Chapter- 1 Darkness

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🐈‍⬛ 4 Months Ago 🐈‍⬛

Darkness had a habit of working in funny ways. Its ghastly clutches thirsted to swallow every color on the spectrum until all that remained was the pitch-black void; a realm for which the least savory of society loved to dwell. This darkened side of society was constantly at war with the bright smiling revered heroes, yet there were some circles so deep within the bowels of hell that not even the Almight endorsed sunshine-filled heroes could penetrate. Those underground circles required a person whose determination and drive were as resolute as the darkened shadows he loved to walk.

Shinso Hitoshi had spent his entire life dreaming of becoming a hero. He made the impossible possible by moving from general studies to UA's hero course during his first year. He graduated amongst the top of his peers, and he became a pro hero within 2 years.

All of it sounded picture fucking perfect.

But it was hell.

Shinso's violet eyes slowly closed as he tipped his face up to the rain. "Is this what it means to be a hero?"

Thunder boomed in answer, and he shook his wild mane of purple hair humorlessly. "Of course, it's not. This...this is just a speed bump. I-I still have too much work to do."

The monsoon continued to rage, and rainwater mixed with his freely flowing blood. About an hour ago he had lost all feeling, so he was simply numb. Everyone knew the worst kinds of monsters never lie within the shadows; they walk among us with cherry smiles and sinfully sweet lies pouring from their false lips. Shinso's sidekick had set him up to die. The deep necrotic wounds ranging from his cheekbone, slashing across his adam's apple, and disappearing between his pecs were proof of the betrayal.

As the rain continued to wash away hope, Shinso's fractured heart let off one last prayer. "Please tell Denki I love him."

A single tear rolled off his midnight black lashes and it too ran with the river of blood coursing down his chest as he began to feel the eerie cold touch of death coming for him.

"Holy flipping mother of fuzz!"

Shinso hated himself for smiling. Of course, his angel would be the blunt opposite of him. Why not have his last earthly moments mocked by the lighthearted happiness that had always seemed to evade the perpetually exhausted grim insomniac?

"No no no no," the soft feminine voice gasped in Shinso's mind. His tall frame was suddenly shaken rather violently, but he didn't have the energy to even open his eyes.

All he could do was whisper, "just let me die in peace."

The hopeless darkness that had consumed his mind was suddenly punctured by a single ray of laughter. A bell-like sound from the woman he assumed was a messenger to help him onto the next life managed to keep him tethered to reality. "I'm sorry, but you're not going to die today."

He felt small hands wrap around his thick throat. His adam's apple bobbed beneath the gentle touch as he croaked, "leave me."

"I'm never going to leave you, Hitoshi."

The single vow was ladened with so much hope, so much promise, and so much resolve that Shinso used every ounce of strength he had left to open his eyes. As his midnight black lashes parted, he saw what he still fully believed to be an angel. Warm light brown eyes met his iridescent purple ones, and those pools of liquid gold creased as smiling dimpled cheeks pushed up in a beautifully bright smile. Golden blonde hair was plastered to her sweet heart-shaped face and was long enough that the wet tresses were touching his thighs due to being collapsed on the ground.

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