Chapter 17: Trouble In Paradise

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Today is the day. The BIG day, to be exact. It's Della's 24th birthday party today. Although Della only sent the invite to Toni, she invited all of the sisters to come, including Desi. For the past couple of days, Desi had been questioning the invite. She was excited at the first thought of it. Especially when her and her sisters began making plans and discussing what their costumes were going to be. But then, she thought about it. She and Lady hadn't spoken to nor seen each other, outside of school. It was inevitable that they couldn't escape each other at school but, to be around each other? In a public setting? Desi had been having anxiety off and on, for the past week, just thinking about it. Then, she would think about Darren and how she missed him so much. She had to get her man back. So, she decided to go. For the millionth time.

All of the sisters decided to dress up as witches. Even though Della said it wasn't a Halloween costume party, it was still very much a costume party. The girls had decided to wear different colored wigs with their witch costumes. Rez wore a bright, red wig that was cut into a bob, Toni wore an orange wig that looked similar to Daphne's hair from Scooby Doo, Bri wore a green wig that she had braided into two pigtails and Desi wore a middle-part, purple wig that went all the way down to her behind. Even though they had scary makeup on and Rez even wore some fake, vampire teeth, they still looked really cute. Before they left, Eva Marie took a group picture of the girls and Desi posted it on her daily story. As the girls all piled into Rez's car, they went over the plan one more time.

"When we get to the party, we're going to of course speak to Della and give her her birthday gift." stated Rez. "I'm sure she'll show us around or direct us to wherever everybody is or whatever. After that's over, Bri is going to go off to find Darren and Lady. Once she finds them, she's going to walk up to them and make small talk." said Rez.

Then, Bri interrupted her.

"You know, Darren and I are cool. Or... was cool. So, I know he'll talk to me before he talks to anyone of y'all." Bri quickly looked over at Desi and said, "No offense, sis."

Desi rolled her eyes and looked back at Bri. She responded back, coolly. "It's cool, sis."

Rez continued on.

"Bri is and should be the only one with the vial of Le Blanc Serpent à Sonnette.

Right, Bri?" asked Rez, as she made eye contact with Bri. Bri pulled the small, glass vial out of her purse and replied back, "Yes mam."

Rez nodded her head and said, "Good, okay. Now, because Darren lives there and has been there longer than we have, hopefully he'll already have a cup that he's already sipping on. Which if that's the case, Bri, this is going to be your time to shine, baby."

Bri smiled quietly as Rez resumed.

"After Bri has done the deed, she's going to text us in our group chat and let us know. From that point on, we just have to watch how everything plays out." Rez turned around in the driver's seat and began to turn on the ignition.

Suddenly, Desi became doubtful.

"I don't know, y'all. What if the plan doesn't work?" Desi asked.

Bri, who was sitting right next to Desi grabbed her shoulder and said, "It will work, baby sister. Believe me. It will." Bri smiled confidently at her sister. Desi smiled back. The girls left for the party.

The girls arrive at Michael and Darren's house. Desi's heart immediately began to beat at a quick pace. Bri quickly grabbed her hand before they exited the car and gave it a comforting squeeze. They both shared a look with each other and began walking behind Rez and Toni towards the front door. You could hear the bass of the music, thumping through the ground and there were so many cars. Parked up and down the street, as well as, coming into the driveway. Desi noticed this immediately and thought that was good. The girls would have an audience but she secretly wished it wouldn't get that far. Hopefully.

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