Chapter 7: Old Friends

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For the past two years, Desi and Bri always sat together at lunch time. When Desi first started high school, she was so happy to be able to attend with her older sister. That time will be coming to an end soon, as Bri just turned 18 and is currently a senior in high school. Meanwhile, Desi still has two more years to ride out. She always secretly prayed and hoped that she would soon find a good girlfriend to become cool with, so she wouldn't have to sit by herself. Not that Desi found anything wrong with sitting by herself. Before she started going to the same high school with Bri, Bri would always sit by herself.

Both of them have always been the antisocial type, especially because they had to hide their abilities. Just like her sister, Desi learned how to tune people's thoughts out so that she wouldn't always hear what people were thinking or feeling. Being an empath has a way of taking a toll on you, especially when you're able to hear the emotional thoughts of other human beings. Sometimes it can get really loud, even when you're in a room by yourself. As Desi and Bri sat at lunch together, Desi began to think back on a past friendship from when she was in middle school. She always thinks back to this one friendship because not only was it ruined because of her ability but, she actually missed Monie.

Desi met Monie one day after school had ended. They were just hanging out with more friends, who had nothing else to do. After one conversation, it was like Desi met the ying to her yang. They began to have sleepovers with each other almost every weekend and called each other everyday. Like they didn't go to school and wouldn't see each other at the bus stop or just passing by in the halls. This friendship lasted up until one day when Desi and Monie were hanging out at Monie's house and they were all alone. Normally, they'd just chill in Monie's room or go downstairs in the basement, where Monie's dad had a recording studio set up. They both had no business being down there but it always felt fun to chill and relax there, knowing that there were plenty of singers and rappers who had recorded some of their work there.

On this day, Monie and Desi were in the studio, listening to music when suddenly, Desi began to hear Monie's thoughts. Monie had looked across the room and gave a nervous smile to Desi but then looked back down at her notebook while she was writing. She's so pretty. I wish I could tell her how I feel about her. Her smile is just like her mother's, so bright and beautiful. Sometimes I look at her and I just want to kiss her... Desi stopped listening to Monie's thoughts as soon as she heard this. Time passed by and Desi couldn't escape the thoughts she heard from that day. Every time she hung out with Monie, it began to feel weird to her because she knew how Monie felt about her. Desi tried her hardest not to make it weird. She knew she wasn't into girls and that she was only attracted to boys. Thinking back on Monie's thoughts sometimes made her

uncomfortable to be around Monie.

Then, one night, while sleeping over at Monie's, she finally confessed her feelings. Desi and Monie were laying in her bed, watching a movie when Monie got up and turned on the bright pink lamp that sat on her nightstand. She paused the movie, sat up in the bed and looked Desi in the eyes. Desi looked back at her and asked, "What happened? Why'd you pause the movie? It was getting good!"

Monie hung her head down and said really low, "I have something I need to say to you."

Desi sat up in bed and prepared herself, as she already knew or had a feeling of what Monie was about to say.

"Desi, I'm not sure if you know but, for the last year or so, I've been kinda struggling with how I feel about you. At first, when we met, we said we were going to be best friends and I still want you to be that for me. But, I like you. Not in a friendly way but–"

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