Case34: Fallen Star

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Felix felt numb, he could no longer stand on his feet, suddenly he lost all his energy. He collapsed on his knees. The smell of blood made him want to throw up as his tears flowed uncontrollably.

Hyunjin quickly came to him worriedly and hugged him, kissed his forehead and let him calm down a bit, he knew that this situation was new for him so it was normal for him to be overwhelmed.

The sound of Felix's sobs filled the whole room, he wanted to stay forever in Hyunjin's safe arms, no one could hurt him there.

He calmed down a bit with Hyunjin's gentle caresses on his hair, he didn't even know why he was crying.

Felix needed that silence and cuddle, the fact that Hyunjin didn't accuse him like the others and didn't ask him for an explanation made him simmer down.

"Let's wash you up, hum?"

Hyunjin looked at Felix with a warm smile, his face and hands covered in dried blood. Felix nodded, he didn't want to be separated from Hyunjin so he pressed his head against his shoulder again.

Hyunjin smiled softly and picked him up like a baby koala. He put his hand under his hips and went to the door, taller looked at the dead body for the last time, Felix's performance was really great, he was really proud of him.

Felix closed his eyes, the smell of Hyunjin's perfume calmed his noisy mind. He put his hands more firmly on his big shoulders and buried his head in his neck to smell his perfume more. All of his worries were washed away.

Until reaching his room, Hyunjin stroked Felix's waist and placed small kisses on his hair, That little bird felt relaxed in Hyunjin's arms with every breath he took.

Hyunjin gently put him on the bathroom sink to take off his clothes. Felix opened his eyes and stared at Hyunjin's tall figure who was opening water to the tub to fill it up.


Felix said under his breath, no one has ever taken care of him like this before. He wasn't sure if he deserved it or not. Hyunjin was the reward for what good thing Felix did in his whole life?

"Yes baby?"

Hyunjin put his hand in the water to make sure it was warm, he turned to Felix and looked into his starry eyes, but smaller quickly took his gaze away, he couldn't look into his eyes.

"Am i a...bad person?"

Hyunjin raised one of his eyebrows and started unbuttoning Felix's shirt.

"Hmmm let me think... person? I don't think you are a person, you are more like a fairy who came a long way here from the world of fairytales to light up this ugly bogy's life."

Hyunjin said with a funny tone and pointed to himself, the expression on his face made Felix giggle. undoubtedly, laughing would make his cute face more beautiful than crying. Hyunjin was happy that he was able to make him laugh, he started laughing too.

"But Jinnie you're not a ugly bogy."

Felix said in a childish voice, puffing his cheeks, Hyunjin sat on his knees and took off Felix's pants.

" I'm not? You think so?"

Hyunjin put his arms around Felix's thighs and lifted him to put him in the tub, he was like a child, a stubborn child.

"No, no, you look like a furry ferret."

Felix laughed loudly, Hyunjin looked like a human-sized ferret. Hearing what Felix said, he frowned and put him in the water, splashing him water.

"If I'm a ferret then you're a chicken, baby chicken."

Hyunjin laughed and tickled him, Felix closed his eyes and splashed Hyunjin water to defend himself. It had been a long time since he had laughed like this from the bottom of his heart.

"Great, baby chicken, you wet my clothes."

Hyunjin huffed and grumbled, rolled up his sleeves and picked up the shampoo to wash Felix's hair. Felix mocked him and stuck out his tongue. Water drops were sitting on his freckles, he looked so unreal, like an angel.

Felix turned his back so that Hyunjin could wash his hair better, he played with the bubbles that was forming on the water.

"Jinnie....The voices...are gone...The voices in my head....They don't bother me anymore."

Felix was staring at the wall in front of him,  He had succeeded in defeating the self-destructive voices in his head that were always scolding him, he had won the war, a war against himself.

"I'm glad you were able to be so strong, I'd like to know how you feel about yourself now."

Hyunjin had a satisfied smile on his face, he was able to help him. He was like a sculptor and Felix was like a broken statue, he had carefully collected all the pieces and put them together so that no one could ever break it.

"It might sound crazy, but... I don't have any regrets for what I did... I might be sad, but what's the point of living if I pour everything inside and never do what I like?"

Felix explained, playing with his fingernails. That man really didn't deserve to be alive.

Felix decided to put himself first, regardless of others, do whatever makes him happy, maybe it was difficult for him to behave like this at first, but he should get use to it from now on. even if his enjoyment comes from killing people, it wouldn't matter anymore.

"I'm glad you're trying to be yourself‌."

Hyunjin gently washed Felix's silky hair. He felt bad when he planned to confront Felix with Jiwon, he thought he was overdoing it. But now he was happy to see the result.

Hyunjin got up and took two towels that belonged to himself, Felix shook his head like a wet cat to dry his hair.

"Come here kitten."

Hyunjin wrapped one of the towels around Felix's thin body and put the other on his hair, drops of water were sitting on his eyelashes, his lips looked pinker than ever and his wet hair added to his cuteness.

Hyunjin couldn't hold back anymore, as he was pulling the towel over Felix's hair, he took his small face in his big hands and smashed his lips to him.

Felix was surprised, after a short pause he kissed him back, a kiss full of passion. Hyunjin's lips were addicted to his soft lips, he wanted to kiss him every moment of everyday.

After a while, both of them pulled back to catch their breath, staring into each other's eyes, drowning in their own world, a world where only the two of them existed, alone together, forever.

Leaving Felix like that when he was staring at him so needily was the hardest thing in the world, but he had to go to work.

For the last time, he kissed his cheek and took his small hands in his. His feelings were uncontrollable, every moment he wanted him more than before.

"I have to go to the hospital now, love."

Felix pouted his lips and lowerd his head down, he didn't want Hyunjin to go. He was afraid that if he left, the voices in his head would return.

"You will come back soon, right?"

Felix said under his breath, staring at Hyunjin with his big puppy eyes. It was hard for taller to control himself, he took a deep breath and smiled fakely, trying to resist himself.

"In the blink of an eye, oh and everyone are waiting for you downstairs, you better go now."

*Hi, hi, hi, hiiiiii, I'm uploading this in university, boring classes god...*

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