.

As for the new body, her name is Nina, she was eighteen and studied painting in art highschool....What you should pay attention to is that..."

Felix wrote the important tips in his notebook, writing always helped him to solve problems better. Mingi removed the white cloth from the dead body's hands.

"From these old scars and medical history, I found out she had two failed suicides."

Felix approached and looked at the girl's wrists, which were full of small and large scars from bottom to top. She seemed to be suffering from severe depression.

"There is no sign of conflict, she had a painless death. She wasn't seen after school for days, but her body was found were she last time seen."

Felix frowned and looked at the girl's pale lips. It was strange, but her face gave him the feeling that she had left this world happily.

"Was there any trace of rape? Or that they took her by force?"

Mingi shook his head.

"taking out his heart also happened after complete death, The cause of death is poisoning, And the way the heart was taken out, there was a gap under the chest. He didn't want to harm her body. Just like a heart surgery."

Felix was confused, it seemed that things like sex or torture weren't important to the killer at all.

Once again, his work looks like an artistic sculpture. He couldn't draw any conclusions now. He thanked Mingi and looked at Seungmin.

"I feel the victim had a close relationship with Red Lycoris, as if she asked him to kill her....send two people to talk to her parents."

Seungmin looked at Felix in surprise, his words seem strange.

"Are there really people who want someone to kill them?"

Felix laughed and got into the car, he saw the address of the highschool on the file and they drove towards it.

"I don't think it's strange, and yes, there are many people like this. From the deep wounds on her hands, she didn't seem to be a big fan of living."

*So here we go, another body, I should really go to sleep now uhhh..*

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