Chapter 13: "You Mine Now."

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The next morning, Lady was awakened out of sleep to the smell of breakfast. She exited the guest room and proceeded to walk downstairs to the kitchen. As she walked to the staircase, she walked by Darren's room and noticed that his door was wide open but he wasn't in there. He's probably already downstairs, waiting on his plate, thought Lady to herself.

Sure enough, Darren was downstairs already. But to her surprise, he was the one that was cooking breakfast. Lady smiled at this and continued to walk over to the island to sit down next to Michael and Della. Once Lady sat down, Darren turned around as if he sensed her presence. He smiled and winked at her. Lady smiled even harder and winked back. Meanwhile, she noticed that Michael had his head down on the island. He was still nursing his hangover and Della was sitting right beside him, rubbing his back.

Lady decided to throw in a light joke by first telling everybody good morning and then, asking Michael, "Are you feeling any better this morning, Michael? Because last night, you had a ball!" Michael slowly lifted up his head and looked down at Lady.

"And boy, am I paying for it. I haven't gotten drunk like that in years. It felt good at the moment but now... I'm just glad to be sitting here, talking to y'all this morning." said Michael, as he took a sip of orange juice. Lady chuckled to herself and took a sip of orange juice, too.

Then, Darren began to pull out four plates out of the cabinet. He placed a dish in front of Lady, Della and Michael and sat the other dish next to Lady, for himself. Not he

sitting directly beside me this morning. Ok then, Onzancaire! Work your magic!, thought Lady to herself. Darren also began serving the food onto everyone's plate: waffles made from scratch, cheese eggs, cheese grits and sausage links. Everybody began to eat their breakfast and start up a conversation about last night's party.

After breakfast, Darren received a FaceTime call from Desi; he instantly ignored it. Lady saw this and smiled evilly to herself. After Lady and everyone else placed their dishes in the sink, she proceeded to walk back upstairs to the guest room. Before she could enter, Darren stopped her in the hallway.

"Hey, Lady. Do you know when you and Della plan on leaving to go back home?" he asked.

Lady thought about it and shrugged her shoulders in response. "I don't know. I'm guessing probably after Michael starts to feel a little bit better from the hangover." Darren laughed at her statement and said, "Knowing my Pops, it'll be a minute before that happens. Do you have any plans for today?"

"No, not really. You know, Desi's the only person who I really hang out with at school and if she's doing anything, she'd more than likely call me or text me or something. Outside of that, no. I was just probably going to pack up my stuff and lay around, chilling or whatever until it's time to go." stated Lady.

Darren nodded his head, in agreement. "I feel you, I feel you. Well, I was thinking about going to the movies. Did you wanna come with me?" asked Darren.

"Of course! That sounds fun."

Lady and Darren left out for the movies around 3pm that afternoon. As they rode to the movie theaters in Darren's car, Darren reached over and grabbed Lady's hand. When Lady felt Darren's hand on hers, she immediately turned her head from looking out the window to making direct eye contact with Darren. Darren smiled at her and lightly squeezed her hand. Before Lady could smile back at him, Darren received another FaceTime call from Desi. Darren's face and mood instantly changed. He reached over to his phone mount and pressed the ignore button.

"Man, Desi has been blowing me up all day today. If it ain't a FaceTime call, it's a text or a regular voice call. Shit starting to get on my nerves. Like, what the fuck is she so pressed for?" said Darren.

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