Chapter 19: Wedding Bells Ringing

Start from the beginning

"Yeah that's right," Ash replies. Kukui changes the subject and says "Anyways Ash, we didn't just bring you here tonight to gush over your achievements. We actually wanted to ask you something." Ash tilts his head and says "Sure what is it you wanna ask." Burnet and kukui look at each other and hold hands. "Well Ash, we'd like to ask you to come to our wedding in two days time, right on the beach here in Melemele island."

Ash hesitates and says in his thoughts "Wow a wedding. I've never been to one before, it doesn't excite me too much but if it means this much to the Professors then what choice do I have. Plus I guess it can't be to bad to learn about more of this stuff anyway." Ash smiles and says "Of course I'll be there, you guys have been nothing but nice to me since I arrived here. I'll be there and anything you need to set up just ask and I'll take care of it."

"Thank you Ash, it will mean a lot to us both you being there," kukui says. Burnet adds "thank you Ash, could you also do us a favour? Can you please inform Kiawe, Mallow and Lillie, as well and tell them to bring any guests as well that they would like to bring."

Ash says "Sure I'll take care of it." Burnet smiles and says "Ash, if there is anyone else as well from your previous journeys you would like to invite please do as well." Ash smiles and exclaims "I'll think about it." He uses the house phone to contact the others they all agree to attend the wedding in two days. Ash informs Burnett and Kukui of the news and the couple are overjoyed with their responses.

Ash then heads to the spare room and sits down on the bed. He thinks to himself "Huh anyone who would like to come to the wedding. Well I guess I could ask Serena. She would love the Alola region, but then again she's in Hoenn and her journey's going so well. She's won her 5th ribbon and I know she's training hard for the grand festival next month."

Ash thinks "Well, it won't hurt to ask,"and tries to communicate with her. He closes his eyes and focuses hard as he says "Serena can you hear me." After a few seconds his vision changes and he can see through Serena's eyes. Ash can see Serena is awake, the time zone difference has made communication difficult, and he can see it is early morning in Hoenn. she is up and walking around Lillycove city by the pier as tears seep from her eyes.

Ash is intially confused as to why Serena is not only awake but also crying but he quickly remembers back to the events earlier in the day and how Serena sent him a brainwave before he jumped to Nebby. Ash knows that when they send a message to each other their communication will cut out after a matter of seconds. Despite a lot of training it's still not to the point of Ash and Greninja's communication where they are free to speak whenever they please. It then occurs to Ash that she must have disconnected during his leap to safety which would explain his loss of aura at that moment as well as Serena's troubled state, unable to tell if her boyfriend made it to safety or not.

Ash says to himself "She must be awake so earlier because she's worried about me. I'm guessing she hasn't slept at all, maybe she tried to connect with me again but couldn't reach me. Well I guess I should send her a message to let her know all is well. I hate seeing her so sad because of me." Ash thinks deeper and sends a message to Serena.

The honey blonde girl walks along the pier looking out at the ships. Tears of em worry fill her eyes as her mind wonders to her boyfriend, still unsure how he is. She continues to stare off into the night sky before her eyes suddenly widen as a voice fills her ears. "Hey Serena, it's me. I'm okay and I feel really bad that I worried you so much. I'll call you as soon as I can and explain everything that happened. I'm sorry again Serena, please wipe that frown off your face it looks better when you smile. Anyway I love you always and I'll speak to you soon."

Serena looks down at the floor and sheds a tear as she clutches her blue ribbon. She looks up over the pier and smiles on Ash's request. she says with teary eyes "I knew you could do it Ash. I knew you would never give up till the very end." Satisfied with Ash's words she turns around and heads back to the pokemon centre. She is completely exhausted and emotionally drained but can now rest easy knowing Ash is alive and that she will speak with him very soon as well as be given complete closure on what the hell
he was doing.

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