Chapter 4: Us Against the World.

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The next morning, Jackie was awakened out of his sleep by Dr. Aggie himself. Jackie raised up from the blue sofa and felt instantly refreshed and rejuvenated. It was as if he hadn't walked all of those miles from West Baton Rouge to Tremé within the past 24 hours. Jackie stood up on his feet and quickly realized that his feet were no longer sore or in pain. He thought back to the night before. He remembered Eva Marie rubbing some type of cream on his feet while they talked.

Damn, that cream she used last night definitely hit the spot, Jackie thought to himself. He was so surprised at how much his feet weren't bothering him so much that he reached down to take one of his socks off. Nothing. Not a scratch or bruise or boil in sight. It was as if his feet were not his. Brand new. Jackie blinked hard just to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Nope. His feet were fully healed. Jackie was amazed by this. Suddenly, he heard the scruffy, deep voice of Dr. Aggie as he sat down in the same rocking chair from yesterday.

"Good morning, son. How'd you sleep?" asked Dr. Aggie.

Jackie was in the middle of looking at his left foot when he responded back to Dr. Aggie.

"Good, sir. Real good."

Dr. Aggie nodded his head in agreement and took a sip of his coffee. Then, he motioned with his hand to Jackie as if to offer him some. Jackie shook his head no.

"No, thank you, sir. Coffee and I have never got along." Jackie chuckled and

rubbed his belly. Dr. Aggie laughed right along with him and said, "Well, it is an acquired taste, especially if you like it dark, like myself."

Jackie smiled and nodded his head. "This is true, sir. This is true."

"I found you a pair of pants to put on and a shirt. I know I'm a big man but, at least you won't be wearing the same thing you've been wearing for Lord knows how long." said Dr. Aggie, as he reached over his left side and grabbed a bundle of clothes off of the table and passed it to Jackie. Jackie grabbed the clothes from him and humbly said, "Thank you, sir."

"Why don't you go ahead and put those clothes on? When you come back out, you can help me set up the shop for the day and we can talk. Yeah?" stated Dr. Aggie. Jackie nodded his head in agreement once again and walked to the bathroom to change.

As Dr. Aggie and Jackie began to set up the shop for the day, they also had a deep conversation. Dr. Aggie inquired about Jackie's past and Jackie gave him the rundown. From his tough beginnings growing up with a single mom who battled on again, off again depression to him finding her lifeless body after coming home from school one day.

Dr. Aggie shook his head at the mention of this and grunted.

"Mmm, tragic."

Jackie proceeded to continue telling him all about his trouble with the law, how he ended up in prison this past time and how he made a promise to himself that when he was released, he would do better. Dr. Aggie smiled and nodded in agreement at this, as he listened to Jackie. By the time they were finished talking, they both could smell the strong scent of fresh, hot breakfast food in the air. Suddenly, Mama Red hollered out, "Breakfast is ready! Y'all come eat!"

As they both raised up from their seats and proceeded to walk towards the kitchen, Dr. Aggie laid a hand on Jackie's shoulder and said, "Son, I know you've had a tough time, especially with how you grew up. It's a wonder to me that you're still here, in the living sense. You know, Louisiana ain't always been the safest place. But I want you to know, just like I said the night before... This place...? The Healing Pointe? It is a safe space, alright?"

Jackie nodded his head, "Yes sir. I appreciate that." Dr. Aggie smiled and said, "Also... I know that you said you were looking for honest work. If you'd like, I could help

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